Just got in the door from Vermont, lugging bags up from the car, schvitzin’, hungry, cranky.
But just in time to put up a game thread, relax and watch the Yanks.
Heard something about a visit to Dr. J. Andrews for David Robertson which is not a good sign.
Otherwise, life is good and Let’s Go Yan-Kees!
JD... Oh no!
ARod... oh Yes!
here is petey's update on robertson:
Swish shot !!!!!!
damn swish smashed that ball - funny that it was rh
Just you and me Ms. O. Does this mean we're dating?
[3] Now if Girardi says it's nothing, then it's probably terminal for Robertson.
Evening, Team.
Nick Swisher sure did hit that baseball, no?
[8] Hey! I saw her first!
(Oops... should be [7]. So much for feeble attempts at humor.)
Damn it!
They forgot to go to commercials so we had about ten seconds of just baseball. I wish we could just get a live feed that never left the field with the option for just listening to natural sound.
Wouldn't that be nice?
[9] Heh heh.
[11] indeed
[9] we'll always have the first 20 minutes of game 140
I didn't expect it but Abreu with a .836 OPS, Swisher with an .875+ OPS. And for all his blunders, I'll take Swisher's glove over Bobby's anytime.
Is this guy's name really Gaugin?
[11] It would be great. I wonder, seriously, how much any of us would be willing to pay for it, since that is about the only way we will enjoy unused potential ad time.
[14] You really think so? I don't know. Aside from the wall, I always found him solid. He always seemed to know where the ball was going.
[16] I know. How much could they charge?
Actually, never mind. If there existed such an option, mlb would probably start mandating league-wide commercials over the stadium PA so we'd have to hear it anyway.
I guess we could always have a Leninist revolution.
[17] He may have known where it was going, but he didn't seem to get there himself, at least according to all of the advanced defensive metrics (which placed him among the worst RFs in all of baseball at the end of his Yankee tenure).
Swish looks ugly with the glove, but he actually has decent range.
[11] MiLB.TV used to be like that. I really liked it. During commercials, you got to watch the grounds crew working, heard all the stadium noise, the announcers chit-chatting, etc.
[18] I disagree. MLB would have NO problem allowing us to hear just baseball, so long as someone (us) pay for it. There is a potential market solution.
Meanwhile, when the Leninist solution comes along, we'll probably have to here re-education messages instead. : )
[20] Yeah, fair enough, I can see that. Swish does have decent range, that is true. He does seem to range farther than Abreu did.
[21] :)
Derek has some quick hands, actually.
UZR ......... Over the last three years
Dewan has Abreu at -14 (32nd), -14 (32nd), and -24 (34th)
Ohh! That was a nice pitch.
[21] we won't have to here anything it will be mute :}
[27] Touché.
Jesus, you see that swing? Dude almost drilled himself to China.
mk making fun of sterling is usually funny
And the pitcher thinks you can pick a guy off if you throw super fast, like a striking cobra.
Oooh, well done, boys.
nice play team
is this gaudin's best outing ever?
Missed sign?
Wow.... perfect throw by Posada.
Hey-hey. Michelle Oudin obvisouly called up Chad Gaudin and told him to win one for the folks with last names that are not pronounced how you think they'd be. Or something like that. : /
[33] Probably not. Look at his 2007 season, which included a 7.0 /1 /0 /0 /3 /4 against the Yankees.
Awesome, the YES feed on Rogers Sports Net just lost sound. Mute!
Nice hustle, Teix.
Time for an A-Bomb!
Good eye, Alex.
Good hustle, Alex, just don't hurt yourself.
Ouch. ARod beats that on a good hip.
no infield hits for the yankees
those crazy rays - how dare they put one of their best pitchers in the rotation - in fact it is proof positive they are crazy
If it didn't before, this lead suddenly seems very precarious.
good go sit down - i can't stand looking at greg zaun for one second longer than i have to
Man, what a snare!
[45] well once they announced tonight's pitcher this lead was precarious, but this has been about when gaudin starts giving it up
but hey tonight is looking pretty good for ole chad
Everything's coming up roses.
