"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Stop Making Sense

Rodriguez, Sheff, Giambi, The Big Unit, more from Trot Nixon…Thank goodness the Yanks have Joe Torre. His calming influence makes for what John Harper calls, “The Perfect Zoo Keeper”:

“We’re here to get in shape for the season,” Torre continued, “so whatever the distractions, let’s air them out here. Let’s get it out, get it over with – let’s deal with it. You don’t hide from it, you deal with it and move on.

“I’ve always done it this way, even before I was with the Yankees. Obviously I didn’t have as many talented people as I have now. Every year we get more high-profile people, but you find out that once they come in, they’re easy to talk to.

“That makes my job easier … talking, the basics, it’s common sense. As far as I know, anyway, it’s common sense.”


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--Earl Weaver