"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Art of the Night

From the master—Matisse. One of the paper-cut collages from late in his career.

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1 Chyll Will   ~  Feb 8, 2010 11:44 pm

Beat of the Day... Art of the Night... so nouveau riche! Should I be concerned about this gentrification of the Banter? >;)

2 The Mick536   ~  Feb 9, 2010 8:20 am


3 Sliced Bread   ~  Feb 9, 2010 8:44 am

I think Nick Johnson is made of the same material.

4 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 9, 2010 8:59 am


No, no worries, just keeping warm duing the dog days of winter when baseball seems so far away, even though spring training is less than two weeks off.

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