But a little luck doesn't hurt. That could have been Mitre 2.0.
[48] Heh heh heh heh.
[49] Knock on wood, if you please.
Wow, I forgot that Price wasn't just the 8th inning guy, he was the closer (at least part of the time). His move to the rotation obviously explains the Rays' woes this year.
i know this is slightly old and random, but i am amazed that aaron boone was able to play baseball this year
I'm glad Kay and O'Neill have taken the opportunity to debate whether Joba should be a reliever. It moves the focus off whether Hughes should be a reliever.
Very unselfish ground out by Cano.
[55] They both seem to think that one of those guys should be in the bullpen.
Oh, and, good evening, all.
[54] Who?
Evening, RI.
[56] That reminds me, did you see that hideously selfish, stat-padding homer by Teixeira yesterday evening? I was furious. He killed the rally -- you will remember that they were on their way to a really big inning, and they only managed three runs after the blast.
[57] The best line, from O'Neill: "I said from day 1 that Joba should be a reliever, because he had done it before."
Of course, on Day 1 he had never been a reliever before...
[60] No, luckily I missed the game...so I didn't have to witness such fundamentally unsound baseball.
[61] Well, technically, yes. But you're relying on an excessively mathematical, geeky definition of "1'.
[60] :)
[61] wait mk's companion tonight is flash
but yeah it is too much to waste BOTH of them in the rotation - 1 has to be in the pen
[66] His companion. That's cute.
OK, so now Gaudin is heading into "best game for him ever" territory. If he pitches really well, and if history holds, he should be pulled from the rotation, for Mitre or possible JOsh Towers.
[65] Oh, is that Flash? I'm glad, because other wise O'Neill would have been the one sounding like an idiot.
To be honest, I have a hard time telling the various YES/MY9 former players apart--probably because I don't too many games.
wow - the yankees?!? picking off crawford?!??
Holy smokes. Go on with your Chad self. Sorry. (ducking)
Got to head out on a boring job, will miss the rest of the game. Go team!!
[0] Alex, that is a fantastic album with one of Blue Note's best ever covers. thelarmis will no doubt chime in about it later!
About the earlier discussion, on my tv here in Japan I can swtich the audio track between the English announcers (YES on the Yankee games) or the Japanese announcers...in the evening when it's a Japanese game, the English-language track is just silent..it's really fun watching the game like that! Shame about the awful camera work here, but that's another story...
[68] "...don't see too many games."
I think O'Neill and Flash are the toughest to distinguish, at least by voice quality.
[68] yeah when i didn't get yes regularly i had a hard time distinguishing them too (well not so much mk and kenny - but all the former yankee players)
[73] i agree - the most distinguishable thing to me is flash has a slight lisp and o'neill's cincy twang comes out when he is excited
[74] I find Cone very easy. I think he has a western Penn. accent, is that right? I don't know where he's from. Kenny has a melodious quality, musical.
I wonder if he's thinking about Gehrig.
A wee slump, no?
the rays do not want to see derek get the record
[76] he's from kansas city - yeah coney is pretty distinguishable
[75 Interesting! Yes, Paul has that southern midlands accent, but to me it's subtle and I have to listen for a while to be sure. I hadn't noticed Flash's lisp. For me the content and style is what distinguishes Flaherty.
Flash: "Prce is a young pitcher...they won't let him go more than 100 or 110 pitches."
As opposed to all the veteran pitchers who regular go past 110.
Instead of Joba Rules, do the Rays have Price Controls?
The sooner Price is out of there the better.
82 Nice.
i believe that is what is called a nice piece of hitting
Good Lord, that was a beautiful hit.
Comfy-Rod. Whatever Kevin Long told him is good by me. : D
[85] He's good at hitting.
Good at baseball.
You see, that's clear evidence that Price should be in the pen. He pitched a god game, but he's losing, so it's been a waste. If he was in the pen, they could use him to preserve a win. Which do you think is more valuable?
That really was beautiful. Nice pulling in of the hands.
