"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Yankee Money

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1 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 9, 2008 4:23 pm

Amazing to think that the Yankees were close to getting both Bonds and Maddux (even if Maddux was just using them to jack up his price from Atlanta) in the 92-93 off season.

2 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 9, 2008 4:30 pm

[1] Probably the best thing that never happened, as we ended up doing pretty well a little later... something to think about, I suppose.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 9, 2008 4:42 pm

The only thing that I think about is if Bonds had played for the Yanks in those years, and they still won (which, at least on paper, seems likely), how much would those championships be 'tainted." Then again, I suppose all of the championships and seasons for a period of time are 'tainted.'

Still, Maddux in NYC in his prime would have been some kind of treat.

4 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 9, 2008 4:44 pm

I just read a source say the Mets and K Rod are set to sign a three-year, $37 deal. That bodes well for the rest of the market being reasonably reasonable...CC take that offer before it goes POOF!

5 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:00 pm

Wow, on a side note, the Yankee-Met rivalry just got a little boost of juice. Man, do I dislike K Rod.

6 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:06 pm

I only think the 2000 championship would be in question right now. Maddux was fine and all, but if he didn't want to be in NYC, I can't blame him. How effective would he really be when he's someplace he doesn't really like?

That's what concerns me with CC; if he's pining for the fjords, he's not gonna be top line in the Crucible. He may be the best free agent on the market, but I think he's already telling us he'd suck in the Bronx. RJ gave us a taste when he got off the plane, and though he got wins, he didn't give us what we wanted when we absolutely needed it, which is what he was mainly brought here for.

My feeling is and has been from the beginning, CC is not the answer by himself, but does go a long way toward the answer and that's that. If we do sign him we better hope he's not the focal point of the team, regardless of how much money he's making (a la A-Rod). The press needs to really take a chill pill in at any rate.

7 Cliff Corcoran   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:09 pm

Bonds didn't start juicing until after the Yankees' string of championships, and maybe if he had a few rings he wouldn't have felt the need to keep up with Big Mac and Sammy on the homer front and would never have done it at all. Who knows how history would have changed with Barry in pinstripes. That said, everyone knew he was going to the Giants. It was a birthright for him.

BTW, you think the big dude on the cell phone is calling a friend trying to find out if he's on TV? Oy.

8 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:13 pm

[4] Brian Fuentes has got to be pissed. But K-Rod to the Mets seemed like the most ideal spot from the get-go. At least our West Coast swing gets a little easier, unless CC decides to settle out there. And yeah CC, the clock really is ticking. You won't do any better than this unless you don't really care anyway.

9 Raf   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:45 pm

Were the Yanks really close to getting Bonds? At the time, I never really thought he seriously thought about coming to NY. Same with Maddux.

Having said that, had they signed, the Yanks catch the Jays in 1993, and get past the M's in 95. Then again, they get past the M's if Showalter shows a bit more faith in the bullpen (understandable why he didn't considering Wette got torched the night before). Friggin Edgar...

[6] If CC can pitch, he can pitch anywhere. Munson pined for Cleveland, asked to be traded there several times from what I read, still didn't affect his production here. FWIW, in 05 Unit did better @ home than he did on the road. 05 he was pretty bad no matter the location. Then Cashman dumped him before he put together a 10 game season due to his cranky back.

10 sonyahennystutu   ~  Dec 9, 2008 5:53 pm

[4] I agree - I think the years and the $/years sets a helpful tone on balance for the Yanks - and all other teams chasing the FAs.

The starter and closer markets are actually roughly parallel this year - an 'A' guy and a handful of next tier guys (either b/c of injury history or lesser performance/ability).

The 'A' closer just went, at fewer years and lower dollars than desired. It'll be interesting to see if there's any carry over into the SP market. Nevermind, I'm probably just dreaming.

All that said, I wonder if, in general, the rich 2 yr deal the Dodgers gave what's his name, the rich 2 years they offered Manny, and the rich 2 yr deal the Yanks hopefully offer Sheets are going to be more the norm over the coming years? 2-3 year deals, high avg$/yr.

11 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 9, 2008 6:28 pm

[9] I hear you, but Munson played daily, or as close to it as a catcher can. Can you think of an ace pitcher that the Yanks had who would've rather had been anywhere but the Bronx (and wasn't trying to deal with or come back from injury) who also produced on a WS-winning team? Jack McDowell keeps flashing in my mind like a big red middle finger, and that was before they started winning big-time.

12 Raf   ~  Dec 9, 2008 6:44 pm


Can't think of any off the top of my head, mainly because there weren't many "Yankee Aces." Not to mention such a small sample size; we're looking at the starters from 26 teams, and trying to understand why they performed the way they did. I don't think Don Larsen threw a perfect game because he enjoyed being in NY any more than Weaver and Rogers' postseason success in 2006 were due to the fact that they "couldn't handle NY."

13 Chyll Will   ~  Dec 9, 2008 7:30 pm

[12] That's fine. If he's trying to have it both ways (biggest money while playing at home), then he's got every right to pursue that. But don't be surprised if and when the Yanks pull the rug from under that hustle; I'm not ready to throw in the towel on CC, but at this point I have to know as the GM I've only got a certain amount of time to enact my off-season strategy. Waiting on CC should not hinder that, unless your only plan is CC...

14 Mattpat11   ~  Dec 9, 2008 8:28 pm

Maybe I really am a spoiled fan, but it never occurred to me that this off season was going to turn into such a disaster. I never even considered that we would lose out on Sabathia and focus on the walking wounded as some half cocked plan b.

15 Alex Belth   ~  Dec 9, 2008 8:49 pm

Now, now, it's not a disaster yet. They haven't lost on on CC...yet. So many things can still happen. Remember, the Knobie and Clemens and A Rod trades all happened in late January-February.

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