"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


Billy Wagner is sad to be leaving Houston, and he’s offended that nobody in the Astros front office had the decency to talk to him about the trade in person:

“There’s no hard feelings about being traded, because I knew it was coming,” Wagner told the Chronicle from his home in Virginia. “I just don’t see the respect. If you’re going to try to show me up, that’s just disrespectful. I never said anything negative about them. I just said what I thought we should do to win.”

…”If you’re trying to win a championship, you don’t get rid of a closer you continually say is one of the best,” Wagner said. “If you want to win, you don’t cut salary. That’s just common sense.”

Jayson Stark covers the trade over at ESPN, and confirms the Astros interest in Andy Pettitte.

Meanwhile, the White Sox hired Ozzie Guillen as their new manager yesterday. It will be interesting to see if the affable Guillen gets the White Sox to play the spirited kind of ball that Tony Pena got out of the Royals this past year.

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--Earl Weaver