Oh man, this should be a good one. The Yanks and Rays in second-half a rubber game that pits a pair of young live-armed hot-heads against each other in Matt Garza and Joba Chamberlain. Garza, 25, has his strikeout rate up to 8.1 K/9 this year and is coming off a complete game win over the Blue Jays in which he struck out nine. The rejobanated Chamberlain, 23, has allowed just two runs on five hits in his two second-half starts, posting a 1.34 ERA, 0.84 WHIP, and striking out 14 in 13 2/3 innings. I do worry that Joba’s been a bit hit-lucky in those two starts, but having watched them both, the stuff matched the results, with Joba getting his velocity and the sharp break on his slider back.
Standard lineups for both teams tonight, and still no position-player move for the Yankees who keep the extra man in the pen.
Meanwhile, deadline deals are starting to drop (Ryan Garko to San Francisco, Cliff Lee to Philadelphia, the Mariners living in a house with no mirrors). If he averages six innings per start, Joba will have just eight turns left, including tonight, before he hits 150 innings. Will the Yanks blink? Will the new old Joba pitch so well the Yanks can’t take him out of the rotation? These questions hang over Chamberlain’s head as he looks to give the Yankees a series win against a rival intra-division contender.
Things are getting good . . .
I'd love to see Chamberlain pitch tonight like he did against Beckett at the Fens last year. They sure could use that type of an effort against the Rays in their house to take this series...
Can someone please explain to me why we want this scrub Hirsch!? Seems like a trade that can only help Scranton's rotation -- If he's taking a turn in the rotation, we're in big trouble. How about an actual Major League-calibur starter instead?
Boy, that wasn't very well worded, but hopefully it makes sense.
[2] He was acquired for a PTBNL...I'm not sure the deal amounts to anything at all.
[1] It's an interesting conundrum. If the Yankees lose tonight, it's evidence that they cannot beat the Big Boys. But if they win, it is evidence that the Rays are not really one of the Big Boys.
[2] With Kei Igawa "leading" SWB's rotation, I would argue that's exactly why that trade was made. I think he's taking Casey Fossum's place, who is now in the Cubs farm system...
Other teams want too much for their front line starters. I'd be shocked if the Yankees make a deal for Halladay.
: )
[2] Indeed, with Hughes, Aceves, and Mitre in the majors and everyone else hurt, Scranton just needs a warm body that can throw five innings every five days. It's nothing ignore it.
Washburn seems like the guy to get to me. He's almost equal on ERA to Doc but way less expensive. With his new pitch, I think he'll enjoy this success at least through the start of next year.
That was Swisheresque.
[8] The Mariners just traded four prospects to acquire players from Pittsburgh. I doubt they are "selling", so I would not expect them to trade their best pitcher.
[10] Jeter's first "triple" of the year, no?
Pittsburgh has traded nearly their entire opening day lineup. They are really blowing up the team. Probably a smart move at this point, even if it means they have no hope of contending until 2011 or 2012.
screw the shift score trucking!!
My Mariners' take is up on SI.com now per the updated link above (FWIW).
That ended quickly.
Mighty nice of the Score Truck to make an early appearance for the Yankees in Tampa this evening!
Boy do I hate cowbells! I always thought those were for rodeos!
: )
[14] The score truck has automatic transmission?
The Columbus Clippers used to be big on cowbells. They even have a song: "Columbus Clippers Ring Your Bell." Which is probably why Deion Sanders called it a cowtown, even though there aren't many cows there.
: O @ Joba!
joba honoring cmw that inning
Why it took until July for Joba to stand on the rubber ready to go after every pitch I don't understand..
[18] yeah - you've seen this team on the bases - manual transmission would be too complicated
Yankees scouts are still in Cincinnati. Checking out Aaron Harang tonight.
[24] Whew! I thought you were going to say Bronson Arroyo! I trust that Yankee Clipper has sailed...
: )
[24] i like to think that the yankee scouts are trying to find the best chilli 3-way
[25] They were there checking out Arroyo last night. I don't think the Yanks are interested unless the Reds eat a lot of his salary.
[19] I used to live in Columbus...it's nickname was "Cowtown" long before the Clippers. I think the song (and cowbells) derived from the nickname, rather than the other way around.
In any case, I attended a lot of Clippers games--I think I still carry a good bit of "dime a dog nights" with me to this day--and I have to admit, I have a soft spot for the cow bells. I find them sort of charming and innocent...far less obnoxious than, say, a rally monkey!
[26] Here
[26] Or they are trying Paul O'Neill's recommendations for Cincy's best places to eat...
That's a long list!
: )
Hmmm...don't look now but Brad Penny's start may have just driven up Halladay's price.
[28] Why "Cowtown"? They never had much of a cattle industry, did they?
[29] nice
[30] haha could be
damon with adventures at the trop or whatever the hell this place is called is fully understandable
[32] I think it goes back to its early days as the state capital, when it really was just a small town that happened to be in the middle of the state (and maybe a weak pun on the name, which begins with "Co-"). The "big cities" of Cleveland and Cinci and Toledo looked down on Columbus as not a "real" city. There are still debates as to whether Columbus is the largest city in Ohio (it is if you count metro area rather than the metro center), and when I lived there local groups were always seeking a way to make Columbus a "world class city." Hence the experiments with women's BBall, NHL, MLS (get a "major pro sports team"). The state fair is still held in Columbus, which points to its more rural roots.
Those are my guesses.
[28] i'm gald the cowbells aren't annoying as all hell to somebody
i'm just still shocked at zobrist's numbers. i'm very curious to see if he sustains them. if he does that is quite a weapon.
joba looks good so far.
Pittsburgh has decided to trade our AAAA team in for a AAA team. I've liked every deal but the McClouth one.
[32] Oh yeah, Ohio State is a land grant school and has a big Ag School. The school has farms and maintains cattle, around which the city and its suburbs have grown.
[35] Thanks. I was always curious. I used to listen to Clippers games on Gameday Audio, back when they were the Yankees' AAA team. They always played "Columbus Clippers Ring Your Bell" after every home run, and everyone rang their cowbells. I never could never figure out what cowbells had to do with Clipper ships.
Thus begins the Jeter Cycle Watch?
Hey, Jeter. Good on 'ya.
[36] Cowbells don't really bother me at all, but then, I also don't have any problem with thunderstix.
[31] too bad anal bladders is pitching for the a's
That 3-2 curveball would be extra nasty in the 8th inning. : D
Ugh, I hate thundersticks. Not only to they give me flashbacks to the 2005 ALDS, they block your view if you're in the stands.
Fast Joba is sure a lot more fun to watch than interminable delay Joba ...
nice catcht tex - wow
Wonderful defense all around.
Great play by Cano!
good tag robbie
Good gloves this inning.
Wheels Matsui!
Must...... score.......both........
[55] Funny, that's what Sterling just said!
let's make this acceptable
[57] Half-acceptable, so far.
[56] Great minds. HA. : )
[58] ah a half acceptable inning
Cano remembers last night ...
Kind of shady. Swisher, you are a joke in right.
[63] did i miss something?
I kinda like Joba pitching with an attitude.
[64] No, but Cano made sure Swisher missed that pop up!
: )
[64] pop up to RF - Cano ran 70 feet and pushed over Swisher before making the catch.
[64] Joba airmailed a first pitch fastball over Longoria's head. On the next pitch he pooped up to short righ. Cano made a tough over the shoulder catch. Swisher should have called him off undoubtedly.
I'm kidding, of course.
thanks everyone. I was only half watching so kind of missed that.
hmmmmm, put Joba in another uniform and I'm guessing very few of us defend that pitch....
[68] Popped. Pooped. Same thing.
I believe we all can assume that both Robbie and Derek have been instructed to "catch everything they can get to" in the OF because of Swisher and Damon...
I'm surprised they didn't save that pitch for A-Rod.
[71] I would! There is way too much "friendliness" among the MLBPA Members for my liking these days. I'm definitely "old school" in terms of making the hitters uncomfortable in the box whenever it is necessary, which is really more often than not.
I can't help but thinking of Jafar from Aladdin whenever they show Garza. C'mon, Alex.
lightning flashed outside my window just as alex fouled that pitch off - would have been really cool if it was a homer
damnit struck him out - let's hope that at least that really drained garza
Ouch...A-Rod's foot slips off the clutch in the score truck.
[71] I'd defend that pitch. I defended Garza's pitch to Teix the following inning as well. Pitch inside, sometimes people get hit.
those pitches were both way up out of the strike zone, Raf--do you actually think they were attempts to throw high inside strikes? given the modern strike zone? really?
Hey Alex, I'm viewing the blog on Safari (Mac OS X) and the comment box extends past the border, to the point where I can't see some of what I'm typing. Any chance of getting that fixed?
[84] I'm on OS X too and viewing the blog on Firefox. S'all good with that, so in the meantime, give it a shot!
[84] I had the same problem, but I gave up and started using Firefox (which works better on a lot of sites, actually).
Wow, the Pirates really are having a fire sale, though that is a term usually reserved for good teams getting rid of legitimate talent.
[85]-[86] Yeah, I know, but Safari works well for some other things and is a wee bit faster than the latest incarnation of Firefox. I have it, I just hate to have two browsers open...
c'mon Joba, get it back together.
[87] kind of more like a flea market or swap meet - maybe a yard sale
get back to throwing strikes joba!!
there you go joba
Navarro seems to come up with one big hit in every Yankee.series. Even though he kind of stinks. pffeewwwww
how many pitches for Joba?
[93] nevermind, found it ... 70!
I sure hope W.B. Mason gives the Yankees their Score Truck back for this frame...
Oh, I almost forgot...
I was very happy to hear The Boss visit the team today!
The General still has great timing...
: )
[83] Joba has no reason to throw @ Longoria. If he wanted to hit him, he would've. The next pitch in the sequence was low and away. Navarro set up inside on Teix when he was hit.
Let's get ahead of ourselves--
lose game, Yankees lead, Joba with manageable pitch count. Would you try to squeeze, say, eight innings out of him. Or would you pull him early to "save" innings against his limit for the season? If the latter, then you have to be confident in the BP.
Woohoo Robbie!
[95] looks like robbie got it back just in time
I love me my Cano. Beee-you-tee-full. Awesome swing.
Robbie Cano! Whaddayaknow!
[98] The bullpen is fresh. I would argue it depends on how gassed Joba appears in the bottom of the sixth and seventh. Walking two batters in the fifth really wasn't a good sign. Remember in Andy's last start he had a low pitch count, too. Leaving him in didn't work out very well...
Girardi will err on the side of caution with Joba and not let him talk his way into remaining in the game should he appear tired.
[98] welll everyone but aceves is available - so i would hope they have enough confidence in the pen.
according to cliff's write-up, if joba averages 6 innings per start he would have 8 starts left (so ~50 innings left)
if you pull him after 5 he would have 10 starts left (or more bp innings come playoff time)
how quickly do you pull him? is this going to over tax the pen knowing and and mitre follow him in the rotation?
Thanks for giving our Yanks their Score Truck back, W.B.!
: )
[104] I think the Yankees can take advantage of the 7 or 8 off days coming to skip Joba a couple or three times...that will by them around 15 or 20 innings. I also think they could be judicious in pulling him from games earlier rather than later, though it seems a shame with his pitch count soooo low so far.
I wonder if the count innings or pitches more heavily.
The only way I can see maximizing Phil and Joba is to swap them when Joba has 15-20 IP left on his count. Then Joba's in the BP for Sept. and beyond. Cashman MUST be working on some pitching. We are too tight now and won't survive another pitching injury.
[98] that's an interesting point. And makes me wonder: Say you save Joba 6 innings over 6 or 7 games. In other words, he's good to go another inning after the 6th or 7th, but you intentionally yank him thinking you can "add-up" another start for him. And then after you do that 6 or 7 times, he has another start in him. Would you think that is that more or less beneficial to him and his endurance? Pitcher would be more susceptible to injury when fatigued, no?
Hey all.
I guess Joba is dealing, huh? I only saw that last inning. (I did hear John Sterling for the second run of the game.)
[107] I really don't see the *need* to swap Joba into the pen, if they are clever with how they use him over the last couple of months.
No matter what they do, it will be difficult to manage innings if they go deep into the playoffs. I would like to think that there is at least some buffer in that circumstance--perhaps secretly Joba can be pushed to 160 if they need him in the P.O.
[108] yeah i thought about that too - but if he definitely isn't going to be a starter come playoff time it wouldn't matter as much - now if they somehow hope to keep him in the playoff rotation it is an issue
[106] i would have to check - but i don't believe they have skipped him to date
[108] Good question.
You're right about being more susceptible when more fatigued. On the other hand, in general it must be less stressful to bunch your innings together in fewer, longer appearances -- that's why relievers don't throw as many innings as starters.
Nick Swisher is all about your entertainment dollar....
The A's looking to do the impossible and take 2 of 3 at Fenway. 6-3 A's after 5 1/2.
[109] hi riyank - yes job dealing tonight - efficient, good stuff, good mix of pitches, and rapid pace
I believe Jobe is now in Longroria's head, whatever his intent was with that earlier pitch to the backstop : O
[110] The swap also insures Phil gets his innings and stretches him out to start in the PS or go long relief.
[115] [116] Job and Jobe.
He's got you guys pretty excited!
[109] Hey RIY! Yes, this is "Second Half Joba" tonight. He looks great!
Allowing three earned runs or less in 27 out of his first 31 starts is really excellent!
: )
[108] Yeah, the kicker today is that he has not thrown that many pitches. My gut instinct is that pitchers are not allowed to throw enough pitches these days, and this has hurt their endurance. I am not talking about 150 per start, but I suspect that the magic number could be closer to 110 without causing any damage. I'm also not entirely convinced about the need for such strict limits in the number of innings, though it makes sense that it is dangerous to go suddenly from 100 INN to 250.
I don't really have an answer, other than I am surprised they have not simply skipped him now and again. Maybe that would have been easier if they didn't have to throw away half a dozen games on Wang. Indeed, if Wang had been Wang, then the the #5 spot would have been much easier to deal with.
[118] : D He's been pretty damn good.
[117] Well, there is a far more productive way to stretch out Hughes and build up his innings, that doesn't even involve swapping him with Joba.
