The sun is out and it feels good. It’s not exactly hot yet but it doesn’t feel like winter either. Yanks go for the sweep today but talented Max Scherzer starts for the Tigers. Phil Hughes goes for the Yanks.

Let’s hope it is a good one and let’s go Yank-ees!
[Photo Credit: Nick Laham/Getty Images]
c'mon Yanks! gotta win so we can keep up with the orioles!
The orioles being th joneses of th al east.
Cloudy, cold, rain and hail here.
"Cool and Sunny, just like Kenny," says Michael Kay.
I'd like to see Robbie leave his feet a bit more often. Mighty Mouse would have had that one.
[5] Like I said...
Hang em and bang em. Ooof.
Holy friggin' meatball!
Eh, Hughes looks like he did the last time I saw him ... Two strikes then has the devil of a time putting 'em away. One inning, one game I know. Just not what I was looking for.
Holy shit, great catch.
GAH, the damn internet's broken for me right now ... is fucked.
What happened on the fly ball from Alex?
GameCast just says "line out to left".
Damn, A Rod and Mark are not missing.
[13] A-Rod hit it over the LFer's head, who made a leaping catch.
Jorge, hip hip!
Now we're cooking. Hip-Hip!
Hip Hip!
This is painful.
give that man a beer! or not... : /
Yikes. That was a fucking bomb.
Can Colon save Hughes' ass today?
I am on a fflight to Peru...just saw Cabrera's homer fly past the window. Unfortunately, MLB.TV considers 30,000 feet to be inside the Yankees' blackout restriction, so I am stuck with John and Susan!
Hot Damn, Teix. I'll have what he's having.
So is the wind blowing out today?
Tex is off to a hot start!
But man could Hughes be any more painful to watch? Even before that second Cabrera bomb. Phil is stinking up the joint!
Hahaha, YS home run!
Those are two horseshit homers. But we'll take em.
[26] All eyes have been on AJ, but they could soon switch to Hughes. Waldman was noting lower velocity, so hopefully that issue resolves itself.
[23] Have a safe trip. Wish I were there now, but with airfare being what it is, I'll stay in NY for the time being.
with a little bit o luck...
[31] Was much more than when ive gone in the past..
Hysterical listening to Sterling call that last play.
[34] I'd imagine; I used to be able to get a RT trip to Lima for less than $600. Now, I'd be lucky if I can find a decent flight for less than $900.
[35] I paid $550 in 2009 and $875 this time around. At least the fare included two checked bags.
If Russell can turn back the clock, Cashman's offseason takes on a completely different look.
Shit. My Billy Crystal V-chip is broke. Help me.
Different pitcher, same shit.
Geez. Seems like there's a boatload of homers in this game.
Swisher's reaction to that bomb made me laugh.
Live Yankee baseball, no 3 second delay here...
Jorge, hip hip hip hip!
Jorge juiced one (again)!
Jorge may have mre ab's this year than he's ever had. That could bode quite well for the good guys.
colon pitching like he's wearing perfume.
Are they out of the 3rd inning yet?
[47] I think that's just because he stinks ...
i miss Andy...
Has Jeter hit the ball in the air yet?
How do you spell BAD CONTRACT?
[49] Chan Ho Park stink? Not watching the game.
51) You might be right, but what would you have suggested they do instead?
[53]They should have stayed with 3/$45m... which was MORE then generous. And giving him a 4th year? INSANITY!
Just started watching. Pitching woes?
[55] Not sure if I'd call what's been happening "pitching." More like batting practice.
I mean, really... has Jeter (119 OPS+, below avg D at SS) been that much more important then Bernie (125 OPS+, avg D at CF), who got 1/$1m his last year?
How close was that ball to going out?
[56] Lovely. At least offense isn't dead.
C'mon Grandy!
Laptops gives up his 3rd hit, and his 3rd HR. Texas up on the Sox, 3-0.
57) Nice thoughts in a Platonic world but in reality they were going to overpay him, no way around it.
anyone else get the feeling that the yanks will have the winning run on base when the game ends with someone (Jeter) striking out looking to end the game?
Alright Benoit, let's see some balls!
Good game, Brett.
Joba needs a haircut.
I'm gonna take the tact that its good to get one of these out of the way early
I'm stuck in an airport (Southwest grounded a bunch of flights out of worries about that little problem of holes erupting in the top), and stuck watching this crappy game.
Oh well. Hughes will come around, and the bats might stay red hot. That would be a good combination.
Looks like Baltimore's going to be leading the division.