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Sweet and Meaty


BLP? Odd but maybe delicious.

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1 rbj   ~  Aug 19, 2009 1:45 pm

I am getting a nice crop of tomatoes in. Especially the Roma ones. And that's just from 2 plants. My zucchinis, however, are an utter failure.

2 Diane Firstman   ~  Aug 19, 2009 2:01 pm

You down wit' BLP???
Who's down wit' BLP???

3 Shaun P.   ~  Aug 19, 2009 2:06 pm

We're part of a CSA - we get a share of the crop from a local farm - and their tomatoes have, so far, been fantastic. Though I believe they had to spray them with pesticides etc to protect them from the blight.

I still remember, as a kid, going to my grandmother's house and picking tomatoes right off the plant, then eating them as a snack like others do with apples. If I could wait long enough to get inside the house, I'd cut them in half and add some salt, or grated pecorino romano cheese. The perfect summer snack.

I gotta say, the idea of a caprese salad with peaches instead of tomatoes mentioned in the article is quite intriguing.

4 Diane Firstman   ~  Aug 19, 2009 2:10 pm


Good article .... makin' me hungry ..

When I read the title of the post, my mind leapt to this ...

5 ms october   ~  Aug 19, 2009 2:16 pm

[3] yeah the peaches in a caprese salad sounded intriguing

my mom grows tomatoes just about every summer and they always turn out simply delicous. even with the extra stuff she has to go through to keep them safe from the dog. hopefully there will be some left when i head to al in a few weeks. if not, maybe we will try a blp (though it does sound odd)

6 Alex Belth   ~  Aug 19, 2009 2:18 pm

summer ain't the same without great tomatoes and corn to end it.

7 Shaun P.   ~  Aug 19, 2009 3:08 pm

[6] Speaking of corn + tomatoes, my wife has a great recipe for a bruschetta using fresh corn and tomatoes. If I can find it later, I'll post it.

8 seamus   ~  Aug 19, 2009 5:10 pm

[7] please do!

9 knuckles   ~  Aug 19, 2009 5:49 pm

I'll take a pass on that. For me, the bread and lettuce are solely a tomater and bacon delivery vessel.

10 NYYfan22   ~  Aug 19, 2009 7:38 pm

[3] Pesticides, egh? On my way into work tonight I heard a story on NPR about the strange "white-nose" disease which is killing off thousands upon thousands of bats. here's the story. It's rampant in the NorthEast US now, and scientists fear it could spread coast-to-coast in a few years.

Thing is, while most of us urban- and suburban-ers don't think much of bats, the depopulation will wreak havoc on farmers and their crops. Something I never knew: Your average bat will consume ½ of its body weight in insects every night. Obviously, dead ones won't.

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