Mr. Hughes tries to rebound this afternoon.
It’s a scorcher…Hope everyone has a great (and safe) holiday.
Let’s Go Yan-Kees!
Mr. Hughes tries to rebound this afternoon.
It’s a scorcher…Hope everyone has a great (and safe) holiday.
Let’s Go Yan-Kees!
Anyone watching the All-Star selection show?
Cano and Jeter named AL all-star starters … and Morneau rightfully over Teix and Longoria rightfully over A-Rod.
Beltre is having a better season than A-Rod … I wonder if they both get reserve nods.
Fireworks are kind of boring to me. go figure...
Alex likes to celebrate a continental Independence Day. Alaska and Hawaii can go screw.
Perusing the All-Star starters, not too many complains save perhaps for the outfields.
Hey! Marcus Thames has been activated with Chad Huffman likely being optioned to make room.
Bucky Dent was an all star?
Who knew?
[5] LoHud says Huffman's been sent down.
Anyone else make it? Mo? Hughes? A-Rod?
Damn, Hughes is up to 3.58?
[7] Cano and Jeter voted in as starters. Rodriguez, Sabathia, Hughes, Rivera picked as reserves. CC won't be able to pitch because he's starting the Sunday before, so he'll be replaced on the roster. Jered Weaver and Andy Pettitte seem like top candidates to replace him.
If only the fans could vote for the ASG announcers :-)
Pettitte deserves it. He's been great this year.
And Swish could get in as the final player.
I'm getting a special cone/wells/righetti-ish feeling about hughes and the lackluster jays lineup today.
[13] Shhhhhhh, woman, you ought to know better!
[2] If you compare Arod and Longoria, I don't think you can make a convincing argument for one over the other.
Come down, Kay.
[16] Calm
[13] Not saying the dude doesn't look sharp, mind you.
This one's on Diane!!!
I'm gonna sit in the corner now ... a time out for me.
[20] Indeed!
Why does Kay keep saying "keystone pair" or whatever he's saying?
Kim is cute.
Have a couple of white zins with her, talk about baseball ...
Not sure who should have gotten that, but it seems like someone should have.
[25] :))
In a heartbeat. You want to fix me up?
Damn, Frankie Valli's still alive?
Take a number, cowboy! :-0
[29] Heheh. :)
Wow, nice.
Man, was that idiotic.
FOCUS, fucking Yankees!
All right, I guess we'll have to take that.
Fuck, that was scary.
Before yesterday you'd be reasonably happy with a sac fly there. I was hoping for a Big Third.
[3] me too.
and, yeah - kim...
c'mon a-rod, we should get more than 1 outta this...
yikes! that was going right for his keppie!!!
Belt high fastball over the plate! I guess Morrow throws pretty hard, but I expect Alex to crush those.
Ohh, beautiful, Alex!
That was HUGE!
NICE ab!
nice hit!
Not eleven, though. We're supposed to get eleven.
That was a really nice piece of hitting.
did a-rod ever wear an earring? i've had earrings for more than half my life and my ear lobe never ever ever looked like that. weird...
Let's see Morrow try to blow a heater past Rob.
[42] this one goes to eleven!
i'll take eleventy.
better than going to the nevele!
Wtf kind of pitcher with major league aspirations doesn't bother developing a breaking ball because he throws so hard in college?
Wow, he did, fouled off.
Good pitch.
[46] The nevele? In Belgium?
Wikipedia says he was born in 1948.
[49] poconos!
[51] Nevah hoid of it.
Wow, Teix!
That throw was amazing! That was the play.
[53] Giambi would have got us a DP.
[52] i remember something from when i was a kid. an old commercial and stuff. i could be wrong...
ooh, thankfully no one got hurt on that!
[55] Hahhaahha!
Phil looks phine. The homer did worry me. (Diane did not.)
The Internet gods got me .... my DSL went down for about 20 minutes just now.
[56] You are correct! Except it seems to be in the Catskills. Catskills, Poconos, whatev.
I remember the song. When I saw "nevele" in your comment I pronounced it wrong in my head, though, so it didn't trigger the memory.
[60] yeah, i just looked it up. didn't have much success, but yes - i meant catskills! i always confused catskills/poconos. my grandparents would go sometimes and they were always the same place to me.
what is it: catskills = NY, poconos = Penn? i think that might be right...
i remember the commercial vividly. oh, you linked it! i'll have to go check that out. you're all super fancy and schmart and know how to link stuff. i hit & kick things. boom bap, boom boom bap
Yes, Catskills NY, Poconos Penn. But both flat, rolly hills, full of Jewish people.
no. no no no. he didn't go!
did he?
replay please. i don't know. i don't really think he went. close.
Huh, funny thing, it would be better for us if there had been two outs instead of one! Because Brett would then have been permitted to run to first. I'm assuming he would have made it.
Hey, nice!
oh, hell yeah!!!!
El Nino
We all love Ramiro Pena. We don't want him traded.
i love the stolen base!
[67] just stashed away on the farm?! ; )
ah, damn. right thru the heat.
98 MPH. So he isn't too tired.
Still, I bet Morrow doesn't pitch the sixth. If he's lucky he can start it.
I think the umpire managed to not get the checked swing AND the fact that the ball hit Gardner right.
Because if you swing and miss at a pitch that hits you the ball is dead. Which means that Granderson should have stayed at first.
Bury a breaking ball in the dirt.
[72] The Griddle!!! Rebus puzzles!!! will you be in Atlanta this summer for SABR? hope all is well with you in La-La Land! we reminisce about the Toaster here on occassion...
btimmerman, are you THE Bob Timmerman?
Good point about the dead ball.
[72] but...but...but then grandy wouldn't have scored. i quite like that 3rd run! : )
[75] but, of course he is! like you have to ask. sheesh. rhode islanders...
Jorgie's worthless back there.
come on matusz!!! get outta this crap...
Hey, who called for burying a curve in the dirt??? Now look.
[78] yeah, but he still has worth up there!
[80] weeping. now, he has been made to crying!
[81] Yes, he does, god bless him. And in *here*, too [gesturing to my heart!].
[77] But there are so many impostors. I mean, how many btimmermans might there be? Hundreds, I figure, and I'm only counting baseball fans. You can't be too careful. Let's ask him for a rebus, or quiz him on the colored lights cycle alert thing.
Yeah, it's me. The home plate umpire didn't raise his arms to indicate TIME. He probably was too focused on the checked swing call.
However, it didn't seem that Cito Gaston was too aware of the situation either. His argument was pretty weak.
So... Gardner thought it was an HBP
Granderson just ran because he saw the ball bouncing away.
The Blue Jays just seemed to be happy to be there.
phil will get outta this.
hopefully matusz will, too.
1 more out, guys!!!
DeWayne Wise. He's actually their number 2 batter? He didn't enter as a pinch runner, or something like that?
DeWayne Wise. You're kidding me.
Down and in the the lefties.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
goddman motherfucker.
what in the goddamn hell was that?
d-wise? seriously?!
fuck it all straight hell (and back).
: /
at least matusz got out of it...
I'm fucking pissed, now.
DeWayne Wise was not walked.
Why is Phil Hughes "matusz"?
[88] um, i'm all about walking him... : ~
[94] i was following the scoreboard. shit sox had runners on 2nd & 3rd with 1 out. then 2 outs. no one scored in that game...
[96] Oh, Matusz! Okay.
I guess DeWayne Wise is the Sterling's Law reaction to Gritner's Granny yesterday.
Ok, I'm not worried about Hughes. I trust him to make adjustments and whatnot (long-term, I'm talking) but still, I don't like this trend.
i like Swish.
you know, he's the 1st Yankee to ever hit 9 xbh in his first 8 games w/ the club. that's kinda kool.
i hope he ends up an all-star! (he won't, but that'd be great)
c'mon Tex - give us the lead!!!
I saw him get a green light and was instantly filled with dread.
goddamn motherfucker! he was running really s l o w.
1 out. just stay at 3rd for A-rod.
damn it all to hell.
: /
The third base coach is a moron. There weren't any outs you idiot!
that was .... different
oh my fucking god.
i didn't even realize Tex took 3rd on the throw.
i think Tex very well may have been safe.
this is brutal.
DeWayne Wise is hoping to be named Budweiser Man of the Match.
Terrible pitching by Hughes followed by that. Thompson should be canned.
[106] Oh, Diane. Curse you for making me laugh in my moment of agony.
Dewayne Wise has a pretty good arm. Maybe we should quit trying to run on him.
on boss george's birthday, no less.
I'm sorry Ms. O had to witness that up close and personal like.
[108] Well if he boots a few, he'll get my vote.
What the fuck?
fuck these goddamn blow jays.
this sucks ass
I blame Dave Eiland.
why was andy passed over on the all-star game? i hope he still gets picked as a replacement. i haven't read all the A-S news yet...