According to Girardi in his last show, Joba is going according to their plan for him...
8-3 A's at the Fens. The Sox are bound to make it close in the end.
[114] check again..it will make you smile.
It's also quite possible that Buehrle's perfect game showed the rest of the AL to work quickly against the Rays.
I'm just sayin'...
[123] I don't believe that for a moment, unless their plan included having him pitch extremely inefficiently for the first half of the season. Unless, Girardi is cleverer than us all, instructing Joba to throw 100 pitches in four innings so that he wouldn't use up his limit.
Let's just say that when Girardi says something, I'm skeptical.
[125] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaCCG7QkM_c
[120] Right. Obviously, a 110-pitch 4.3 in massacre hurts just as much as 110 pitches over a manageable 7 innings. Prolly a LOT more, actually, cause he'll likely be overthrowing and "trying" harder.
I can't imagine letting him miss starts here and there can be beneficial to him psychologically, either. And also, won't that jack up the days rest for the other starters?
[120] well nolan, i too am surprised they never skipped him before - but also think it has something to do with the uncertainty with wang to start the year.
Halliday has a career ERA of 3.45
Joba has a career ERA as a Starter of 3.43
Yes, Joba's numbers reflect less then 1 year of starts. But he is almost free and might have 8 prime years ahead of him, a number of them cost controlled.
Yet people want to trade him, AND Montero, AND another quality prospect for $13m of Halliday? I don't get it.
Am I correct that if the Red Sox lose two out of three to the A's, they are disqualified from the pennant race? I'm extrapolating from some general principles gleaned from May and June Banter comments.
[129] not if you skip him on off days - and i think if you let him know ahead of time we are skipping you because we need to limit your innings he would be okay psychologically - would have to just ensure the extra rest didn't mess up his rythym, routine
[129] But it used to be standard operating procedure to skip starters now and again especially the #5 starter, and use off days to keep the rotation on their normal schedule.
Is the definition of full circle everyone and their grandmother, including Mike Francesca howling at the moon that Joba needs to STAY in the rotation? Give that Swish a gold glove.
Wow, this is good.
There are many ways to enjoy a Yankee game. This one involves only brief Score Truck appearances.
I let Joba pitch into the eighth and remove him if someone reaches...
Hughes then Mo if there isn't any additional scoring, Hughes/Bruney if there is.
[135] as mk might say - kind of ironic
[132] No, but only because the Sox have such a good record against first place teams in the Al East.
[114] Makes me think fondly of those 5 sweet games the Yanks played up in Boston back in August of 2006. Ahhhhhhhhhh..... sweeet euphoria. :)
[127] I doubt the plan is that detailed that it addresses efficiency v inefficiency. It probably focuses on IP and pitches and monitoring his arm strength and such. Efficiency doesn't matter within that context since efficient or not he'll throw 90-110 pitches most times out.
Boston can't beat the Little Boys. : )
[134] Except he isn't the 5th starter. Yet. Let's see what B Cash does, uhhh, tomorrow.
[135] [138] And he would be using the word "ironic" correctly in this case! We must remember, however, that Yankees have found the REAL solution to the eighth inning, and that liberates them to leave Joba in the rotation.
And that's all I will say, lest my ration of comments on this topic exceed 10%, the articulated annoyance limit.
[139] It's more complicated than I thought.
the rays have traded for tlr
From PeteAbe (old news):
UPDATE, 5:38 p.m.: Don’t expect to see Damaso Marte any time soon, if at all. He was topping out at 88 last night and gave up two jacks.
With Chicago starting three LHPs in the next series, Joe Girardi hinted they could want a right-handed bat for the roster. Shelley Duncan?
UPDATE, 5:46 p.m.: Brett Tomko was released.
UPDATE, 6:45 p.m.: A few other tidbits: No update on how Wang’s surgery went. Getting updated medical news from the Yankees is, as always, a challenge. … Alfredo Aceves threw 20 pitches off the bullpen mound and felt good. He’s not available tonight but could be tomorrow.
Marte looks to be a waste of money. Tough break for all.
[143] He started the season as the 5th starter, but has moved up because of the ineffectiveness of Pettitte and the injury to Wang. The point is that it is easy enough to skip any starter so long as you have off days, and I would like to think that Joba would understand why his turn might be passed a couple of times...especially if (the big IF) the team opens up a nice lead.
Damn, I was actually thinking Marte would show up and solidify the bullpen, phreeing Phil.
[147] marte for 3 years whne he had several other better options with marte was one of cashman's dumber decisions
[141] Good point about pitch counts...that's why I wonder if the organization monitors both total pitches and total innings, and allows some flexibility. It would *seem* that total pitches is more important than total innings, but maybe I'm wrong.
[147] i'm a bit surprised at exactly how bad Marte has been. I didn't expect him to be a top arm in the pen, but he has reached a level of awful that doesn't compute for me.
