I am a bona fide vinegar junkie. Much to the wife’s chagrin, I’ve got over a dozen bottles at a time, and can’t keep any of them neat or clean. I’ll cop to it–I’ve got a sticky problem. I denied it for years, but I’m like Pig Pen, man. Emily is always harumphing, “How come this counter is so damn sticky?!” And I shout back, “I wiped it down twice!” Which isn’t always the case, but I usually try to clean after myself a little bit.
Then, one time when she was out of town for a few days, and I was in the apartment and I’ll discovered it for myself–I am sticky. What the hell, dude? I make a mess. Hey, we all have our flaws.
But back to the finer things in life, namely, vinegar. This here is one of my favorite products of all-time, an aged red wine vinegar from Spain.
It is not nearly as distinct and syrupy as aged Balsamic vinegar, but it is a little sweet and mellow. Anyhow, I think it is the bomb and use it constantly. It isn’t cheap, but for twenty bucks it makes a terrific gift. You can buy it here.
I'll give it a try. I'm not in the balsamic vinegar craze. I like red wine vinegar or lemon.
I have a weakness for olive oil. So my counters aren't sticky, but they might get greasy. For cooking, for drizzling, I'm all over it.
you are dropping a lot of food gems on us this week alex.
this sounds intriguing. i have come to really appreciate vinegar.
i'll give it a try too - i am assuming there are no vibrator connections with this recommendation :}
ps thanks for the rugged child earlier