"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

A Damn Shame

Earlier this week, Jay Jaffe wrote:

The obituaries have been all too full of familiar names in recent weeks, men whose life’s work brought me a great deal of joy, countless hours of entertainment, and plenty of food for thought. Since Memorial Day alone, we’ve lost director Sydney Pollack, actor Harvey Korman, musician Bo Diddley, and sports broadcaster Jim McKay. Today’s bad news is the passing of writer Eliot Asinof. He was 88.

Tim Russert died today. He was just 58. I don’t know his work well but understand that he was well-regarded. He was certainly accomplished and I liked him enough when I did happen to see him on TV. I know he was a big baseball fan. He died of a heart attack. He was at work. Oh, man.

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