[86] Yep..well struck, but not too selfish. And, it moved Teix to third, so the bases are not clogged.
[89] Well, it's mute, isn't it? You could just argue about this forever. It's so subjective.
It was very unselfish of him.
[92] Yeah, probably. But one thing that is not subjective: Price just didn't want it enough to get a win tonight.
Wow, Flash was right! I'm impressed.
Well, maybe Gaudin just left "best game ever" territory.
paging the short leash - short leash please pick-up the courtesy phone
Fun''s over. Get him outta there.
If he gets an out, could Hughes pitch five outs?
[100] If.
And the Hughes situation tonight is...?
[100] Only if the first out came in the eighth.
[102] Eighth inning guy.
Of course. Eighth Inning Guy.
If only it were said eighth.
Ha ha. Shoulda bunted, small ball boys.
Funky platoon, I love that song!
Navarro PH for anyone? It's good to see that overmanaging is not restricted to pinstripes.
BB. I wonder what's going to happen next.
Take that! Girardi won't let Navarro beat him, so here comes Bruney!!
[108] joe maddon has shown himself to be quite the over-manager this series
Oh, lord. Girardi and Maddon with the September rosters. This chess match could last for hours.
[109] Oh, man, I could actually hear your eyes rolling!
[112] We seem to have settled on Bruney v. Navarro--a perverse form of immovable object v. irrepressible force.
Talk about over-managing. Mixing and matching for Navarro?
nice play alex
5 unassisted. Not exactly what I had in mind. And the wheels in the sky keep on turning. Cripes. MK just read my mind.
[112] Earlier in the evening, they had some sort of poll question: if you could change one rule in baseball., which would you choose.
My initial reaction was to get rid of the DH. Upon reflection, I would abolish September rosters.
i hope no one is scoring this thing tonight either - pencilling in these moves might be dangerous to your health
Next inning Maddon will have Brian Shouse pinch hit, so Girardi will call on Albaladejo, who has good numbers against pitchers. This will take 12 minutes, and Albaladejo will walk Shouse on a questionable call.
[115] On both sides: mixing and matching FOR Navarro, in response to mixing and matching WITH Navarro.
Is Bruney now the designated Rongy?
what has gotten into jorgie with these snap throws?
[122] There's no such thing. That wouldn't make sense, to have someone designated to get one right handed batter. Don't be foolish. What a waste that would be.
Let's see what Genius comes up with next.
[120] I'm still wondering why Maddon didn't properly motivate Price to throw a shutout. : ) Atta boy, Cokey. Make it interesting.
Ah, leaving Coke in. Interesting. Radical. This may work out.
nice play jh jr
[124] Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of Righ-handed One Navarro Guy.
Michael Kay! Awesome. "The mixing and matching pays off beautifully"! Amazing.
christ, not surprisingly mk fully endorsed "the duel" and how girardi "out-manuvered" maddon
[128] Well, he was facing another lefty.
In the end, Joe G. checkmated Joe M.
Girardi, you magnificent bastard!
[130] Well, now, that's not really fair, because your penchant and reputation for typos led me to believe that you had intended to type "ROOGIE".
In any case, I believe Girardi is right now on the phone to Cashman demanding a raise. See if they show Cash on his cell phone.
[134] because your penchant and reputation for typos
Be nice, now.
Lance Cormier.
He gets an automatic spot in my all-time awesome baseball names roster.
yeah he was out
no one can accuse maddon of sitting in the dugout and picking his nose all night
this is turning into a college basketball game
...and the chess match is rejoined. Your move, Girardi.
Ah, Godzilla. Very clever, Mr. Girardi, very clever.
BUT NOT CLEVER ENOUGH! {throws Randy Choate onto the board}
round 3 (?) - maddon
BWAH HA HA HA! {tosses head back, laughing fiendishly}
hi all. i heard most of the top of the 7th on fuzzy radio in the car. talk about over-managing. i heard all but the Aki at-bat. i'm glad Cokey got out of it!
sounds like Go-Dan did rather well.
ooh, i hope Robertson's okay!!! sounds like he should be. i sure hope so...
did Robbie hustle on the infield single or was it a sure base hit up the middle that was blocked from reaching the outfield?
