"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Beat of the Day


In honor of The Third Man–one of my favorite movies of all time–which is playing at the Film Forum through Tuesday. Here’s the theme re-imagined by that stereophonic maestro, Juan Garcia Esquivel:

Aw, hell, let’s cut to the chase. Here’s the star cameo for the ages (If you haven’t seen the movie, skip this…trust me, it’ll be worth it):

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1 BronxToCT   ~  Dec 26, 2009 3:18 pm

Alex: One of my favorite, as well. When I was much younger (and single), Joseph Cotton's unrequited love for Welles' lover hit a sore spot. I dig that crazy stereo version of the theme by Esquival! .....it really made me laugh. There's a special feature on my DVD of the movie featuring the original zither player performing the theme in what appears to be a nightclub. Great stuff, Alex -- love reading pieces like this in the off-season (or anythime).

2 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Dec 26, 2009 8:27 pm

[0] Love the film too. Welles was, and always will be, one of the cinema Gods!

Here in Tokyo, Japan Rail "Ebisu Station" plays the Third Man zither theme as their "doors are closing, please board" jingle music on the platform. (Every station has a different jingle). I couldn't figure out why The Third Man theme but someone told me, years ago Ebisu Beer used the music in one of their tv commercials..

3 wsporter   ~  Dec 26, 2009 8:55 pm

My favorite triple feature is The Maltese Falcon followed by The Third Man and finished by Miller's Crossing.

Anton Karas' zither background is a transcendent musical experience. His light almost effervescent touch contrasted with the relentless pessimism of the film creates a near perfect harmonic convergence of sight, sound and thought. To me it is as nearly a complete film experience as can be hoped for. Love that movie and everything about it.

4 matt b   ~  Dec 27, 2009 12:51 am

Another favorite moment in The Third Man:

Heard of Harry Lime?

I've heard of him, of course, but I
didn't exactly know him.

They reach the stairs and start up them.

I was going to stay with him, but
he died Thursday.

Goodness, that's awkward.

Is that what you say to people
after death? "Goodness that's

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--Earl Weaver