Will Lebron James land in New York this summer? It’s not likely but we can still dream. At the very least the Knicks are closer to starting from scratch for the first time in a long time cause this summer they’ll have some…
its gonna be Bosh and Johnson...you watch. and I'm totally fine with that, those two plus Lee and a supporting cast is a legit East contender. Not on the same level as LA or anything, but 50ish wins
[1] for a consolation prize, that's not bad trio - but they can't give those two max money (even though both are excellent players they are not superstars - and hopefully these fools have learned you only give max money to superstars) and expect to keep lee whose game has really improved nicely this year.
the knicks are still digging out of the contract hell that started with trading ewing's expiring for glen rice and bullshit instead of just letting it expire.
having to pay the premium to the rockets that they did to get rid of jeffries was steep as hell but about the only way to do this.
we'll see in july.
[1] If they have to give max deals to both Bosh an JJ I don't see how they also sign Lee. IMO gotsta be Bron and Bosh. If not they may try to sign sign Bosh and Lee in '10 and then sign Melo in '11; that is if DW still has a job at the Garden.
I am so glad this stuff just doesn't matter now that the real season is here.
It's really quite amazing to me how inept Thomas was year after year and yet within two years they'll be well-positioned to climb out of the hole. Donnie Walsh deserves every penny that Isaiah got. If he got them to this point there's little doubt he'll spend the money wisely. Bosh and Lebron would be re-dunk-u-lous. But I've been a big D-Wade fan since he dominated March Madness. You just have to worry about his injuries going forward. D-Walsh though makes me thank our lucky stars that George knew how to raise his children (or at least knew to marry someone who could). The worst alternative would be the Dolans or their ilk of spoiled know-nothings.
By the way, do yourself a favor and go to the MLB section at NESPN and listen to Ravich and Valentine interview Girardi. The guy gets it and he's on top of everything. If the worst thing you can say about him is his bullpen management (even as he's turned negatives into pluses two years running) then we're in fine shape.
[4] as bad as isaiah was - this mess predates him he just added to and exacerbated it - layden made awful moves too.
i am hopeful walsh makes good moves - but his track record with the pacers is mixed. he CANNOT give max money this summer to anyone who is not an elite player. that is how teams are in the mess in the first place.
I mean think about it, Isiah made the Steph deal in January of '04...and we're still paying that shit off.
We're still paying for a deal that was made when A-Rod was a Ranger, Howard Dean was a presidential contender, and I was doing kegstands at house parties in Riverdale....thats a while ago.
its gonna be Bosh and Johnson...you watch. and I'm totally fine with that, those two plus Lee and a supporting cast is a legit East contender. Not on the same level as LA or anything, but 50ish wins
[1] for a consolation prize, that's not bad trio - but they can't give those two max money (even though both are excellent players they are not superstars - and hopefully these fools have learned you only give max money to superstars) and expect to keep lee whose game has really improved nicely this year.
the knicks are still digging out of the contract hell that started with trading ewing's expiring for glen rice and bullshit instead of just letting it expire.
having to pay the premium to the rockets that they did to get rid of jeffries was steep as hell but about the only way to do this.
we'll see in july.
[1] If they have to give max deals to both Bosh an JJ I don't see how they also sign Lee. IMO gotsta be Bron and Bosh. If not they may try to sign sign Bosh and Lee in '10 and then sign Melo in '11; that is if DW still has a job at the Garden.
I am so glad this stuff just doesn't matter now that the real season is here.
It's really quite amazing to me how inept Thomas was year after year and yet within two years they'll be well-positioned to climb out of the hole. Donnie Walsh deserves every penny that Isaiah got. If he got them to this point there's little doubt he'll spend the money wisely. Bosh and Lebron would be re-dunk-u-lous. But I've been a big D-Wade fan since he dominated March Madness. You just have to worry about his injuries going forward. D-Walsh though makes me thank our lucky stars that George knew how to raise his children (or at least knew to marry someone who could). The worst alternative would be the Dolans or their ilk of spoiled know-nothings.
By the way, do yourself a favor and go to the MLB section at NESPN and listen to Ravich and Valentine interview Girardi. The guy gets it and he's on top of everything. If the worst thing you can say about him is his bullpen management (even as he's turned negatives into pluses two years running) then we're in fine shape.
[4] as bad as isaiah was - this mess predates him he just added to and exacerbated it - layden made awful moves too.
i am hopeful walsh makes good moves - but his track record with the pacers is mixed. he CANNOT give max money this summer to anyone who is not an elite player. that is how teams are in the mess in the first place.
I mean think about it, Isiah made the Steph deal in January of '04...and we're still paying that shit off.
We're still paying for a deal that was made when A-Rod was a Ranger, Howard Dean was a presidential contender, and I was doing kegstands at house parties in Riverdale....thats a while ago.
Aren't they still paying Grand ma ma?