"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Done Deal

McFadden and Whitehead don’t have anything on the Red Sox: these dudes are going to win the World Serious. The Cardinals are down 3-0 and as we’ve just learned, it’s possible that they could come back, but yo, I wouldn’t put any money on ’em, would you? St. Louis loaded the bases with one out in the first inning against Pedro Martinez last night but did not score a run. They had runners on second and third with nobody out in the third and could not score, thanks to a memorably bad bit of base running by Jeff Suppan. After Suppan was doubled up I threw my hands in the air and said, “Well, I might as well root for the Red Sox. At least they are playing decent baseball.”

Shortly after, I turned the game off for the night. The Cardinals are getting spanked by Boston. As badly as Yankee fans feel about their team blowing a 3-0 lead to the Sox at least we can take some minor comfort in knowing that the Bombers put up a fight. Derek Lowe goes against Jason Marquis tonight as Boston goes for the sweep. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sox end it quickly, but even if the Cards snatch a game here, there is no way they can come back to win this one. I can deal with that. But it’s unfortunate that they haven’t made it a more competitive series.

It’s a fine day in Red Sox Nation, huh?

Oh, I don’t know if anyone saw this, but apparently the Sox have voted to give Nomar a full share of their World Serious winnings. That’s an admirable move on their part I think, particularly given the way Nomie left Boston. Very cool.

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--Earl Weaver