Very gutsy!
nice catch, gritner!
indeed .... very un-Thameslike
[118] I think it was Joe being slick. He knew he could name CC, have him throw Sunday, and then have to pick someone else and then both guys are happy.
[118] Nobody knows, though the YES announcers speculated that he'll be the replacement for CC.
There's always a few players inexplicably left out. I'm amazed that Joey Votto and Ryan Zimmerman were left off the NL team.
get plate blocker here and call it a day, phil...
No outfielder has ever had three assists in an inning, although three guys have thrown out three different runners at home. But that hasn't happened since 1905.
And in 1997, Albert Belle played 154 games in the outfield for the White Sox and had a total of one assist all year. And that was throwing out Manny Ramirez trying to stretch a single into a double.
[122] ah, thanks!
[123] yeah, that's weird. cliff's tweet here says omar infante is an all-star. yikes!
Yeah, it's Bob Timmerman.
cano going deep here?
One error?
Holy fuck, that's unheard of!
[128] Deep into the count, anyway.
fred lewis and dewayne wise.
with authority.
Sometimes I have to wonder why pitchers don't wear helmets.
[133] I personally think we should all wear helmets, all the time. Life is dangerous.
c'mon Curtis!
Speaking of 1987, I don't suppose anyone remembers Mike Pagliarulo batting right-handed one game and striking out on three pitches without lifting the bat from his shoulders?
Don't remember what year it was, but Billy was managing. For some bizarre reason he decided to have him bat right-handed because he'd done so in little league or something.
fucking crap. that was awful. terrible terrible swing.
[134] Hahahahahahah!! Yes it is, RI. Yes it is.
[136] i don't remember that specific at-bat, but i sure remember '87. i loved Pags!
wow what a break!
i love it - gritner instilling fear in the opposing pitcher and dugout...while he's at the plate and not on 1st base!
Oh, wow.
DeWayne Wise is no longer the Budweiser Man of the Match.
dewayne wise - budweiser man of the match!!!
[136] [139] Nettles was my favorite so naturally I was a huge Pags fan. It was that I had to root for the 3basement. something like that anyhow.
A four-base hit!
How 'bout that!
is that back-to-back days w/ homers for brett? coolio!
Oh, shut up, Kay.
"Team error."
Wtf is he talking about?
[147] 3basement, I love that concept! I'm going to have to fondle it mentally for a while now.
[152] hmm, i totally missed the typo until you posted it. haha. I kind of like that concept too!
[150] i can only imagine
[147] yeah, i love that "3rd basement" - nice seamus!
[145] oh, but he is!
[152] [153] Me three!
[153] ooh, don't admit this! your wordplay was quite impressive... ; )
Well, I was wrong back at [71], but Gaston should have taken what I said as advice.
[154] He's whining about how it's not fair to charge a hit to the pitcher but nor is it fair to charge an E to the fielder so therefore there ought to be a new category, a "team error" so the pitcher's precious ERA needn't suffer when guys lose balls in the sun.
seamus in the basement mixin' up the medicine...
now the 5th daughter on the 12th night
told the 1st father the 3rd basement wasn't right...
woah! grandy making things interesting.
[159] Heeeheheh! NIce
[157] ooh, thanks for linkin' again. i forgot about the nevele commercial. i need to go back and open it in a new tab...
What happened to Posada?
Oh, Christ.
[156] oh i can't help but be honest. it's a curse. bites me in the ass all the time.
[159] love this!
Damaso is our most reliable human reliever, is he not? Or would you say D-Rob?
[163] foul ball off the hand.
shit. please be okay, jorgie.
[167] Which hand? I didn't see it either.
oh, come on pena - stick out the leg!!!
foul ball off glove, bent it back, eerily similar to V Martinez situation last week
Glove hand. V-Mart injury. Uh oh.
(Just ftr, to whom it may concern, when I remarked that Jorgie was worthless back there, I did *not* mean to suggest he should leave the game with an injury.)
[165] i'm the same way, man. same way...
[173] Yeah, and Diane didn't mean that Hughes should give up some home runs, but, there you are, you're both stuck with the fruit of your thoughtless remarks.
[174] yeah i don't know man. i think coupled with the fact that i say almost whatever comes to mind is what kills me. to think i was once a shy kid. baah!
c'mon Yanks!
good work, marte.
please be okay, jorgie!!!
bathroom break! ; )
i'm watching the rest of the game from the 3basement.
Nice hit, Swish!
Rally time!
make this stand up
There you go, Teix!
nice! score truck!!
Here we go.
Also, the Orioles.
fuck. this time, swish coulda scored.
it's okay, Alex will drive 'em both in...