[147] Poor Wang..tears flowing in Taipei today, apparently
Joba giving up 2 ERs in his last 20+ IP.
Hellz yeah.
Now Mo can rest more.
[151] I agree about pitches. I know folks like to talk IP but it would seem to me that pitches is more important. 5 innings at 50 pitches or 4 innings at 80 pitches. Which causes more wear and tear?
Damn, Boston is scuffling these days. Hopefully the Yankees can hang on tonight and then put some distance between themselves and the competition...before the next NY-BOS series.
Yay Po and the Score Truck's late return!
I'd go Joba/Hughes/Bruney for the series victory.
[155] And on the seventh day, Mo rested?
Jorge with a little icing on the cake.
Sox down 8-3 after 6, piling up 4 hits.
[156] yeah i have often thought that too seamus - especially when you are talking about young pitchers within 1 season
[159] You're thinking of Torre and Proctor.
well so much for limiting his innings this game
One pitch outs, Joba could finish the game.
88 pitches coming into the 8th. 89 pitches and it's 8.1 in the books. hehe
haha. espn announcer "I've been told that Hughes is going to be in the rotation when next year rolls around." He said it like it was some big secret. Too funny.
[166] Who are the espn announcers?
[167] sutcliffe and o'brien
[167] twiddle dee and twiddle dum. i'm not sure.
riyank is rsn panicking?
[168] ah yes NYYfan22 has it. thanks
[170] Dammit, they really aren't.
If they don't get Halladay and lose more ground, that should push them over the edge. They think they're getting Halladay.
Let's see him do it against the Big Boys. Let's see him do it against the Big Boys. Oh, wait. : D
Oh, okay. Sutcliffe isn't bad, right?
8.0 inn 3 0 0 2 5 over 101 pitches. That's pretty damn good.
Wow! What a gem!
: )
[174] oh, they aren't terrible per se. But he says some stupid things.
[174] Sutcliffe is horrible!
[174] I don't mind them. Sutcliffe sounds just like Bob Costas. It's kinda weird. But a break from Michael Kay is nice every once in awhile. Actually, he's been off a lot this season, hasn't he?
He really wasn't throwing all that hard, was he?
well i say that was quite an acceptable night for one joba chamberlain
[179] Yes, those were good days. Cone and Singleton, they were good.
Woohoo Melky!
Goddamn. That was a rope.
[172] too bad. rsn panic is a euphoria like no other.
yeah hopefully after the trade deadline and no halladay pushes them over the edge.
ok. Sutcliffe is praising the Yankees superiority. So he is awesome. :)
Woohoo Tex!
[182] yeah where the hell is coney? i love the coney and singleton booth.
for the white sox we are getting lama hickey and real tile (who is good but he lacks the craziness of coney)
and i am quite sure no one will look to the white sox booth for a break
Jeter looked kind of bored. haha
Think Teix likes being a Yankee?
Dope. This game has been a real joy to watch.
[190] As long as Flash stays the Hell out of the booth, I'm a happy guy!
: )
[190] You can right on the blog............YES! (in my best Hawk impression) : )
[190] Any exposure to the white sox feed would send my crying and screaming for Lama Hickey.
Yes, [190] [196], Hawk makes my gums bleed.
[194] we can't even afford to have flash's name mentioned
[195] that's a can of corn right there!
It'll be Bruney.
[196] You Gone!
Greetings from Atlanta!!!
looks like i've missed a doozie. wish i watched the whole game - on tv and with youze guys...
i think i'd rather a leadoff walk... : /
[200] BOO!!!
Bruney doesn't look sharp.
See that overhead shot? Carl made that diamond look like a circle.
c'mon bruney end this mf
and joey joe joe do not have mo get up that is ridiculous
Man. Poor BB.
shit. that was an easy call. why is Mo warming, though. ah, crap.
this should have been bruney proof.
well maybe bruney is still not right after all - damn
Jason Hirsh had a 6.66 ERA in AAA. me (Satan) likey!!! muwahahaha!!! ; )
jeesh. i know i wanted to see this game and all, but i'm ready to see it end...NOW!!!
Mo in for his 30th save...
Swisher almost broke his leg (and Melky's arm) on that play. grrrrrrr
[211] 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 6... 6...
for chrissakes
and swisher tried his damndest to mess up melky there - didn't quite manage to though
Now I'm pissed.
Someone other than Mo could have handled this. it's not even an S.
[217] it is a save situation.
UPDATE, 5:46 p.m.: Brett Tomko was released.
yay!!!!: )
i'm sure this has already been touched upon earlier in the thread. i'm just catching up. on that, and talking to myself, apparently. Chyll - you around to cover my back or at least provide some crickets?! ; )
[205] GREAT line about the diamond/circle. very poetic! : )
[218] or not. I thought it was.
i almost forgot, mk will be eating a condiment tonight
[218] actually, they just said it isn't. maybe Melancon shoulda started the inning. but i guess he pitched yesterday...
hey, least i get to see Mo for 2 outs! : )
[218] only a save situation if on more man gets on, no? tying run on deck?