Hughes for the 8th, Mo for the 9th?!
[141] CHOATE!!!
i presume hughesy will get the full 8th - take that maddon
holy shit that wasn't supposed to happen
And now it's YOUR move, Mr. Girardi.
[145] did Robbie hustle on the infield single...
Hard to tell.
or was it a sure base hit up the middle that was blocked from reaching the outfield?
So, what did I miss?
[148] Yes. Saving Hughes for the eighth is supposed to guarantee a win. My universe is rocked right now.
Cripes, I go to the kitchen to get some ice cream and heat up chocolate sauce (no scotch tonight), and look what happens.
shit. well, that sucks.
boston's up big, but texas won game 1 and is winning game 2.
Hughes can't handle the eigth inning. Make him a starter.
[155] : )
[152] On the bright side maybe he'll pitch the 9th, too. If the Yanks don't score in the 8th of course.
[151] gaudin pitched pretty well, price did okay but yanks got 2 runs off him, somehow bartlett cranked a 1st pitch hr off hughes, and derek can't buy a hit - plus a lot of over-managing for the last inning and a half
I can handle Hughes blowing a lead.
Bruney and Coke, not so much
[155] i loves it!
BTW Bucholz is looking good lately, granted it was the Orioles today but still.
Okay. Here's where Jeter cranks one out
damn robbie turns a beautiful double play
Good D tonight.
Cano is godlike out there.
[152] i think i am still a bit stunned
[162] He and Hughes planned it. This way Phil gets the W.
okay, well...we're not losing.
Phil only threw 11 pitches. i say send him out for the 9th and save Mo, for the...you know - save.
[162] i was just thinking that. or, at least, a single, stolen base, run scored...
Just a bit outside
[157] Well of course, because it's not a Save Situation ®.
[161] i like to call him Fuckholz. though "Laptop" will do just fine! : )
Perhaps Jeter is unaware that this is Randy Choate
i'll be very disappointed if we don't beat CHOATE!!!
one of the best moments of the season was when o'neill was absolutely stunned that randy choate was tampa's closer
Jesus christ
This series sucks.
O fer crying out loud.
jeter can't buy a hit. but if he could, he can certainly afford it!
fucking shit
Great bunt...better defensive play.
The Yankees can't hit Randy Choate
[175] Randy Choate is the closer even though no one knows it. He is...the most interesting man in the world.
[0] Alex used this album cover somewhat recently. i've got a stack of about 30 Jimmy Smith CD's on Blue Note Records on my kitchen table (yes, i've completely run out of room) and this one is on top, 'coz i LOVE the album cover soooo much. a total classic - aesthetically and musically!!!
why is Johnny bunting?!?!?! : /
[182][183] I imagine Sterling would have something to say about this.
CHOAD!!!!! I mean CHOATE!!! : )
Well, that was embarrassing
This would be a blood boiling game if we were in some kind of race. Instead it's just kind of amusing.
Phils have 4 batters w/ 30 or more homeruns: Werth, Ibanez, Utley & Howard
Javy Vazquez has as many hits tonight as he's given up: 2
[188] A bullet that to the RF that was caught and a brilliant defensive play, on the first two batters. Hardly embarrassing.
Is 13 the real number or does Kay still refuse to count the Castillo game as a walk off win?
[191] Randy Choate got through the Yankees DH and top of their order without allowing a run. Or a baserunner of any sort.
Damn, no more Phil.
Oh, right, I just remembered one of the Rulz: at home, you can use your closer in a tie game.
Does anyone think Joey Joe Joe would have done anything different in the 8th and 9th tonight if this was game one of the ALCS?
Oooh, Rivera for the ninth in a tie. The chess game continues...
Girardi: "Mais oui, but we are all pawns on the chessboard of life."
Maddon, Biensûr, mon ami.."
[196] probably not - possibly pull hughes after the hr in a panic, but i think he "trusts" hughes
[193] I somehow doubt that Jeter is embarrassed by working nine pitches and driving the ball.
