I flipped through the paper on the subway this morning, my fingers smudged with newsprint. More layoffs, this time the cosmetics industry. Hard times here, more ahead.
I looked up and a short, smartly dressed couple stood in front of me. They were both attractive, well-groomed and pinched-looking, and they spoke softly to each other. It was almost as if they were just mouthing the words. So many couples are loud in New York and they were just the opposite.
I went back to my paper and then looked back up at them. They both had small mouths, and now they were both thinking, looking away from each other, lost in thought, concerned. I thought about how many times I see dogs who look like their owners. It was almost too perfect that these two people would find each other.
They stood about a foot apart and the man reached out and tugged gently on the woman’s handbag. She looked up at him. He held out his hand. She took it and they held onto each other, silently. I thought about Raging Bull, about all the slow-motion, close-up shots of hands, and how expressive hand gestures are (I talk with my hands all the time).
It’s cold outside today and the news is hard. This couple seemed worried, but I couldn’t tell if that was just their natural disposition or something else. At least they have each other.