"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Beat of the Day



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1 ms october   ~  Feb 16, 2010 12:50 pm

no snake eyes here!
very good selection.

2 thelarmis   ~  Feb 16, 2010 1:31 pm

i'm impressed with the 3 Sounds cut being here. that said, this was 1969 and the Three Sounds were completely different than they're original state. definitely should've been called something different, perhaps solo Gene Harris. or hell, Monk Higgins was doing the bulk of everything for the group in those days. there's really NO hint to the 3 Sounds' past in these recordings (Soul Symphony, Elegant Soul...). still, there's some decent stuff in there and Gene Harris is always amazing.

Alex - i'm sorry i'm missed your follow up to my Hank Mobley mention yesterday. after i posted, i had to split to go teach & practice and didn't see your post til after midnight...

i'm new to the whole linking of tunes and such. in fact, i didn't even really know you can simply just listen to music at youtube til this past week (!!!), i thought it was video only. i never went there much or clicked on the embedded pieces here at the banter 'coz my old laptop was terribly slow. i'm on a new machine and can check more stuff out.

i remember looking for hank mobley at youtube years ago and there was - zilch! now, you can hear a bunch of his tunes from different albums. i have every one of his records, so i don't really need to listen online, but if you'd like me to choose a few cuts for you to post, i can certainly do that. some of those instrumental hardbop tunes can run a bit lengthy though, due to all the solos...

3 Chyll Will   ~  Feb 16, 2010 4:46 pm

[2] If you go to LastFM.com, you're likely to find the tracks you're looking for without videos as well; there are quite a few music items there I couldn't find even on iTunes. The only things is you can't download. Now there's torrents, but I won't get into the specifics of that here...

4 thelarmis   ~  Feb 16, 2010 5:28 pm

[3] cool, thanks. but remember who you're talkin' to - i have NO idea how to download, what a "torrent" is or how to use itunes!!!

sheesh, i make it out like i'm lucky to tie my shoes! ; )

i gotta hit it. drum lessons don't teach themselves ya know...

baseball is coming, baseball is coming!!!

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--Earl Weaver