[164] Yes, good D tonight.
And Mo.
Remember when Maddon tried to lose the ALCS last year? I hope he does that again. This game bores me.
Mariano Rivera, ladies and gentlemen.
i know it's a tie game at home and all, but Phil threw 11 freaking pitches, we used 3 relief pitchers in the 7th and we're not assured of scoring in the bottom of the 9th. i dislike this move greatly. i love Mo dearly, but Hughes should be on the mound right now.
oh, and of course, robertson is not around.
"Mr. Girardi, do you expect me to pinch hit?"
No, Mr. Maddon, I expect you to die."
[189] As if from Olympian heights.
whew, no more choate
[207] F'ing brilliant!
207 Man you are on fire today.
Come on, Alex. Right here, right now.
wow, Mo is amazing!
Wheeler's given up more HR than BB this year.
ZUT ALORS!!!!!!!
Swisher: "Excellent, excellent...but now I grow fatigued with this this game."
What swagger.
Whoa, I only just noticed that my mlb.com feed is well behind you guys.
[219] Yes, precisely. Precisely.
man he is a nut - the lovable kind, but nevertheless a wacko
I guess Swisher is trying to make up for that Home/Road split all in one night.
That's a real nice souvenir she got there.
So I'm going to the game on Friday. Looks like I have a real shot at seeing the record.
Hey, a rare W for Mo!
Russ Salzberg gives me a headache. Tell me if anything of note happens in the post game
[214] Very prescient.
90 wins.
Oh, hey, check it out [214]. That must have exerted some kind of magical momentum effect, no?
[216] hey, what does that mean? Zappa has a record called "Zoot Allures". i don't get it...
[230] Oh, right, thanks. Now I wish I hadn't tooted my own horn there. Oh well.
[233] It's French for "Whoa, dude!"
On the one hand, the Yanks are going to the post-season. On the other hand, I have at least another year of watching Girardi "outwit" his "opponents", and his attendant "I'm outwitting you" face.
Well, at least Swisher will (most likely) be there to balance that sourpuss karmically.
39-13 since the break. .750%
[235] really?!
[233] I was channeling my 6th grade French due to MP's bit of French speaking. The best I can gather is it means a mild French expletive. That's all. : ) I'll stick with Holy Fuck! Another Walkoff. In the future. : D Damn French.
[236] Well, usually when Girardi tries to outsmart someone, its a miserable failure, and usually involves people like Wilson Betemit and Phil Coke, so when he actually succeeds, give him his due.
pretty solid move there by the swish. Anyone think he won't make next year's roster? (as a bench player)
[239] coolio. i love "holy fuck"! zappa hates the french! his song "In France", is pretty hilarious!
[238] Here's a stupid-funny video of it in action. Kenan Thomspon makes me laugh.
Now if Hughes had gotten the W, that would have been a true Vulture win!
Man, that was fun. Swish is so hilarious.
Feel bad for Gaudin, feel great otherwise!
Holy crap - Sterling can't remember what the plays of the game are and is randomly clearing his throat. Classic Sterling.
[240] But this one did involve Coke. He brought in Cokey to walk the lefty. Worked, too.
[241] pretty solid move there by the swish. Anyone think he won’t make next year’s roster? (as a bench player)
I think there's a pretty good chance he is a starter next year, after Damon and Matsui depart, and only one of Melky/Gardner/A-Jax start.
[240] Also, in an odd way this victory did involve WIlson Betemit. Only Wilson has been touched by a fairy godmother and turned into Nick Swisher.
[243] cool. not my kinda humor, but i watched it...
[247] i'm not so sure Damon's going anywhere...
[241] What?
[240] I continue to like Coke more than most other people. His inherited runners stats say I'm not out of line with that. He's had a few very bad outings, but I tend to feel pretty good about him when they bring him in for a lefty-lefty. I don't think he's terrible in normal situations, either, but I like him a lot in lefty-lefty spots.
