"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Soul in the Hole

Last week, the gifted Jeff MacGregor, who has unfortunately been buried somewhere in the ESPN wilderness, offered up this gem about the cage down on West 4th:

There is no inside game at all, except on the putback. Nobody drives, nobody works down low or inside. Sometimes the airball falls straight from the sky, is caught, is lifted back or is lofted downrange. But it is a shooter’s game without shooters.

This is strange, because the game at West 4th is historically tough, all elbows and grunt and hard feelings. The miniature court rewards ruthlessness and body mass, not speed. Games here in August, played by older, angrier men, unfold like long-form fistfights in the heat. Not today.

The Cage is filled instead with city peacocks. Black and white and brown. Dazzling and radiant and useless.


[Photo Credit: NYC Gov Parks]


1 Jon DeRosa   ~  Mar 29, 2011 10:38 am

"Dazzling and radiant and useless."

That's my game, but swap out the "dazzling" and "radiant" and add a healthy dose of palming, hand checking, and traveling.

2 bags   ~  Mar 29, 2011 2:06 pm

fabulous photo.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Mar 29, 2011 6:45 pm

I wish more writers did observational pieces like this instead of just opinion and analysis.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver