"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Done…but no Details

It’s official. The Yankees announced this morning that they have signed Alex Rodriguez to a ten year contract. No specifics are available at this time. Word of the deal was first heard hours after the Barry Bonds fiasco went down, and now this, just hours before the release of the Mitchell Report. Man, the Yanks do move in mysterious ways sometimes. Then again, perhaps they anticipate having to deal with some unpleasentness later and want to have something encouraging to lean on.

It’s now snowing in earnest in New York City. The leaks are starting to leak…Bombs to be dropped shortly.


Pete Abe has audio from Alex Rodiguez.

Another Update:

I have seen a list of the names from the Mitchell report from three different people (it’s the same one that is listed in the comments section below). It could be complete baloney. We shall shortly see. But it’s close to the one that Will Leitch just posted at Deadspin.

Again, an Update:

Over at SI.com, Jon Heyman reports that Clemens, Pettitte, Mike Stanton, Chuck Knoblauch, Miguel Tejada, Brian Roberts are named in the Mitchell Report. Also, heard from a reliable source that Albert Pujols is not in the report.

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--Earl Weaver