Back when, the WPIX late-night schedule after the 10 o’clock news was The Odd Couple, The Honeymooners, Star Trek and then the Twilight Zone.
The Odd Couple was a good show to fall asleep to…still love that opening:
Zip Zip:
Huh’oooh it can core a apple.
Yep, nothing quite like the TV-version of the Odd Couple, its always been my favorite. I remember the commercial WPIX used to run where they used a scene where Al Molinaro as Murray says, "That's nice". Used to crack my brother and I up every time.
That late night WPIX lineup was the best. I pine for it all the time and its amazing how many people remember it so fondly.
The Scooter and Bill White. The
Money Store and Crazy Eddie. Escape from New York always being on Sundays. The 80's.
What about Steve Allen? Letterman stole his man in the street. He bathed in Jello. Amazing thing about the Honeymooners was how few there were. Bruce Cutler knows them all.
PIX was the best. though I did like the Joe Franklin show on WOR
The WPIX lineup was always the best, even in later years when it was Cheers, Honeymooners and Odd Couple (probably my three favorite shows).
[6] I used to be a somewhat active memorabilia collector and it seemed as if every time I went to a show, there was Joe Franklin thumbing through a box of newspapers or old sheet music.
I also enjoyed the Memory Lane show, even as a young kid. In particular, I remember watching the Christmas episode with Bing Crosby and absolutely being crushed when they stated in the credits that the show was a rebroadcast in memory of Bing, who had died several years earlier.