Watching Bruney miss the zone and then serve up BP. And then this.
[222] [223] yeah I was wrong. doh!
[215] Paul Gilbert wrote that song (I Am Satan) about his ex-wife!!! : )
That's how it's done.
I guess there's no such thing as Bruney-proof.
No, it's a S situation if the tying run is on deck, or else the lead is fewer than 4.
It's a stupid rule for a stupid stat, so there's no particular reason to know it. I just do.
girradi cannot manage like a tight ass the rest of this season
[226] I've never heard it but I remember you discussing the count off.
Well, that was weird.
maybe mo is trying to turn this into a save situation
After that double I have no issue with using Mo. This is an important game against a division rival.
weird. 4 pitch walk. huh. Mo's got a lot of movement today. i'm not worried though. in the slightest...
boston did score a run. 8-5 in the 8th. 1 on, 1 out...
Mo gave up a BB??
Kill, please.
nicely done mo
Thank you.
Thanks be to Mo.
man that was ball 4. phew! Mo!!!
Joba Chamberlain
Is a Haiku by himself!
There, I just showed you!
Great series win against the Rays in their house!
Have a good evening everyone!
: )
hell muthafukin' YEAH!!!
BOO-Yah! Buh-Bye Tampa!
That was not as relaxing as I would of liked.
great to take 2/3 here
now for the sox to lose
i'm glad ozzie got a hold of colon - i am quite looking forward to andy/colon tomorrow night
Papi pinch hitting with two on and two out in the eighth, 8-5. Excitement!
[245] Colon is back on the DL. inflammation - either shoulder or knee - whichever it wasn't last time...
[245] It would be nice to go up 3.5 on boston and 7.5 on tampa. so nice!
Big PooPoo with 2 men on..chance to tie it with a dinger off of Breslow...
Michel Hernandez - the Rays backup catcher - i have one of his Yankee minor league baseball cards. [246] talk about excitement! ; )
[247] Colon inflammation, that's painful.
[247] damnit - i was finding that matchup quite amusing - now we get burhle sun with everyone else moving up from the sidebar
Down goes Papi!
papi is out. 8-5 going to the 9th.
Papi made an out - inning ovah!!!
He really earned his Big Pop-up nickname on that one.
Jetes on base 2 more times tonight! 400 OBP
i think the best part of today's win is the fact that we now have Jason Hirsh in our system. i'm serious. he's the KEY!!! not jimmy key, mind you... ; )
Things are going so well in Yankeeland that the only negative thing I see is the Red Sox are playing and pitching so poorly, it might force them to up the ante for Halladay.
In many ways, this feels like the deadline in 1998...the Yankees had a great team, but Randy Johnson was looming. Like then, the question was should the Yankees trade for the major's best pitcher? And, if they didn't, would it allow someone to derail their season? As it turned out, RJ went to the Astros and wasn't really heard from in the post season. I am hoping another "mystery" team snatches Halladay. While I definitely don't want to give up Hughes, Joba or Montero (he could be the Yankees Sandoval), it would be scary if Boston picked him up (even if it compromised their long-term strength).
best part about getting Halladay on our team would be he'd have to shave that hideous beard of his. i've always hated that thing!!!
I'm with m'pants on this one: Halladay stays with the Jays.
Think about it: Theo does not make decisions based on four games his team plays badly.
[258] thelarmis - you mean huntsville's jimmy key
[259] hmm maybe the astros come through again :}
We really can't trade Hughes, Montero, or Joba.
[262] i didn't realize he was from there. a music friend of mine here, is from there. he is ridiculously brilliant! i played there a coupla times, but don't really like it (i'm sorry!!!).
a pal of mine lives in Mobile - home of Jon Lieber.
3 outs to go at the Fens. GO A's!!!
goddamn. Just saw this on the ESPN: Chamberlain is 3-0 with an .083 era in his last 3 starts.
[266] they canNOT trade him
fuck - leadoff man on...
[266] i'm watching! manny's hair is almost as long as mine...
Andrew Bailey may have used up his 9 lives last night.
jesus christ. first TWO men on. ugliest man on earth up. PLEASE get outta this...
Dusty. Crud.
Now Youk is going to have a chance to tie it. If they get Youk, I'm comfortable.
I really wouldn't mind it if Dusty Pedroia was slightly run over by the WB Mason truck tonight.
[272] got him. no advance. i'd love a DP here...
Bailey's good. I bet with Pedroia and Ellsbury he was thinking, "I *cannot* walk these little dinks."
Pukealis caught looking. That's a shame.
[273] Hear hear.
