"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Can’t Win ’em All

No pie tonight. I’m not jokin.


Joba Chamberlain was lousy though the Royals didn’t kick his teeth in. They did enough against the Yanks though as they pulled out a 4-3 win. Mariano pitched a scoreless ninth. Derek Jeter hit his 18th homer of the year. Nick Swisher hit a two-run bomb and lost a ball in right allowing a run to score. The Yanks had runners on second and third with two out in the ninth but Ramiro Pena popped out to end it.

Truth is, I found it hard to concentrate on the game and I had it on all evening.

But it was cool in New York tonight and I’m already getting amped for next week when the games will matter and we’ll all be hootin’ and hollerin’.

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1 RagingTartabull   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:32 pm

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya funky bitch!

so heres to hoping we don't see Joba until game 4 of the ALCS with a 3-0 lead

2 Mattpat11   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:36 pm

It would have been nice to come back and win, but it was near impossible to cae about that game after Joba mercifully left.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:40 pm

GOB is the best!

4 Mattpat11   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:43 pm

Jeff Suppan doesn't get enough consideration in the worst contract in baseball conversation. He's probably not the absolute worst, as long as Wells and Rios are still around, but he's probably top five.

5 RagingTartabull   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:46 pm

[4] three words: Fuk U Dome

6 Mattpat11   ~  Sep 30, 2009 10:52 pm

I think Suppan edges out Fukudome just because of the disparity in payroll between the two teams.

7 williamnyy23   ~  Sep 30, 2009 11:45 pm

If anything, at least this game probably dispelled the notion of using Joba as a starter in the ALDS (and perhaps even the ALCS). The Yankees should have Joba throw a relief inning on Friday and Sunday and perhaps a bullpen on Tuesday. If he seems like he can contribute, I would carry him as a reliever. Otherwise, I would seriously consider dropping him from the post season roster.

As for the game, if the Yankees were going to finally lose, it's no surprise that Sergio Mitre played a role.

8 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Sep 30, 2009 11:47 pm

「0」 Frankline Delano Bluth!! One of the greatest bits ever, the "Franklin Comes Alive!" album just killed me.

Worst Contract: I call you, "Quest"...

9 Start Spreading the News   ~  Sep 30, 2009 11:52 pm

Did I read the boxscore correctly? Cano walked TWICE??? Here's hoping that patience stays with him.

10 Rich   ~  Oct 1, 2009 1:00 am

Freakin' Pavano.

11 rbj   ~  Oct 1, 2009 8:47 am

I was flipping back and forth between the game and Mythbusters' reruns. Dang it's hard to care about these final few games.

12 Sliced Bread   ~  Oct 1, 2009 9:02 am

Turned on the game in the bottom of the 7th. Bummer about Joba, but they booed the kid? Dimwits.

I just hope the Yankees are swift and forthcoming with their postseason plans for Joba. Let him know now where he stands, what to expect, and what they expect from him. I still have faith that he can come through in a big game, in a crucial situation --- and yes, I'd still be inclined to start him in Game 4 of the ALDS, ALCS, and World Series - with Gaudin as his backup.

13 Diane Firstman   ~  Oct 1, 2009 9:48 am


Your channel choices warm my heart ...

14 Diane Firstman   ~  Oct 1, 2009 9:51 am

But .... but .... its always a wonderful day for pie!

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--Earl Weaver