"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Dollar, Dollar Bill Y’all

Our labelmate Mike Carminati is undertaking a cool data-gathering project. He wants to assemble all of the free agent contract information from 1976-1984. Mike still has a ways to go, but he’s already compiled a boatload of great information. If anyone can help him fill in the blanks, head on over to his site and drop him a line. Meanwhile, here is a list of the Yankee free agent signings (for players who amassed ten Win Shares the year before inking a new deal):

playerID Name YearID WinShares ToTeam Contract Yrs Contract $
winfida01 Dave Winfield 1981 22 NYA 10 $15,000,000
kempst01 Steve Kemp 1983 22 NYA 5 $5,450,000
hunteca01 Catfish Hunter 1975 27 NYA 5 $3,750,000
baylodo01 Don Baylor 1983 13 NYA 4 $3,700,000
guidrro01 Ron Guidry 1982 10 NYA 4 $3,600,000
gossari01 Rich Gossage 1978 26 NYA 6 $3,600,000
jacksre01 Reggie Jackson 1977 25 NYA 5 $3,500,000
collida02 Dave Collins 1982 14 NYA 3 $2,400,000
watsobo01 Bob Watson 1980 16 NYA 4 $1,500,000
johnto01 Tommy John 1979 12 NYA 3 $1,200,000
eastwra01 Rawly Eastwick 1978 NYA 5 $1,200,000
mayru01 Rudy May 1980 NYA 3 $1,000,000

Rudy May? Rawly Eastwick? Ah, dem wuz duh daze. Thanks, Mike.

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1 rbj   ~  May 10, 2005 11:18 am

1.  Steve Kemp?

2 Knuckles   ~  May 10, 2005 12:08 pm

2.  This is sweet. I wonder how much data he'll be able to compile?

I'd like to see Win Shares per contract dollar graphed for all of MLB and for individual teams, as well as against the Consumer Price Index, and maybe (this would be a real chore) against the average TV revenues by market or something like that.

I'd be curious to see just how much the market is out of whack against the economy, and just how badly the Yanks have signed FA's...

3 weeping for brunnhilde   ~  May 10, 2005 7:47 pm

3.  Please forgive my ignorance, but my knowledge base of baseball statistics was mostly formed as a kid in the eighties. (These days I feel lucky to understand this newfangled OPS what everyone keeps trumpeting.)

That said, could someone help me out with this "Win Shares" jazz?


4 Mike Carminati   ~  May 11, 2005 9:36 am

4.  Win Shares are a stat of Bill James' construction used to dole out shares of team wins to individual players based on batting, fielding, and pitching. See James' book of the same title.

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