"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Couple of Three Things

Over at River Ave Blues, Ben Kabak rounds up the latest on the new Yankee Stadium.

Bronx Liason features a Q&A with Dan Graziano of the Newark Star-Ledger:

BL: You said earlier that this team’s clubhouse has shown some fire of late. What sort of uncharacteristic behavior would the casual baseball fan be surprised to hear about the Yankees who are often portrayed as robotic, corporate, drones?

Graziano: The mustache thing, I guess. Mussina’s quote board. I just get a different feel in there than I used to. I mean, fans like to talk about those Tino Martinez/Scott Brosius/Paul O’Neill teams playing with “fire,” but that didn’t translate to the clubhouse. That clubhouse was quiet, corporate and stuffy. This one is much looser in general, and a more comfortable place for us to do our jobs for sure. This is a more approachable, friendly group of players who seem to like each other a great deal. They’ve even come to tolerate Alex. [laughs]

Finally, in the New York Observer, Howard Megdal profiles the new best thing for the Bombers.

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--Earl Weaver