On the Li'l Dusty thing, I mean.
anyone see NoMaas most recent photo? who is the guy on the right?
[278] Theo Epstein.
Oh, nice. One K of each variety.
2 down.
Awful 0-2 pitch by Bailey!
crap. 8-6.
[279] oh, of course! but..i don't get the joke there...
damn, Lowell comes thorugh..
hope JD will whiff!
Hm, well, that sucked. On an 0-2 pitch.
But he'll get LaRoche. Not worried.
[272] Still feeling comfortable?
Oh, Drew, not LaRoche. Better yet!
A hanging slider after 2 97mph heaters on the black is indeed terrible.
woohoo! 3.5 games up!
[286] Yes, thanks!
JD Drew is very bad recently. Very, very bad.
[284] They tend to pick on the Sox for having too many white guys on their roster. Hence the race relations headline.
Shit Sox LOSE!!!! : )
William.... how about a post mortum on the Sox losing 2 of 3 AT HOME to the A's?
[292] Ah! of course..excellent.
3.5 games up!!!
Okay, I think this will push RSN to the brink of hysterical panic. I'd say we now need (1) the trading deadline to pass, and (2) to pick up another game on them. That should do it.
Of course, taking them to the woodshed when they come to town will also push the button.
[292] It's not even too many white guys so much as no black guys.
I think.
Wow... Seattle 5 games over .500 with a -43 run differential.
[297] Sox really need to get some green guys.
[294] I don't do post mortems on the Red Sox...I am a Yankee fan.
[292] It is amazing that every time the Sox make a move, it seems to be a non-white going and a white guy coming. If Boston didn't already have its reputation, it would be very funny.
[300] C'mon, indulge us! Summon your inner Sox apologetic? Channel Gammons? :)
[301] Well, if you count Japanese players as white. Which is a slightly weird thing to do.
"I am a Yankee fan."
i love that!
me too!!! : )
Like Joba, Kershaw is pounding his chest tonight demanding not to be traded.
[302] Going into this season, I really expected the Yankees to win 100 games and win the division with comfort. For most of this season, I thought Boston was playing beyond its talent, while the Yankees were playing below it. Finally, it looks like the cream is rising. Having said that, the Yankees still have to actually beat the Red Sox and maintain their performance down the stretch. It's still early, so I hope my initial read is correct. Of course, if the Sox get Halladay, that changes things too.
So, the Yanks have now won 23 series this season. Last year they won a total of 24.
We've pretty nearly buried the Rays -- their chance of overtaking us is now just a few percent, I'd say.
And the Sox are struggling, and dealing with the Dice-K embarrassment.
Cruising now!
See youse tomorrow.
Joba looks great in his suit.
[307] The Rays should be going after Halladay. They really need the extra arm. If they picked him up, I think they'd be a good bet to overtake Boston and really make a run at the Yankees. Regardless, I don't think they are dead yet.
Great play by Furcal against Pujols leading off the 9th in a 1-0 game. Alot of fun games are being played tonight.
Kotsay lines out with the go ahead run in scoring position. Twins win 3-2 and leap right back into the race.
[311] i hope we take 3 of 4 against the now .500 Pale Hose.
The Yanks would have to go 38 and 23 from here on out to hit 100 games. FWIW.
[313] I meant to get 100 wins. Whoops.
broxton blows the save. 1-1 bottom 9. if LA loses, we're tied for best record in MLB.
[309] Do the Rays have the prospects to get Doc? they can't afford an extension at his price I think..
I missed the very end of the game. From the box score, it looks like maybe Bruney should be the one shipped down to AAA?
Was it really necessary to get mo in the game?
[297] et al. I find the fascination with the race of the players on the Sox' roster a bit weird. I mean, who really cares?
[318] NoMaas. I was trying to help Mr. OkJazz with one of their inside jokes. That brought it about.
[317] I think it may have been a knee jerk move bringing Mo in. Teix hit an insurance HR in the 9th, and Joe went with Bruney despite having Hughes warming up (according to ESPN announcers). Bruney gave up 2 runs on 3 x-bass hits. Girardi, I think, just panicked a lil.
So, no, I don't think Mo was necessary, but Bruney wasn't lookin good.
[319] Ah, ok, I see.
[320] uhhh, that'd be x-base hits. Idiot bass player, I am.
[320] How many more chances for Bruney? Maybe they can get LaTroy Hawkins back? :)
[316] They still have some prospects, including guys like Nieman and even Price pitching in the majors. I am also not sure they need an extension. Sad as it may be to say, the Rays may not have much of a window with this team anyway. Crawford, Pena and Bartlett can go free after 2010 with Upton, Zobrist and Garza potential free agents after 2011. It will take alot of money to sign all those guys, so maybe it makes sense to take their best shot in 2009-10?
Hey, I get some extra baseball tonight--the end of the Dodgers-Cards game is on.