Wow, Sterling with an actual interesting point. The Yanks are 52-18 over the last seventy. That is ill.
[249] My wife and I should have stopped watching SNL long ago, but alas, we still watch.
I'll try sticking to my native tongue in the future. : )
[251] He has the worst home run rate of any reliever in the league.
One more from the radio - that NYY Steak "take your chance at the plate" is such an hilariously bad tag line. "Take your cuts at the plate" or "Take your licks at the plate" would make so much more sense.
[250] I'm not sure he is, either. But if he stays, there is a decent chance that he will DH a lot, and that still leaves room for Swisher to start. Unless the Yankees sign a big OF bopper and keep one of Damon/Matsui, Swish will be back and will be in the starting lineup most nights.
[254] Isolate the really bad outing he throws up once a month and that number looks a lot different - the guy has gotten *a lot* of big outs this season.
RI - if you're still here, your boy Marquis is throwing a gem tonight for the Rox.
[255] LOL, I never heard that one. Nice.
[253] would you believe i've never actually watched an entire episode of SNL in my life. i mean, i watched when Jeter & Cone were on, but never a full episode. i find it well more stoopid than funny, but that's just me...
[258] Sweet. I'll tune in for a little while (I do have to be up early tomorrow). Thanks.
[250] and [256] He's perfect for what the Yankees try to do - a high OBP man with pop who sees a ridiculous number of pitches and people can sneeze at chemistry all they want - Swisher has got to be very very good for this team's chemistry and esprit de corps. He's signed for a little over 7 million per for the next three years, with an option for a fourth. He turned around last year's unusually bad season with an excellent season this year - I can hardly imagine a scenario where he's not back.
[260] You are very strange. There are many, many things you have never done that are just shocking.
[259] It amazes me every time. What happens if I get unlucky? Mad cow?
[254] That's actually not true, though his HR rate is pretty bad.
[260] It's all good. There's always beers and blondes. : D
[257] I'm not sure how you want to define his monthly really bad outing that bloats his HR rate. He doesn't have a two HR outing all year. So the absurd 10 HR in 54 innings has to come from somewhere, and if you look at his HR log, they're spread out pretty evenly and almost always in close games.
I hope the Rangers don't cough this one up.
[263] HA!!! i know! ; )
oh well. nothing i can do. i guess i have my "quirks". it's just how i'm wired.
[266] you are speaking my speed! though i haven't been much for beer the last month-plus...
[261] you might wanna just hit the hay - marquis in trouble in the 8th. well, he just got an out.
[268] oh god, me too...
[265] Who overtook him? He had it for a while and I just assumed he's held on to it
Dang, thelarmis, as soon as I tune in our Tribesman he gives up a couple of base runners to the Tribe, and a gritty ground out puts two in scoring position. And that's it for Marquis.
[267] You may be right about HR's being spaced out, but check out his game log. It's a lot of very good with a few islands of very bad - and those are around once a month. Even looking at his stats using FIPpish variables, it's a limited handful (or two handfuls) that seem to skew his numbers.
[274] So you're saying if Girardi gets a tide chart and a good astrologer, Coke can be successful?
[263] then again, not trying drugs, not liking many desserts and not watching SNL isn't all that strange! ; )
[267] True. But he also has 62 appearances, and he is often (but not always) called on to get only one or two LH batters. One could look at it from this perspective: he has only given up 10 HRs in 62 outings, or one out of only every six appearances. Also, if you look at his splits, he has given up 6 HRs in 124 plate appearances v. LH batters, or about one every 20 batters (he has 30 Ks in those 124 PAs against).
I'm not sure if those are good numbers or not, but when depolyed properly it does not appear that Coke is a complete HR machine.
[273] i tried to warn you in [270]. sorry, man.
[276] No, no it's not. That's true. It's not particularly strange at all.
{backs quietly and unobtrusively out of the room}
[279] hysterically laughing over here!!!! ah, fuck it, i've got my quirks. oh well, whachya gonna do?! : )
i think i'm gonna listen to FZ's Zoot Allures when BBTN ends.
then, i'm gonna go compose STRANGE musik, late night at my drum studio.
