Remember the Yanks had a 1-0 lead on the Tigers back in 2006. And that didn’t turn out so hot, did it?
Big game today. Maybe the pivotal game of the series. Gunna need another miracle out of Freddy. Plus, how about a Sunday delivery from the Score Truck?
Derek Jeter SS
Curtis Granderson CF
Robinson Cano 2B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Mark Teixeira 1B
Nick Swisher RF
Jorge Posada DH
Russell Martin C
Brett Gardner LF
Never mind the sunshine (the what?!?!):
Let’s Go Yank-ees!
[Photo Credit: Stay Gold]
"Cano. DEEP FLY. How far will it fly?"
Ha. Just logged on and turned on MLB to see the replay of last night's game. Bottom 6th. Nice. The only bad thing Cano did was pop out for his curtain call right as Alex was getting a pitch. Bad timing.
At Baseball Analytics, David Pinto analyzes the Alburquerque pitch that ended up in the upper deck. The Pitch F/x data don't support what the TBS guys said. Al didn't hang the slider; Rob just crushed a good slider. As Pinto says, "The pitch was not that bad. Robinson Cano is simply that good."
Can't wait to see the Tiggers pitch around Robbie and watch A-Rod drive an extra base hit and make them pay..
Beautiful weather right now, btw. At least in Brooklyn.
[4] yes, bright and sunny uptown. nothing in the air to make one think it is going to rain anytime soon.
the tigers should have the rhp lineup in which is better than the lhp pitching lineup (especially when their lhp lineup hit against a rh pitcher yesterday).
freddy and his slop succeeds in large part because he knows he he can go after and who he has to be careful with. he really has to take advantage of the spread out detroit lineup and not let their top hitters get him.
hopefully some nice blasts against sherzer will be just what the score truck delivers. this weather might be conducive to ys playing small today.
1) Yeah that was horseshit.
3) I sure hope so.
4) Bootiful in the BX.
Sun is out but there are lots o clouds too. And it is chilly.
Baseball through the eyes of my 7 year old never ceases to make me smile. Jen had the ARI-MIL game on yesterday afternoon, and after watching a handful of innings, he said to her, "Ya know Mom.. I don't even care who wins this game".
Then last night (he was permitted to watch until 9:30) while Nova was on the mound, he said, "There's your rookie of the year, Mom!"
we play today, we win today!
everybody play baseball, everybody happy!
i'm ready.
Old man Andy throwing out the first pitch!
as i pulled up to the gig, i surprisingly got 880 in well. heard the jorgie hit, russell double and...jorgie on the basepaths.
of course, the bar had a stoopid SEC game on (sorry 'bama yank!). i had my Yankees shirt on and there was a dude from Long Island there. i told him about the radio and he kept going out to check the score for me. it was still 1-1.
then on the set break, there was a dude from Detroit there (quite random!) and we got them to switch to tbs for the rest of the game. so i saw a decent amount! still, i have it on dvr and will go through the highlights later.
i wanna see jeter's relay & martin's tag, swisher's catch, robbie's first double (i saw the other big hits!), and Super Bossa Nova!
[10] i don't think they showed it on tbs, did they? how could i have missed it?! damn. hopefully, has it up later...
good start, freddy!
i thought the 1st pitch was a strike, too...
Nice break on that spliter.
[8] great to see you round these parts again!
my screen name here links to my website now. take a look and be in touch. my solo CD is finally out! : )
i think Alex is right, today is mighty pivotal.
i hope freddy sneaks through it today, but i don't have a great feeling about that. scherzer can strike every one out.
tomorrow is the big pitching showdown, vol. 2 and that can go either way. aj in game 4 = ugh. that would leave game 5, a repeat of last night, and nova & fister can easily swap results.
best thing to do, is SWEEP!
that cabrera shot does not bode well... : (
He'll do that to you.
really, ump?
fuck you!
dammit, ajax.
that was a great rip by jeter.
ah, that was a really nice change.
[18] He's been doing that all year. And he's got a big centerfield to roam.
BIG hand for cano!
max being real careful with robbie. wants *nothing* to do with him.
4 pitch unintentional-intentional walk.
c'mon A-rod!
tie the game, Alex!
alright, makin' him work.
let's go Tex, you're due, my friend!
dammit. got under it. was ball 4...
27 pitches in the foist...
Dammit, Mark.
i thought this game thread would be packed...
[26] Me too... When I loaded up Banter and saw such few comments, I thought there wasn't a game today or I had the wrong thread
good, Chief!
good work, chief!
Good bounce back for Freddy.
Freddy settled down a lil there, egh?
[14] thanks, man. I've been keeping up with The Banter all year, but at home we mostly watch the games in the past on DVR, so following the game thread doesn't work. Mostly it's when I'm at work and listening to Sterling (like now).
[31] ...and Waldman. Can't forget Waldman.
Is anyone really sick of this song?
