"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Where the Smart People Are

The annual SABR convention took place this past weekend in Washington D.C. Our own Diane Firstman was there and I’m sure she’ll have some stories to tell. I’m never been to a SABR function and don’t think I’d make the effort unless the festivities were held in New York. At the same time, I’m sure you could learn a ton just hanging around the hotel lobby.

Alan Schwarz has a piece on the convention in the Times, and over at The Hardball Times, Chris Jaffe lists ten things he didn’t know before SABR 39.

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1 The Mick536   ~  Aug 3, 2009 9:19 am

I have been to two conventions, each one a joy. Met Marvin Miller at the first and Joe Garagiola at the second. So much to learn about the game and its followers. My wife even enjoyed some of the presentations, appreciating the effort put forth by the researchers and the quality of the presentations.

Attended the games both times. First, in Cincy featured a catch by Edmonds. Second in St. Louis featured a tornado, followed by a blow out with the brewers. People came to the game with hand held computers to settle disputes or start them.

Most fun-looking at the various shirts and hats worn by the attendees. Not just MLB stuff. Upset always by the anti-Yankee comments, but you learn to live wit them.

2 Diane Firstman   ~  Aug 3, 2009 11:30 pm

I'm currently in Dayton with my Scrabble peeps, but I'll have a full write-up with photos when I get back this weekend.

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--Earl Weaver