Mural by Crash c.2013 NYC
In appreciation of Our Dude CC Stickyfingaz, an old school brotha who chucked half-a-million aside to stand up for his peeps and inspire a tired team and irritable fan base as they sprint the last few days of the season to home field advantage that looked suspect no more than a week ago. And yo, if you’re gonna walk a dude, put an exclamation point on it.
CC is a badass, no doubt. Of course having banked a quarter billion helps.
Ok let’s go Yanks!
One homer closer to the record
So far so good.
Aw, just missed.
Cora can go piss up a rope.
I want double digits. And three more jacks
Welly, well, well. It appears the score truck has found a parking spot on Lansdowne Street.
Nice snag, Judge
[11] Yeah, that was a post season play.
Chyll thought the Yankees would blow HFA... and I agreed.
If we hold on here, it's 8 Wins of our last 11?
The boys got serious.
Clinching here (the first game) is BIG.
Gives Boone and the Yanks FO a little room to play.
Funny, but 8 runs does not feel comfortable at Fenway against this team. Get it up to 10 and I can relax...a little.
Sir, I have met Brett Gardner and you are no Brett Gardner ;>) (better hitter, though).
[14] Nope, not at all. Shit
as I was saying...
[17] Perfect! Hilarious movie.
Double digits! Pulling a Buckner
I'll take it.
Word. Now shut em down.
[21] The Buckner allusion will never die.
I love our tv announcers.
How Green is OUR Monster.
Record tied! Two games left.
Luke Voit! He's not a man he's a machine.
Dellin not sharp tonight
Aw dammit, no new record
Good signs from Gary.
Set the record tomorrow
[13] More than happy to be wrong, hope they continue to prove me wrong for the next few weeks >;)
Andujar best play winter ball while taking about 500 groundb balls a day. And now Didi. Fuck!
It don’t come easy
Throw strikes, dude.
One more fucking out, come on
Pull him now, even at 2-0
Phew, phew, phew.
Yeesh! Cheers, yall.
Night all.
1 pm tomorrow, 3pm Sunday.
They never make it easy for us. Exhale. HR record tomorrow.
Mo help me if eovaldi flummoxes the Yanks. Again.
Crap, Fox game, and because I’m in the Midwest they assume I want Cubs Cardinals instead.
It might be on FX en espanol in Midwest
Blargh ... ze German ...
Fucking Bird.
Bird with a ribeye! Holy moly!
Hell ywah! Record time!
Found the game just in time. Gleyber! New record!
20 hr from each spot in order
15. Count Vorror Rairol Mencoon (CoB) Posted: September 29, 2018 at 02:29 PM (#5755153)
20 from every slot!
This game is not Sonny proof!
Oh fuck ... Sonny Gray.
Kahnle is off the wild card roster at least.
Man, the Fox team sucks, except Coney. I switched to Papa John and Suzyn.
[64] Yup. It's A.J. Pieceofshit and someone else.
100 wins! 266 home runs!
Nice win. Weird season. One more and bring on the a's!
Suddenly, with everyone back, they look like the team that stormed back and took first place from the Sox in June. Wouldn’t it be sweet… but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Well... today gave us about everything for could ask for.
The BP seems a bit sketchy, but this is a fun team to watch.
Let's hope we can gear up for the Oakland game.
Check out RAB - Yankee records galore (team HR, 20+ from each line up spot, Adujar beating Dimag' record for rookie doubles, etc. etc.) This has been a fun team to watch, and in a normal year (when the Sawks are not incredible) they'd be favored. Sure hope we get to face them in the first round.
Wow, game 162 already
Yeah, no kidding ...
I'm not hopeful for this game ...
Not good, Cessa
Could Cessa cease being fucking terrible???
About fucking time.
At least it's a meaningless game.
Andu! AL record for doubles by a rookie!
I was hoping they would get to 270. 3 to go.
Thus endeth the regular season.