I love the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow, especially at night. You can feel the quiet around you, a heightened intimacy. Reminds me of this Al Green song. A music nyerd friend of mine once told me that producer Willie Mitchell achieved the vibe on the record by turning up the volume on all the microphones in the studio. Then Green sang softly and the band played softly, to great effect. They are all up in your ear hole…crunchy.
Dig it:
Excellent picture.
Happy Holidays all.
"Working" Xmas day, which included a 2 1/2 "lunch" in the pub. Best wishes to all! All aboard for #28!!
looks like columbia. i love when they put the lights up. good song too.
merry christmas to everyone.
Really cool to read this about J. Bender, now with the Knicks. I hope his comeback continues to go well! Maybe in 2029 the Knicks will once again be worthy of a Christmas Day televised game...
[4] Oh no..the Knics actually ARE on tv for Christmas Day! Never would have imagined that...
Havn't been to MSG in years but I wonder..is it still the "Mecca of Hoops"? Exactly why is it called that..35+ years withough a championship..Big East tournament isn't really a substitute for good NBA action...oh well...
[1] it really is a great picture.
i just practiced a coupla hours and now am getting into the beer. my parental units are flying down from NY tomorrow, to help me w/ house stuff. like good jews, we'll go get chinese food, after they land! it works out perfectly, 'coz the last coupla year, my grandpa ate chinese every friday. i have that with pizza on Wed's...
hey, tomorrow (well, today...) is: Rickey's Birthday! : )
[6] Yo thelarmis! Just cleaning up the office here (while drinking my 4th Guinness of the day, yayy!) Have a great winter holiday! Enjoy the Chinese food!
Sonny Rollins "Newk's Time" on right now, it's awesome of course.
[8] dude, Newk's Time, is one of my favorites!!! also, one of the first Blue Note cd's i ever got, way back in college. and, it's baseball related!!! in case, anyone else is reading our jibberish - i know Shaun P. likes to - even though he's not a jazzer - but i believe he's away for the holidays..."Newk's Time" is titled that, 'coz Sonny Rollins bore a resemblance to Don Newcombe, hence the title.
Kenny Dorham's "Aesiatic Raes" is on that record. it's been recorded on other records, under different titles.
don't be upset, but i was just listening to Tori Amos. her sophomore cd, Under The Pink. i can't believe it's 15 years old already! she was pretty great back in the day. believe it or not, she had George Porter, Jr. on bass - from The Meters...who pretty much rule!
Cheers on the Guinness - i just poured my 3rd Sierra! : )
[8] holy shit - i'm watching a re-run of one of those csi shows and one of the bad guys' names on the show is "Mingus". pretty cool!
[9] I never knew that was the origin of the title "Newk's Time"! Very cool!
Packing up now, I think my lady got me Miles' "The Complete Jack Johnson Sessions" as my present, can't wait to hear it. Peace out!
[11] nice, dude. i don't have the complete JJ sessions, but have seen it - it's hella cool. the amazing lick in there, was turned into an unbelievable song by one of the greatest bands in the history of the universe - "Smile And A Wave" by Screaming Headless Torsos" - NYC mid 90's.
rock on!
I love that picture. When I was a child I was fascinated by trees with lights that covered them like that; I used to painted several pictures that I kept on my wall until I was grown. When I made them, I explained that they used to be fire trees hundreds of years before, but the trees petrified and the fires were internalized and the blossoms sparkled as a result.
In retrospect, it may have been just another reason why I was sent to see a social worker for the rest of my public school life. At least I avoided the whole Ritalin Experience thing...
[13] Chyll, that is a fantastic image (the petrified trees). Can't imagine why when we were kids they would think your imagination was something in need of monitoring.
[12] thelarmis, I got the 50th anniversary "Kind of Blue" 3-cd set + the single album of "Tribute to Jack Johnson", which I already have..but the KoB set looks great, with a DVD included as well! A nice haul in the Xmas stocking.
[14] Dude, where I lived my best friend and I thought we had jail cells with our names on them the minute we became grown-ups. There was a lot for our minds to escape from in school. I had a great home life to make up for whatever school lacked, that's for sure.
As a little treat, I threw up a little post about those Nike Christmas commercials with the Kobe/LeBron puppets. Love em or hate em, I wish I had came up with these spots first...
( This is not an endorsement of any product, btw >;)