"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Put A Bow On It

My World Series coverage comes to an end today with one final piece for SI.com, in which I list five things I took away from the 2008 fall classic.

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1 Shaun P.   ~  Oct 30, 2008 8:13 pm

Cliff, I thoroughly enjoyed your SI previews. Thanks for sharing them with us.

I wonder if things would have been different if our old friend Tom Gordon didn't get hurt. He was so ineffective that maybe Manuel would have bumped him out of the 8th inning slot anyway. Anyone know if Manuel is a loyal guy in the regard?

I also find it interesting that, given the Twins uncommon bullpen woes this year, two of the relievers to feature big for both teams were ex-Twins: JC Romero (who at least netted them Alexi Casilla), and Grant Balfour (who, IIRC, Wayne Krivsky grabbed off waivers when he got the Reds' GM job). The number of quality major league arms that organization has pumped out over the last few years is just incredible.

2 OldYanksFan   ~  Oct 30, 2008 8:37 pm

Nice writeup Cliff. As you pointed out, Maddon's moves were very questionable. But the guy is not dumb. I wonder what his thinking was in those 2 situations.

From ESPN: The Philadelphia Phillies' five-game victory over the Tampa Bay Rays on Fox drew record-low ratings. The series averaged an 8.4 rating and 14 share, the network said Thursday. That's down 17 percent from the previous low

3 monkeypants   ~  Oct 30, 2008 9:10 pm

Not surprising that the ratings were low. The two teams did not represent big markets. More importantly, one game was delayed for two hours, and the series only went five games.

4 OldYanksFan   ~  Oct 30, 2008 9:18 pm

OK... enough with the past.
Tex: Rumors have mentioned 10/$200. This is Boras speak insanity. Remember 8 years for Damon? I think he jumps at 8/$160... IF he is offered that. Sori got 7/$126 and the Cubbies regret that already. Yes, Tex is a better player then Sori... but still.

IF we go after him, I might offer 7/$145. Or 5/$110.

5 monkeypants   ~  Oct 30, 2008 9:21 pm

I would love 5@ $XXXXX, then let him walk and collect draft picks. Not excited about 7+ year deals.

6 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Oct 30, 2008 10:22 pm

[5] i agree with monkeypants. in fact, I still wish they would stay away from Tex and focus on pitching..they have to go into the season expecting less than diddly from the young'uns...

sigh..i miss baseball already...at least the Knicks are going to go 82-0, bay-beeee!!

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