[31] i hear ya. don't worry about game threads. the regulars are all over all the threads and remember - we're year round in these parts! : )
our bottom of the frame was lame.
mow 'em down, chief! or, at least, kill 'em softly...
another hit for mags.
i'm glad cabrera isn't right after him in the order.
a-rod makes the grab, goes the easy way to 2nd. inning over!
damn that was CLOSE!!!
just don't get hurt diving into first, melky!!! : /
another nice change to grandy.
warning track power.
alright Chief, keep 'em where they are!
freddy strikes out miggy.
relief to see him get Cabrera out.
back-to-back k's.
siddown, professional hitter (TM)!
Nicely nice.
don't lose him, chief.
cano = smooth.
and he's leading off.
good frame, fred!
40/41 - company. yay : )
one two tree. niiiiiiice.
Hey, where duh score truck at?
[14] the new record sounds great! (those files on the directed listening page are from the CD, yeah?) I'll check it out more when I get home. Thanks!
[46] Pettitte is doing a puff peice for YES serving unsuspectuing fans a NYC kanish--Candid Camera style.
Way to spoil some good pitches, Robbie.
Damn, John Smotlz is irritating.
[47] thanks, man! yeah, the audio snippets are clips from the CD. that way people can check out parts to hear if it's something they wanna buy.
the audio page has some different styles of records i've recorded. i'm prolly gonna add 10 more tracks on that page sometime soon...
Dag, Robbie. Tough to lay off that one.
Terrible swing by Alex.
this ump is pretty damn crappy.
c'mon bitches.. be patient!
Nice no hitter. Wtf!
Good eye, Mark. Make it count, now...
[50] it's lessened since he left, then retired, but smoltz t-shirts were always THE most popular here in the Atl. moreso than Chipper or anybody else...
2 ball fours swung at by Robbie and Teix. Bollocks!
[56] holy crap! i didn't realize that.
keep 'em here, freddy. we'll get 'em!
59) True. But also, good pitches by Max.
We'll get to Scherzer. 62 pitches, not a ton, but not nothing. I'm looking for a late game explosion from the Yankees.
Memo to the Yankee lineup: No less than 8 pitches per AB, please.
Also, if you see the meatball.. MANGA.
nice inning, chief!
[63] i think so, too. NOW, would be a good time! : )
[63] I sure would like to see a hit. These playoff no hitters are not to be trifled with.
Need a 25+ pitch inning here. Is that too much to ask for?
Andy's back. That means the score truck is back, hummin and ready.
his change to lefties is really really good.
we keep getting under his rising pitches...
Fuck this dude. C'mon, offense!!!!! Oi!
hey jorgie - don't get picked off!!!
Pinch run for Jorgie for Mo's Sake!
OH NO!!!!!
please be okay!!!
Ouch! Glancing blow hopefully.
Ouch. Now, how about a fucking hit?
it was *obviously* the hand, not the elbow. dumbass.
please don't be hurt for real, for real!!!
c'mon gritner!!!
imagine a double steal w/ jorgie as the lead runner - hahahaha!!!
[78] scherzer did! he imagined it!
maybe he's reading the banter ; )
The only way Jorgie scores is if Lil' G hits a triple.
Homer here.
wait. "one of" their slowest runners? who the hell is slower than jorgie on the squad? yogi, maybe...
Swing that bat asshole!
That is a fucking garbage at bat, Brett. Waiting forever. Fucking terrible.
still no hits. : (
Who needs hits? Fuckinghorsefuckingshit!
Score Truck?
We ain't even seen the Score Bicycle yet ...
Philly didn't really wake up until the 6th yesterday, so let's hope that'll work for the Yanks today too.
Well, at 82 pitches through five, he can't possibly get a no-hitter, right?
But damn, if you're gonna get this kind of start out of Garcia in the playoffs, you'd better give him some runs.
90) Yeah, and let's hope the Tigers don't wake up either.
This fucking sucks!
and we get verlander at comerica tomorrow night.
this sucks.
Why are we getting pre-DL Jeter today?
great K!!!
now, a DP please...
This could be the game right here.
Fuck that fat drunk!
[100] I hope you're wrong. :-(
[100] well, Cokey is probably coming into the game. that might help us out quite a bit! : )
robbie usually gets that...
Double fuck
Well, that was deflating.
The good news is the Yanks are still being no hit.
Robbie short armed that one. And this inning is all Jeter's fault!
Fan-fucking-tastic. Fuck fuck fuck.
These assholes are seriously going to pitch AJ fucking Burnett with our season potentially on the line because he pitched one not completely shitty game against a team that was begging to complete a collapse.
I hate almost every roster decision they made heading into this series. How about throwing Ayala for four here, Girardi, so we can finish the job of shooting off our dicks.
Oh great.
boone-head logan
thanks, buddy
this is pretty much on all the captain.
the rest is on our offense...
balk forgiven.
error is not.
Now break up the no-hitter.