[275] Something like that. Or maybe just as a LOOGY. Or I like enough of what I see that I think when he's not this callow, he may be worth something. It does mean that I've seen way more good out of the kid than bad. Those outs he's gotten are tough outs to get. Some guys couldn't get one of those outs if you gave them try after try. Kid's got balls, reasonably good stuff, and a respectable fastball.
I know liking him is not a popular sentiment, but dammit, I like the kid.
[272] Quick scan of the AL relievers (looking only at guys have been used consistently--like 30 0r 40 or more appearances): Linebrink, Shawn Kelley, Mahay, Jensen Lewis, Guardado.
[281] Actually, I like him too. Ever since that interview on mlb.com. I can't help it, he was so completely disarming.
[277] Six HR in 124 PA works out to 31 over a hypothetical full season. That seems awful.
I'm also just not a fan of the LOOGY period, so I'm probably going to be a harder sell than most people.
[275] The question is not where the island is, but when it is.
/Lost reference.
[283] that was a great interview. didn't he shave his head after that? Coke is also a big Rock 'N Roll fan and digs musik.
Marquis is still the pitcher of record...
[281] I wasn't confident in Coke for a while but now that I kind of "get" his game, I don't mind him on the team. He's blown it a few times but he's done a good job most of the time.
It's the same sort of thing with Burnett. Now that I understand him, I don't get mad when he has meltdown. He's just a terrifically inconsistent pitcher, because he has wild stuff, and he's kind of stupid. (He's also the type of pitcher for whom ERA may be misleading.)
And here I am talking about AJ Burnett. Pshaw!
[285] At first I thought you were making a lost reference that was lost on me. But then I realized you were making a reference to Lost, and now I get it...
[283] Yeah, that's part of it. Although I'm thinking of his interview after his first save - is that the same interview you mean?
I also just realized he's already 27. I'd forgotten he'd been around that long. I still think that I'd like to see how he does with more time in the majors.
[284] Yes, but reliever numbers tend to be skewed, both good and bad. If he is brought in to face ne batter and gives up a jack, he is pulled, whereas the starter gets to face more batters. It's thus hard to evaluate relievers on what the would do if their numbers were extrapolated to a full season of starting.
He has allowed only 10 out of 45 inherited runnersto score (22%), well below the league average for relievers (35%). LH batters are only hitting .608 OPS against him. By and large, Coke has done the job when called upon, in most but not all appearances.
[288] Yes, the interview after his first save, when he repeatedly said that it would be fine if Mariano wanted to keep the closer job because it was a little harder than he expected.
Darren O'Day
Faces Andy Marte
And puts him away,
Saving the day.
At least until the ninth inning.
[0] Dang, you're recycling pictures already? >;)
Javy Vazquez has a rather impressive strikeout to walk career ratio:
2,220 K's 644 BB's
[290] Jose Veras is pitching for the Tribe! haha!!!
[291] i thought the same thing. but that album art is soooo good, it's okay! : )
i like how Pete Abe has used retired #'s for the last 2 games, in regards to the Magic Number. quite clever!
new thread...
[289] To continue...
The average AL reliever in 2009 comes into the game with the bases empty 67% of the time, with runners 33% of the time. He faces High Leverage situations 22% of the time and Low Leverage 47% of the time.
Coke has come in with runners on 44% of his appearances, and he has faced 49% High Leverage situations and only 23% Low Leverage.
In other words, Coke has been called on to face tougher situations than the average reliever (men on base, high leverage situations) and he has succeeded most (but not all) of the time.
[290] For some insane reason only I can fathom, my brain plays a trick on me every time I hear the name Andy Marte and I convince myself that he's Andy Morales, that he somehow made the major leagues, and that he had an actual career. Some sort of synaptic misfire.
[289] and [296] Thanks for the numbers. Looks like liking Coke isn't quite the painful proposition around here that I thought it might be...
what a great win to come back to! And the game thread tonight..Captial old boys, just Capital!
.750 ball since the break..amazing..