"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Spring Goodness

The spring crop of baseball books is just around the corner and I’m especially eager to read Howard Bryant’s biography of Hank Aaron. Closer to home, there are two baseballish memoirs of interest, The Cardboard Gods: An All-American Tale Told through Baseball Cards, by former Toaster pal, Josh Wilker, and 90% of the Game Is Half Mental: And Other Tales from the Edge of Baseball Fandom, by our own Emma Span. In a baseball round-up from Library Journal, the word is such on Emma’s book:

A warm and funny memoir (casual swearing included) by freelance writer Span, consisting of separate essay-chapters relating to her own experience of baseball, from her father’s nurture over scorecards, through her time (2006–07) as sportswriter for the Voice, to observations of what the game brings out in all of us around this country and beyond—players, writers, and fans included. This will be especially enjoyed by Span’s twenty-something peers who follow the Mets or Yankees. She has a refreshingly unassuming and appealing voice.

Josh and Emma are not only friends but I think they are two of the most interesting and engaging writers to emerge from the baseball blogosphere. I’m so excited for them both and I hope that their books get the attention and praise they deserve. This is just the first you’ve heard about both projects in this space.

Ya Hoid?

[Photo Credit: ckaroli]

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1 Mattpat11   ~  Feb 4, 2010 7:52 pm

Well, I certainly have to get Emma's book. I'll be honest though, I'm intrigued by the "casual swearing." largely because I'm 12 years old, and partly because I never thought Emma's writing here was the type that merited that sot of (mild) warning. Maybe I just use those words so freely that they don't even register to me when I read them.

2 RIYank   ~  Feb 4, 2010 8:14 pm

Not that it’s relevant to your point, but they both do a lot of animal-based charity work.

3 Evil Empire   ~  Feb 4, 2010 8:27 pm

I've been psyched up for josh's book for awhile now and already pre-ordered on amazon.

But finding out that Emma has a book coming out is kind of the lagniappe of the season. I can't wait to read it.

4 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Feb 4, 2010 8:52 pm

[2] See RIYank, ya just can't predict blogger success.

5 Chyll Will   ~  Feb 4, 2010 8:55 pm

[1] Well to be frank,

*comment edited for casual swearing*...

, so there is that...

6 Emma Span   ~  Feb 4, 2010 11:43 pm


Honestly, there's not all that much swearing - but I guess I do quote a bunch of fans cursing during games. Also: do you think "Masshole" counts?

7 Mattpat11   ~  Feb 5, 2010 12:03 am

I think that's the official term. What are we supposed to call them? Massachusettsians?

8 rbj   ~  Feb 5, 2010 8:50 am

Two weeks to pitchers & catchers!

9 Diane Firstman   ~  Feb 5, 2010 10:04 am

I'm waiting for the debut of Emma's own cable network ... E-SPAN.

10 matt b   ~  Feb 5, 2010 10:46 am

I'm definitely looking forward to Emma's book.
I've been lucky enough to read an advance of Josh Wilker's book and I can tell you it's absolutely fantastic. It really deserves a big audience. Even non-baseball freaks should dig it.

11 Shaun P.   ~  Feb 5, 2010 11:23 am

[2] Bring on the games, so we can have some game threads!

[6] Not at all, but to be used properly, "Masshole" has to refer to someone driving a car poorly, and the car has Massachusetts plates.

I might not find it casual swearing though, only because I use the term daily on my commute. I swear I am taking my kids to New York state to learn to drive.

12 Shaun P.   ~  Feb 5, 2010 11:26 am

[0] "This is just the first you’ve heard about both projects in this space."

We're going to hold you to that one, Alex. Does this mean excerpts are in our future? Interviews with the authors? Though I suppose any of us could interview Emma ourselves right here . . .

[6] So Emma, what was it like to write a baseball book?

13 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 5, 2010 11:44 am

I want to do interviews and excepts, yeah. Are you kidding, Josh and Emma freakin RULE!

14 RagingTartabull   ~  Feb 5, 2010 12:17 pm

Can't wait for all of these. I'm also gonna tackle Barra's Yogi book this Spring, and possibly Bill Madden's Steinbrenner bio

and dang, Howard Bryant doing 600 pages on Hank? I'm so there

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--Earl Weaver