"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


Can a New Yorker feel sad about the closing of a mega-store? Well, the big Barnes and Noble at Lincoln Center is going to close in a few months. And I think that’s a bummer cause I fall through that store relatively often.

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1 williamnyy23   ~  Aug 31, 2010 11:12 am

Haven't been there in years, but it used to be an old haunt. Of course, I seldom actually bought anything, which I guess is part of the reason the store is closing.

2 bp1   ~  Aug 31, 2010 11:17 am

[1] Yeah, it's a sad fact that big book stores have become a place to preview a book before ordering cheaper online. Of course they do a good trade in magazines and remainders - the "impulse buy" items - but that's not going to keep a huge place like B&N open for long.

I love books and bookstores, but I like a bargain as much as the next guy. I wouldn't mind if they downscaled a bit. I mean - geez. Is it a book store or a BMW dealership?

3 RagingTartabull   ~  Aug 31, 2010 11:30 am

yeah I go to Borders at least once or twice a week during my lunch hour, and its little more than a place to look at books I'll later get for half-price (or less) at Strand or online. Chain bookstores need to step their game up, they're a dying breed. There is really no reason to pay list-price for a new release.

4 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Aug 31, 2010 1:21 pm

The reality is that ALL bookstores are in danger of closing. Avid readers who used to purchase books every week and were the best customers of the stores are moving to Kindle, iPad, etc. One can have 100+ titles on one device. I know we can talk about the tactile experience of holding and reading a book, and the revelation that searching through the stacks can bring, but to put it badly, the writing is on the wall. There will be a few specialty stores for children, used, etc. (just like record stores) in major markets, but the high cost of real estate, and the drastic discounting of digital books is squeezing out the retailer.

This isn't my opinion, but fact. Speak with anyone in the publishing business, or a manager or owner of a retail book store.

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