Can't believe he didn't send Swisher home on that! What were you thinking/???
[185] nice. thanks for the heads up!
Lackey is pitching pretty well but thelarmis' friend Matusz is better. Also, Marco "Run Prevention" Polo just booted a nice one, run scored from third.
Oh, Alex.
3basement for you!
he went? wtf? show a damn replay, tbs!
Love the respect, and, Brains with juiced sacks, gotta love it...
[190] nice.
RI - here's your favorite: IBB to load the bases.
let's go Brains!!!
c'mon Frankie!
Yummm ... brains with juiced sacks ...
[196] Yes, it's a French dish, made with calf's organs. Delicious.
Are you people watching this?
[199] Sadly.
he was safe
he may very well have been safe...
Looked safe to me, and not really a tough call to make either, ump had a clear view.
Okay, this is actually a big inning for Joba. I hope he's up to it. He'd better be.
too many outs at the plate. c'mon joba. good joba please.
This does not look like good Joba. Where is good Joba?
Did you look in the 3basement, Seamus?
This is the first time in AL history that there have been three outfield assists to home by one team in one game.
It's happened four times in the NL, the last time on July 7, 1975 when the Giants threw out three Cardinals runners at home.
The Cardinals still won the game.
i'm still not convinced that a-rod went on the called strike 3...
fuck bautista.
let's go joba!
JOBA: Jerking Our Belief Around
[208] That's reassuring.
that was close
Thanks Bob ...
Hey everyone, did you know that Bob is engaged to be married? Let's wish him congrats!
dude. throw strikes!
[207] looking. it's dark in here.
[213] thought he already was married. congrats, bob! lucky guy...
[213] for realz? congrats Bob!!
[213] Clap clap clap clap. Bravo, Bob.
Bravo, Joba.
[215] i learned how to play drums in my parents' 3rd basement. (it was actually our 1st basement, we were in an apt in queens before that...)
1 more out, joba
sweet. phew.
[215] Hm, that might be Bad Joba. He often looks like he's pitching in the dark.
[208] Congratulations on the impending nuptials.
Joba does his job.
very nice.
a geico run or two, then...god!
Sox down easy in the eighth. Marco "Run Prevention" Scutaro is doing a good job preventing the Red Sox from scoring.
[210] Hhahahahhahahhah!
Hey, mazal tov, Bob! A blessed institution. Sometimes a mental one, but blessed nonetheless.
I took the father-in-law-to-be to the Dodgers-Yankees game last Sunday. We had a good time considering how it came out. He hadn't seen the Yankees play since watching an exhibition game in the spring of 1951.
I told him that I'd been to the World Series in 1977, 78, and 81. And I saw the Yankees three times in Oakland. Twice in Toronto. And three times in the Bronx.
The Dodgers treated tickets to the Yankees series like you were trying to buy emergency supplies at the Kwik-E-Mart during a hurricane.
Granderson has really been a big letdown to me.
grandy is not very inspiring at the plate, sad to say...
rays are on their way to a victory, making some noise in minny...
Mo is the only one that can pull off this white hat. he looks regal.
fooled much?!
it's Mo Time!
Holy shit, did you know Damon can get 3000 hits?
He's sitting on 2496.
Here we go, Mo...
dontrelle was released by the snakes.
not sure how many more teams will give him a chance...
Gary Coleman had nothing to do with this, Willis ...
[236] Yeah, it's an outside shot, for sure. I had no idea he was so close, though.
Poor Dontrelle.
me no likey.
dp please!
Somewhere there is a pitching coach who claims that he can "find a flaw in Dontrelle Willis's mechanics."
I think pitching coaches are required to say that.
There's one.
[234] yes. i follow his career stats pretty closely. 3,000 might be a stretch, but he reached 1,500 runs 1,000 rbi and 900 walks this season.
he's super close to 2,500 hits and 100 triples.
i just wish he had more power so he can reach 300 homers and join my favorite 300-300 club. it'll never happen. hopefully captain can reach. a-rod is one measly stolen bag away...
game ending dp coming right up!
[240] tom house maybe! ; )
Break this fucker's bat, Mo.
ah man, if not for that hesitation, i'd be nostralarmis!
7 homers so far at the friendly confines...
oh no.
my heart just dropped.
: (
That's unbelievable. First run since May 21.
i blame buck martinez and his smokers cough.
(i mean, why not...)
Pie? I love pie.
well, let's walk it off and get Mo a "W"
maybe joba and mo switched bodies in the 3basement?
[256] btw, i'm pretty sure this was done on an episode of buffy.
Buck Martinez thought that Buck was batting for Molina and the Jays were out of catchers. Brian Anderson smoothly covered up for him.
Hmmm ... last game I recapped was 14-inning Yanks/Jays game a couple of weeks ago ... now this .... eerie
wow, my computer is usually waaay slower than the actual game. lately it's been the opposite.
i knew the game was tied before i saw it. ditto the 1st out of this inning. sucks...
"You da man, God!"
final at the fens. ugly avoided the shutout. o's win 6-1 !!!
twinks trying to comeback vs. tampon...
[261] theology prof!
thankfully tex is a speedster
Now, can someone explain to me why Teix hit it to the left side when there's no shift but hits right into the dragnet when there is?
always comes down to a-rod.
do it, dude!
[263] Heheh! The way Swish was chatting up the first base coach before remembering to look up at the sky pointing two fingers. :)
yeah, 'coz tex was running there...
[268] tex is saying hi to his maternal grandparents. i can relate as i was SUPER close to mine.
Now what happens?
ya know, i'm glad to be able to watch my pinstriped heroes on tv (a rare occurrence) , but i really wasn't wishing for free baseball...
i'm sick of this bautista fucker.
no word on Posada yet ... sigh
i can't believe the crowd thinned. what is this chavez ravine?!
jesus motherfucking christ.
this really sucks.
Hey, I stayed to the very last out last Sunday!
Bizarro, but I'll take it.
whoa. that was not textbook...
Major league baseball players who don't run should be excommunicated.
Go to any little league game, Jack. Anyone makes contact with the ball and everyone and their mother screams, "RUN!!!"
What part of "RUN!!!" did you fail to learn in little league?
[278] : )
i hope for a similar end result here!
one more, kid.
Very impressive there, kid!
atta boy!
Good job, Rob.
I'd go with the bunt.
Good bunt.
Somewhere, Scooter is smiling.
Hey gang, anything exciting happening in today's game?
A Brain Sac!
Sprained ring finger for Posada ... no breaks.
If only we had a good right-handed bat off the bench.
[293] holy cow, and hopefully enjoying a cannoli.
[282] Recurring problem with Encarnacion. He's even been sent down for that crap. Doesn't seem to learn.
I love you, Curtis, but you're killing us.
ok question, if Gardner hits the ball into right field, do we dare send Cano?
We don't want Shepherd's Pie .. we want Gard(e)ner's Pie!
Wait, Thames was available to hit for Granderson?
Or maybe Joe presumed they'd have walked him anyway?
Nice ab, Brett.
Umm, ok, but I'd rather see Pena bat than have seen Curtis bat.
pie for Thames!!!
Woo Hoo! Way to win it, Marcus!!!
Welcome back, Thames.
we must have pulled thames out of the 3basement!
Phew ....
There's the pie.
I like Marcus.
Can't catch a baseball to save his life but I like him.
Have a nice holiday. It's not like a Canadian team should win today anyway.
[311] HEhehehehe!!
Good win. It seemed like we were trying to give it away. Now let's go 5-2 out west and get to the break.
[317] Sounds like a plan!
What a ridiculous win. I'll take W's of any color.
I'd like to say that you had a terribly uneasy feeling Mo was finally not going to be unreasonably deity-like. But nagging feelings are just sort of pessimism, which, of course, you don't bring up if Mo does a regular Mo on their asses. But whatever feeling it was, when they had that hideous 2nd and 3rd and no outs and didn't get another one in, it certainly crossed my mind.
Because it's like the final match for full immolation, the final measure of awfulness and shaky overall play.
I always feel like an enormous baby crying about any aspect of the Yankees' play. I mean, can you imagine how much you would have to whine about if you were a fan of the Royals and the Pirates? The Yanks won the World Series last year, and through half of this season, have the best record in the major leagues.
But dang it, if this is the most excruciating "best record in baseball" team to watch I can think of. They are maddening.
The Jays, though - can you imagine rooting for that team? I have an unhappy feeling when I watch the Yanks play the Jays that the Jays actually look like a better team! The things they do to shoot themselves in the foot, though, are incredible. Encarnacion's rock was unconscionable.
I'm not thrilled to be facing them a bunch more times in the 2nd half.
And even I have to say that I did not agree with most anything either manager did in this game. I think Gaston gave us gift after gift.
[319] as a burgher, i have several friends who are die hard pirates fans. Honestly, they complain no more than we do. Yankees fans complain a lot.
[320] 'Cause we care!
The image, Alex...Jasper Johns, no?