[323] If Bruney has options, I would send him to AAA. It's clear that he is not right, so let him work it out in MiL rather than clutter up the roster.
[312] I was really sad to see Colon go on the DL and Contreras move up to today's game. It would have been nice to face either. Now, the Yankees get the Sox three best and Clayton Richard, a pitcher that I think could give the Yanks a little bit of trouble. These should be good games against Chicago, especially the Sabathia/Buerhle matchup on Sunday.
[318] I think what makes it register is Boston reputation as a "racist city", something that was most recently echoed by Tori Hunter a few years ago.
plaxico burress' tie = david eckstein's inseam. Just throwing that out there.
[318] Torii Hunter said that?? Wow..I thought that was all ancient history in Boston..good luck with the Rasheed Wallace experiment, Celtics! (though am sure KG and the guys will keep him cool.)
[328] I guess I'm turned off in general by emphasis on race. I really don;t care what color a player is, or whether Ortiz should "count" as black, or Jeter should "count" as black (or "half black"). I'm pretty certain that Theo Epstein is not racist--or, at least that is the impression I get--so I'm not concerned that he's shipping out darkies to purify his team.
[331] Well..as recent events at Harvard show, whatever your ethnicity, there's still a lot to discuss regarding racial issues in the US..sports world included! Just look at how Milton Bradley is covered in the media compared to our beloved Paul O'neil..does make you wonder...
I agree with whoever posted here a few days ago: if you make a movie called Funny People, which is supposed to be a comedy, the clips you show in ads ought to be funny.
[331] I agree with you in theory, but like it or not, race is and has always been a factor. Sports are often the most color blind of our institutions, but even my radar goes on alert when guys like Robbie Cano are criticized and guys like Pedroia are lauded. Specifically about Boston, while I don't think Theo is a racist, I do wonder why guys like Manny no longer fit the Boston culture, while "gamers" like Youkilis and Pedroia do.
[332] What's to discuss, at least in this case? I don't see how making what seem to be baseless allegations and innuendos about the Boston F.O. is funny, relevant, or instructive. Moreover, I contend that to focus on race only serves to reinforce it as a category, which we should be working AGAINST...in my opinion.
Anyway, I'm done with this topic for the evening, cuz' it will probably get too heated and unpleasant, and I would rather debate the bull pen or whom to call up to replace Gardner.
[334] Totally agree! Look at the steroids coverage too..Bonds and Manny are villians..Pettite a good "god fearing man" and McGwire "seems so remorseful" and was a great teammater..etc etc..seems pretty obvious to me..
[335] Again, I agree with your principle, but sadly the history of mankind suggests that we often find reasons to categorize ourselves. Instead of trying to be "colorblind", I think it makes more sense to acknowledge our differences, realize that even the best of us will be prone to bias at times, but be vigilant in trying to overcome those feelings.
This is definitely not a topic for this forum, so I'll join you in dropping it at this point.
[335] ...I would rather debate the bullpen or whom to call up to replace Gardner.
Hughes = starter
Melancon = Hughes's replacement
AJack = Gardner's replacement
I think the Yankees are making this way too hard.
[338] I agree on the first two, but I am hesitant to call up AJax unless he is to get regular ABs.
[338] That may be a little too simple. Instead, I would definitely bring AJax up and give Bruney's role to Melancon (righty used when Hughes and Aceves are not available). If Melancon had success, I would gradually transition Hughes to enter the rotation by September 1. In the meantime, I would also skip Joba at least two times (unless the Yankees start to struggle). If he pitched 4 times in August and recorded 25 innings, that would put him at 135 for the season. Then, your option would be to move Joba back to the pen, or even have him and Mitre split the 5th slot. If Joba got three September starts, that would leave him aroud his 150 innings limit. Then, you'd have Hughes and Joba in the mix for the post season.
[340] nothing to say but..these are all happy problems to have! up by 3.5 with the league's best offense..if CC has a dominant 2nd half then we're good to go methinks.
Cardinals runner just got called out on a an appeal play in the 12th inning--he missed 1B on a double in the corner, they threw over to first and the ump called him out.
I've never seen that before!
[341] I think CC is showing signs of fatigue (e.g., not finishing off his pitches) and that ideally, he needs to skip starts as much as Joba does.
Oooh, Melky! (Watching the recast!)
He turned on that fast. Thing jumped off his bat.
Fuck, Teix is *strong*.
Some easy shot to dead center. A fly ball, really, that just kept going.
[343] you meant skip meals, right? :)
good piece at http://www.nomaas.org on decline in CC's slider
Man, did Bruney get smacked around.
Mariano Rivera, ladies and gentlemen.
Comes in and strikes the dude out on three pitches. Three sick pitches.
[348] Then he walked the guy on 4 straight balls. (maybe he read my comment that said if another runner gets on then it'd be a save situation... or he was looking for that inside strike)
Rollin now boys n gals