I missed “Cedar Rapids” when it was in the theater but caught it on TV last week. It is a modest movie without being precious about its smallness. There were no hilarious set pieces but it didn’t lag. It was crispy and tidy and altogether satisfying. A sweet nothing that is worth your time.
Very good movie. And my classmate from college played the hotel clerk, so that was cool.
I loved the accepting, open-minded friendship between his opposite personality roommates.
Yeah, and John C Reilly was really strong. He was crude and vulgar but didn't go too over the top. There is a scene where he is drunk and sits in a stairwell and talks to Ed Helms' character. And Reilly holds a little liquor bottle in his right hand, tucked in his palm. It was a small thing but seemed like such a great detail, really spoke to who that guy was all about.