Preemptive fuck strikeout twins Granderson and Tex. Fuck Swisher who has been utterly fucking useless.
No fuck you to Boone Logan - that was pretty nice.
[117] then the shutout...
then take the lead...
I did not know before this game that Ordonez and Cabrera share a basement where they keep Freddy Garcia. That error, with those two coming up, was just painful.
shut up, smoltz.
Hey that's one of them hitty thingies.
Robby breaks up the no-hitter. Figured it would be him.
under it.
Alex looks like hell. Two good pitches to hit there. Can't get around.
hey tex,
cut the deficit in half.
[127] Agreed - Alex in the cleanup spot unable to hit a fastball is not looking like a smart move right now.
i'm not a fan of this ump.
he's got a great first name, but he sucks at strikes & balls.
Eat shit, blue.
Indeed, fuck this strike zone.
Frustrating game.
Can't wait for freezing darkness in Detroit.
keep 'em here, cory.
or not...
Oh, Cory Wade. The magic is so long gone.
shut up, smoltz...
don kelly, is NOT a good baseball name.
good job, cory.
the girl who works in the fancy seats is so beautiful.
[140] Ditto that. She belongs in movies.
140) Doesn't she know it, too. She poses all season long, knowing she's in the middle of that camera angle.
[141] funny, i was thinkin' about that! was wondering if the Yankees get calls to interview her for modeling jobs, et al.
[142] unfortunately, i don't get to see her enough to notice that. and a lot times they show her, they fog out the background, so it's blurry.
looks like she's cut her hair a little bit. looks thick & healthy. i loved it when she had a hat on and wore her hair in plaits. she's "classically beautiful."
C'mon SWISH! Walk. Who Cares. Something.
holy crap. ryan braun just CRUSHED a 2-run job to deep center. make that deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep center. basically a line drive out of the friggin' stadium.
brew crew are my NL team. go beer!
Here we go!
Un-fuck Swisher temporarily.
Now we're cookin' with grease!
a rally. let's make this stand up!
Speaking of freezing darkness in Detroit...anyone see that series by Paul Lukas at Slate? Basically, he found a bunch of old report cards and tried to find out what happened to the kids when they grew up. One was found in an abandoned building in Detroit. It turned out belong to a kid who grew up to be a baseball player and jazz musician: Carmen Fanzone. He was a Cub for most of his career, and he said it was ideal: they didn't play night games back then, so he could play baseball during the day and jazz at night.
Today, he works for the musicians' union in Los Angeles, Professional Musicians Local 47, and does fantasy camp for the Cubs.
see ya, max.
hoping to add 2 runs to your ledger, then do the same to your bullpen mates (3 or more for them!)
Have to admit that I hated starting Jorge in these games, and with the exception of one of his special moments, he's been good.
Well great work by Scherzer.
I grow wearier still of Tex's at bats. Wha' happened?
[150] Unfortunately, neither freeze nor midges will stop them from playing playoff baseball at night.
No Rally Killers!
C'mon, Russ. No double play now boys.
[148] funny how you and i have the same lingo. i say that phrase with "grease," also. i remember a discussion about it here some time ago...i guess it's mostly said "with...gas." i know it with "grease"...
[150] that's farking *awesome*!!!
alright russ, payback for the hbp!
C'mon Russ, keep it going.
eeeeewww, what the fuck is that thing on benoit's chin?!
No GiDP here, Bodie.
dammit. we're under everything today...
let's go, eric!
is it fucking raining? again???
fuckity fuck.
Feh. Putrid
Congratulations, Yanks, on turning the stadium into pussy-ville.
Oh good more rain. Jeez Chavez.
Get a fucking run in
I coulda had 3 swings and misses! Fuck a duck!
hit it out, captain.
redeem yourself!
Man, it's pouring.
Do a number 3000 here cap'n.
[169] and provided humorous levity at the same time.
instead of angst and frustration...
is gritner hurt?
i sure hope not...
Even God is crying at the Yankees pathetic offense today.
Word press doesn't like me calling the Yankee crowd a bunch of mulvas.
how do you NOT swing at that?????????
FUCK!!!!! : /
This game is kind of eroding my high from last night's win.
F.A.I.L. Motherfucker. At least they have 1 hit. : (
[176] word press doesn't like much of anything...
Another big wasted opportunity.
These cocksuckers better not put the tarp out now because you think they might want to be fair and put it out, you know, during like, a fucking important at bat like Jeter just had.
Alex, the title you chose for this entry has taken on a different meaning, much like the way it was originally used. Unpleasant!
if verlander shuts out down tomorrow night (a very good possibility), we're looking at AJ on the road in an elimination game.
Last pitch was a strike, but pitchfx has the ump missing seven pitches egregiously for Scherzer. Argh.
[185] Yeah, noted that earlier. Just loving that possibility.
184) Ugh.
[184] Was thinking that too.
[185] Never mind the Outlander!
Sheesh, I could be watching meaningless pre-season hockey right now.
do pitchers always only throw fastballs on their 8 given warmup pitches or do they ever mess around with offspeed stuff?
[191] or the brewers-snakes game.
Sign us up for the rainbow and the pot of runs at the end of it, thank hyou
batting champion.
I HATE Miguel Cabrera. Bastard.
so i guess the downpour was just during our most important at-bats.
baseball gods pissing all over our postseason chances...
Oh ye of little faith, in the telling of the tale of the Yankees 28th championship, the glory of AJ Burnett's redemption shall feature brightly!
yeah, and girardi has his ace ready to go tomorrow, too. why can't you mention CC? fucking douchelord.
[198] are you sure all you got was a 12-pack of Red Hook???
[150] randym77 That was neat. Thanks.
nice hook!
what? fuck you, gun waving, wife beating, fat fucking drunk.
rot in hell.
crap. lost him...
get spell check out.
Get Jkklkjjlkdjlakdjakfdjalfjalfjlasdfhonny out
shut up, smoltz. seriously.
C'mon Wade, sit this punk down.
let's get back to throwing strikes, shall we...
Big out to get here...the Yankees can still win this game.
alright, there ya go.
can we please score some fucking runs right now?! PLEASE
Did he say the Yanks are 2-18 with risp this series? The story of their lives it seems.
[211] Yup.
Those city shots from the blimp are sweet.
213) Gorgeous.
Curtis! The Grandy man Can!
That's one.
And now a crooked number, please
smoltz: rally killer.
stfu, smoltzie!
Way to downplay the homer Smoltz you fucking asshole.
alex & tex need to snap out of it.
you deserve that boo, alex.
everyone is undercutting today. : /
Pitch in any time, Alex.
oh god, last thing i wanna see is fucking valverde and his chest beating antics on the mound in the bronx. : (
Booing Alex?
Stay classy fans ...
how long til AJ has a neck tattoo? i'm kinda surprised he doesn't have one already...
another uppercut swing...
That's enough fucking popups
[226] wasn't referring to [223] btw, just the fans at the stadium.
Aj's winning game 4 no matter what happens tomorrow. This is turning out to be a real Sunday Shit Burger.
Jose is 49 for 49 this hear. He's due for a bad outing.
[231] I love the way you think.
really nice little interview w/ robin yount on tbs. i always loved him growing up. i'm a big fan. good guy, GREAT baseball player!!!
I'm tired of everyone quaking in their boots at the mention of Verlander. I don't cede Game 3 to Detroit whatsoever.
And they've been a dud today but the damn game isn't over. GO YANKEES!
Alex looks lost.
Good start, Luis. Unfucking Real!
234) Exactly. Only trouble is, should they lose today and tomorrow, A.J. is the only thing between them and a trip home.
[229] oh, i figured! i wouldn't boo alex live at the stadium for that. just be disappointed...
but thanks for clarifying! : )
[237] yeah. that...
223) And, no, Alex does not deserve that boo. Unless they want to boo Tex for not hitting, Jeter for his error, but that doesn't happen.
Ayala ha ha ha ha.
Belatedly, [150], that was the most interesting and not soul crushing note I could expect to get from mentioning freezing darkness in Detroit.
[237] Should they win tomorrow, they'll be smelling like a rose. Just won't know until they play the damn game. And it's not like AJ has to take on the Tigers alone. In theory the Yankees have an offense!
[240] wow. that's TWICE i'm getting here!
it's just kinda like when we say BOOOOO, here. that's all. like when boone balked.
i never boo in person and don't like it.
[234] I'm with you - I worry that he's not the same guy, but the heck with him - he's been dealt with in the past.
And 25 pitches in the first inning was not a sign that the past had no bearing on the future with him.
But CC was on the mound and it was 70 degrees, and I worry that the big man really likes it hot.
Still, fuck ceding anything. But the *possibility* of AJ with the season on the line is enough to make anyone nauseous. Always so proud when I spell that right on the first try... 70% luck...
jeter seems to be playful with every runner who's made it to 2nd, except for cabrera. maybe 'coz miggy is a giant bag of douche.
I see Alex already covered that ground in [237].
I'm ceding nothing to Valverde, btw, but only because I have class tomorrow night (the school kind - I'll still be a foul-mouthed lout), when is the start time tomorrow night, and who is their Game 4 against AJ?
oh no.
ayala has really lost it lately...
You the man, Luis! Brilliant pitching!
Thanks Luis.
That's a big fail by Ayala. Needed to hold the line.
Oh my, Ayala failed to get the job done? Stunning. He sucks.
[246] and i covered waaaaay earlier today...
[251] More like a giant fail by Girardi, for bringing Ayala's worthless ass into the game in the 1st place.
254) LOL
Hey, [253], you forgot that I had beaten you to it waaaaaay earlier than that [110]!!!
I meant that Alex had covered the concept that even merely the possibility was revolting. And that none of us were ceding a dang thing with our big man on the hill.
And I remain bloody fucking defiant on that count. Just hoping I can catch most of it, because of that pesky class.
That's 2.
got that 1 run back...
"Theatric" is an interesting word for "unbelievably douchey."
Ah, "colorful," that's a more standard euphemism.
Dance to that, you fucking cock.
All right, Swish. Good start.
Swish swat!
if jeter hadn't erred and gi joe didn't bring ayala in, we'd prolly be tied right now.
if woody had gone to the police...
[256] and i kinda alluded to it in [15]. in a roundabout way...
i keep getting picked on here though, so i should prolly just shut up and mind my own business...
Man, that Ayala run is big.
Part of the act my fucking ass. Throw the fucking ball!
[254, 262] It's not as if Ayala has been awful all year...but this past week, he sure has, well..sucked.
Dear god. Get him out of there NOW!
Atta boy, Jorgie!
JORGE POSADA HIT A TRIPLE??? Jorge, please don't get picked off of 3rd.
NOw, I've seen everything.
pinch runner...NOW!!!!
dickerson, i suppose...
On a list of things I thought possible, a Jorgie triple was not one of those things.
A triple for Jorgie?
Yowsa. Would be an inside the parker for anyone else. ;-)
Jorge triple! I thought those were extinct.
Yanks can do this...c'mon Russell.
[266] i know. i said that in [247]. it's just been lately...
Russ, c'mon, relax, papi.
no pinch runner? i know it's only 90 feet, but still...
my heart is now racing. 1st time in awhile...
No Pinch runner for Jorge?
Just woke up, can't take such tension!
The Wife: "This is when baseball makes me a little nauteous."
don't make an out!!!
Think Smoltz wants the Tigers to win?
[282] he's from michigan.
If we lose this game by 1 run, I might have to fly across country and beat Joe Girardi to death with a hobo.
Yikes! C'mon Martin!
good eye, russ!!!
is it chavez. what about jesus?
I'll take that.
Come on, Yanks. You got 'em where you want 'em now.
[284] Nice! I like any use of the word "hobo" and that was a good one.
[283] He was also drafted by the Tigers. Went to Atlanta in the Doyle Alexander trade.
ooh, it's andruw!
i'm down.
c'mon buddy!!!
Walk the ballpark, douche!
Hey, Andruw Jones has hit a few big Yankee Stadium homers before, huh? Why not????
Oh well.
Shit. Hit it on the button.
[291] i know and remember that well.
At least it wasn't a double play.
[284] Oh I not want to know?
Jeter has had a miserable day. Time to make us forget about all that.
come on, captain!
Let's go Cap'n!
[299] brought in ayala. he gave up a run...
maybe the tigers make an error here...
way to stay alive, DJ!
Bang one into right, Jeter!
christ. : /
Fuck, Derek. Least not a dp.
Bad day at the office for the Captain.
[303] God...why??
Grandy Man Can, tie game ahead!
Goddamn it Yankees, DO THIS. C'mon Curtis!
CG for the tie.
cano for the win!
wow. please be a portend of things to come!!!
Please, please, please, please.
Holy shit. You see something new every day.
There's your lucky break, Yankees - let's pounce!
OMG. Maybe god doesn't hate us after all.
Grandy and Cano are probably two I most like to see up with the game on the line.
All fucking game blue. You fucking SUCK!
Pouring again.
A walk would be interesting.
Let's go Robbie. Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!
homina, homina, homina...
C'mon Robbie!
I'm standing.
and brandishing a cano 2011 bb card!
Giambiesque Rain Homer!
Oh, that pitch was fat. OOOOOH.
Valverde is throwing a LOT of pitches, which bodes well for tomorrow, too.
yeah, 1st pitch was tasty.
put it in play, dude!
Man, another great pitch to hit. I'm going to have a fucking heart attack.
Hit it in the gap! Keep the line moving.
Another heater. FUCK!!!!!!
How can they see in that rain??!
another fat pitch in his wheelhouse.
he's just a hair late...
Jeez, this rain is ridiculous.
Each of these swings is taking a day off my life.
: (
Ah fuck. Yankees win tomorrow. Book it.
We got a series..
Fucking Fuck
Oh shit shit shit shit shit.
That was exciting, though... argh, it would have been so exquisite if he had put that in the seats...
Darn it.
holy crap. upper deck job by j-up.
4-4 in milwaukee
Well, that could have gone better.
Yankees STILL can't fucking hit with RiSP.
Jeter sucked and so did Girardi. That's a game they could have won. Oh well...didn't think Detroit would be easy. Go get 'em tomorrow.
They made a run at it. I have to agree with Matt, Yanks win tomorrow. If not, I don't want to think about
[351] Verlander vs CC tomorrow, right? Yikes..
[284] You got me to laugh, even post-Cano groundout.
[15] I'm going to have to go ahead and give you that one. But let's see this turn positive. More Yankee baseball this year. Please. That last charge made me remember why I want more of this.
Oh, I had visions of Robbie smoking one into the seats...
[352] You're just a little behind the rest of us with that one. It's almost like you're half a world away and the news isn't traveling to you quite as fast.
i'm wearing my 2009 WS shirt today. i really wanna pick up a 2011 one in NY, at Turkey Day...
Hey [0], even though Stoney End is full of portent, I'm going to still whine that today's set up had bad ju ju.
I demand a mojo-licious table setter for tomorrow!
Crappy luck it started pouring right then ...
[354] 13 hours in the future but waking up with no espresso yet I'm stuck in 1911..
[357] twice. BOTH times we had a big rally going, the baseball gods pissed all over us. wonder why... : (
What a frustrating game. Thisclose!
Any particular reason Ayala was in? Is he Girardi's favorite toy?
I listened to part of the game on the radio, an unfortunate error by Jeter. Yes, a tough day at the office for the Captain, as someone mentioned earlier. Guess we go get them Tuesday (travel day tomorrow, right?)
[360] No, we play tomorrow. Rainout means no off day.
[360] Nope. play tomorrow. Today was travel day. They're not pushing series back anymore (unless they have to.)
Brew Crew laying it on against the D-Backs, 8-4! Noisy crowd there, very hyped up.
[363] I don't know what the Snakes were thinking, leaving Ziegler in there to give up 5 runs in a tied game. The guy had clearly lost it.
They're already down 1-0 in the series. They can't afford to dick around like that.
[361][362] Thanks!
[364] That and having Kennedy pitch to Fielder, there has been some questionable managing in this series.
Has LaTroy Hawkins changed his motion?
I was flying across the country during most of the game, but thanks to Jet Blue I could watch. WTH was up with the home plate umpire's strike zone? Scherzer really took advantage of that high, outside "strike." Without that, I think the Yankees get to him a lot sooner.
Also, boo on blue for not delaying the game during the particularly heavy rain.
Garcia pitched well, I thought. Cheap HR and some seeing-eye grounders, aided by Jeter's error. I was shocked he got as many strikeouts as he did.
Gotta win tomorrow.
Very disappointing game for the Yankees today. They're facing a guy with a 4.40 ERA who's making his postseason debut in a hitter's park, and they can muster only one run? Poor defense by Jeter did not help, nor did another lousy effort by Ayala.
They played today like they did against the Rangers in last year's ALCS. If this continues, they'll be done by Game Four.
[367] This always comes with the "not to go Eric Van" disclaimer, but the ump called *seven* pitches that were not only not strikes, they weren't even that close. Although, they do say, at least if you're consistent - haven't checked it for Garcia, but he gave Scherzer the same exact pitch each time...
[358] You're behind, you're ahead...
In a slightly better mood after the Giants' comeback, which, let's be honest, I don't think that's a good team, but something about their ability to pull a comeback like that out of their rear ends was hilarious.
[367] Just looked at Garcia - ump gave him four off the plate in the same direction, plus one borderline (I didn't count the borderline one for Scherzer, either).
So ump's strike zone was just wrong, altogether - it's a shifted zone, as I think some may have mentioned earlier in the thread. Which will always bother me. There's a strike zone they set out as the strike zone for a reason. You learn it as you grow up playing the game. Consistency is nice, but the zone is the zone. The idea that an ump gets to make up his own zone is ridiculous.
[369] Catching up now..but wait, JoeyJoeJoe used Logan, Wade AND Ayala but not Soriano, Robertson or Mo?? Why would those guys have been unavilable???
lee just made pujols look like poo-holes.
[371] Because we didn't have the lead. If you have a lead you go SoRoMo, if you don't have the lead you use your lesser pitchers, even *if* it's really important to keep the score close so you might mount a rally, even if you'd just score to close the gap, and even if you had some one like Phil Hughes available, even if you didn't want to pitch SoRoMo.
In the end, that one run didn't matter, but it was still a blindingly stupid decision to pitch Luis FUCKING Ayala in a situation that still mattered.
[371] logan came in to face the lefty. stayed in for the righty. he balked; got thrown off at jeter's yelling, supposedly. but...he struck out both batters. we were down by 4 at the time, so no so-ro-mo...
[373] or that.
; )
[373] I think we've long passed the point where we can conclude that Joe G is not a great manager..totally inexplicable moves.
[374] Yeah but in the playoffs these guys should go every day. Use your best pitchers, always! It's not rocket science, yet managers fuck this up repeatedly..although he gave up the homer yesterday, Leyland was right to go to Albequerque Al to face Cano. Guy was lights out all year.
anybody know what the "B" on the phillies uni is for? i remember "vuk," but who's this one for?
[377] yes. the binder.
[379] I'd like to douse the Binder™ with wasabi and light a match..
[378] ah. in memory of 2 members of old ownership who recently passed away...
Cliff Lee gave up a walk! Ye Gods!
No matter, Phils going to run through St. Louee..showdown with Milwaukee coming for sure.
[380] i'll do a little dance while you set the fire.
on second thought, i won't dance. i'll play tribal drums as you ignite!
I'm a jinx, Theriot with the double, Cards now on the board.
ooh, cards in bidness vs. clifton phifer!
cards still in bidness!
4-2, 2nd & 3rd, 1 out.
TLR is pinch-hitting for Chris Carpenter with Nick has La Russa won all those games in his career? Every time I watch him he makes such odd moves..
carp's day over after only 3 innings.
[387] the piranha has good #'s vs. clifton phifer.
{389] But now need pen for 6..don't like it.
woulda been nice if the cards coulda tied it. but hard to complain about 3 off lee that frame...
[390] well, salas only needed 6 pitches for that frame. so he can certainly go again and they just need 5! not that it'll probably matter...
poo-holes looks stinky vs. lee.
8 k's thru 5.
Man, the color guy on this broadcast is unlistenable..
thelarmis, huge Jazz month here in October. I'll send you details later offline, 3 street festivals and a bunch of great gigs including several Peter Brotzmann live events.
[394] do you mean bob brenly? yeah, he's rather awful.
i never understood why they call them the 'color' guy. doesn't make any sense to me...
jazz stuff sounds swingin'!
i do like hunter pence.
siddown, chutley!
that called strike was more egregious than any of the horrible calls in our game. these umps suck shit!
[395] I really think they should just get rid of them and have one great play-by-play guy..but I guess not everyone can be Vin Scully. Stockton is OK here. Oh, did you see the long article about John Sterling in the NY Times?
19 pitches thru 2 innings for salas. i'm not sure how much length this guy can give you, but tlr should prolly send him out again. 6 up, 6 down - get him thru the entire order...
[397] stockton is pretty good. he sounds sooo old school though and, for some reason, seems out of place & outta date here...
nope on the NYT article. no real interest, or time, to read it though...
i'm procrastinating right now. i need to go through charts, snare solos and do lesson plans - the new quarter at the school starts this week. i also need to do some more work on my 2nd cd. and i'm doing my laundry...
the fact that angel hernandez is a major league umpire in a postseason series is grounds to fire bud selig immediately. how about on grounds "best interest of baseball"?
ugh. does molina have tattoos on BOTH sides of his neck???
christ almighty. sickening...
john jay is a worse baseball name than don kelly.
theriot with 2 doubles off clifton.
gutsy call sending him home. late slide, but...
tie game! eat it, phifer!
ooh, infield hit. 2-out rally continues.
3 straight hits. 1st & 3rd.
wait, why am i typing this? Mr. OK is the only one here and he's watching the game!
alright, time to go do stuff. see ya tomorrow night...
you would think "octavio" would wear the #8. instead he wears 28. 8va, perhaps? he's facing a #8...
[403] Still here! Had to feed Jazz Princess.
[404] Hard to believe HE is still in the majors too.
Go Go..hmm..Cardinals?
Cardinals come back to take the lead!! So TLR knew better than me..shocking.
leadoff standup triple!
allen craig - another terrible terrible baseball name.
albert up now...
rbi single. 5-4 cards!
phils phans silent.
TBS almost misses another live play. THey SUCK!
craig sager. why???
bloop single. 1st/3rd, no outs in the 7th.
clifton at 110 pitches. (livin' on the) lidge coming in?
And that's the end for Lee.
Imagine if TLR hadn't slept through the middle of the game yesterday?
Cardinals could be going for a 2-0 series lead.
[409] It cuts away here to Japanese announers when Sager shows up. Is this a good thing?
Yeah, who is Allen Craig??
how are there more people there tonight than during the '09 WS???
[411] yes. this is a wonderful thing! can you make that happen here?
[413] Well, but if you understood them its not so great..lots of talk about "effort, grit and sacrifice". FHM dream analysts for sure.
Ross Gload HAS to be the worst player name tonight..
j-roll, 3-4.
[414] FJM. your mind is in the gutter w/ FHM, my friend!
i like it ; )
gload is pretty bad, but at least it's not as bland as the others. you can make fun of "gload"; not much you can do with kelly, jay or craig, as last names. just boring and lame...
i never noticed the split level bullpen. huh.
looks like steady rain in philthy. unless that's my tv...
oh yeah, it's raining.
j-roll picked off. nice play to end the inning.
[415] Hahahah! That's a blast from the past..amazing in college how no internet meant people "reading" magazines like that!
Awful getting picked off there..
Tony the Bastard is in.
[419] Nah, he was just stealing on 1st move, picked the wrong pitch to go on.
bastardo. now, there's a name we can have fun with!
good call on the checked swing. he did not go.
[422] I'm glad that Tony the Bastard passes your grueling Appropriate Baseball Names Standard test!
funny story. one day, my ex cut a lot of her long blonde locks off. to ease the blow of freaking me out, she stormed thru the apt., gave me a kiss, handed me a copy of FHM (with a hot blonde on the cover) and whizzed out the door. i was on the phone w/ my brother at the time of this whirlwind and wasn't quite sure what was going on. man, that girl kept me on my toes... : ~
ooh, late time call. that kinda sucks...
[423] yes, you should be! : )
and i also approve of your excellent sobriquet for him!
vance worley - you pass the grueling baseball name test!
good work, son.
[427] or, more appropriately -
good work, dad!
[424] I approve of your ex-girlfriend!
Am sure all those "lads mags" must be out of business now?
Bastardo out..what you guys think of that bunt there up by one?
[429] ugh. she still haunts me. in a pretty major way...
i had never heard of that zine before. i think it's still going strong though. dunno, don't keep up with that sorta thing...
btw, even with the shearing, her hair was still long and she was still drop dead gorgeous ; )
[429] i'm generally not a fan of giving up the out there with the bunt, hoping for a hit. 99% of the time, i just don't like it.
i'd rather a steal attempt or hit & run, or something...
can the cards pen get 6 more outs? i'm not sure...
heart of the order up now...
grazed his uni, bob. not really "off the ribcage"...
yeah, i figure it's all gonna unravel now for st. loueeeee.
Ah, I was hoping that someone had done this ... and the internets didn't let me down.
More double switches..I really don't like NL ball.
wow. that was a good takeout slide by chutley.
looks like theriot got hurt though...
arthur rhodes coming in. oh dear.
[434]Great! Is that the film from a few years back with Bruno Ganz playing Hitler?
[435] yeah, me neither. and i deal with a lot of it with the braves. i used to watch a ton of cubs games too, 'coz it was daytime on regular tv...
that's another reason i'm so sick of bob brenly. plus, his stoopid mound visit to bloody sock in 01 after sori's homer.
i do like aramis ramirez from watching all those games on wgn though...
[434] My comment about H I T L E R obviously triggered a keyword cause it's now awaiting moderation!
Endless pitching changes..yawn..
How’s this for a guarantee?
After closing out the Detroit Tigers’ win over the New York Yankees in Game 2 of the ALDS on Sunday, closer Jose Valverde believes the Tigers are a lock to win the series.
“I think the series will finish in our house,” Valverde told ESPN Deportes’ Enrique Rojas and other outlets. “They have a good team, but the series is not (coming) back to New York.”
...“We have a big advantage,” Valverde said. “We have Verlander ready for tomorrow. In the bullpen, we are ready.”
...“Thank God my team won,” Valverde said.
The closer, who finished 49 for 49 in save changes in the regular season, also guaranteed that he’d be available for Monday’s game.
“I can pitch in 11 straight,” he said.
wow. color me impressed!
3-pitch strikeout of howard, by rhodes.
oh god. again. another pitching change.
mike hargrove would approve...
Howard just cannot hit lefties.
ANOTHER pitching change..
[439] fuck him straight to hell.
[438] him too. i can't utter the "h" word. in fact, i don't even wanna comment about it. i won't watch the link cult sent, even if it's funny. just keep him out of all conversations, jokes too...
[440] Valverde talking shit after almost blowing it in the 9th? Guy must think he's protected by God after being perfect in the regular season..misguided fool, must not know there is only ONE blessed reliever in baseball.
[443] You must not be a Mel Brooks fan then..?
I'm really looking forward to someone taking Valverde deep next game!
[438] Yeah, I afoul of that earlier in the year.
harmless fly ball to center. inning mercifully over, about a boston-yankees game later.
off to the 9th, cards up 1...
[444] don't know enough. what i do know, i like.
but i just can't deal with anything related to the "h" guy. just can't and i think that's understandable...
[444] Well, you'll probably want to avoid "The Producers" then.
[448] noted!
[449] Was JUST thinking that..or anything done by Larry David!
strikeout, caught in rowdown.
2 down...
wait. i think the moderation comment has thrown off some of the #'s here. oh well, whatever. it's just 3 of us and easy enough to figure out.
it's all good. i don't watch any of those sitcoms anyway. the few shows i got sucked into and watch, i'm hoping go off the air soon. i'm ready to go back to having 'no shows'...
after my 3rd cd is done, i think i'm gonna take up the cello. i'm serious.
3 outs to go for STL, can they do it?
good god, that girl on the tbs conan commercial is GORGEOUS.
jazz tokyo - she's a brunette! i'm not kidding...
[453] i'm not so sure. i mean, they probably will, but i don't necessarily think it's gonna happen...
[453] Only current stuff I watch from US is Curb Your Enthusiasm and Mad Men. Still havn't hit the Wire or Sopranos..too much of a time comittment. But have heard great things..
Also, since Mrs. Jazz ordered cable I usually watch the jazz archive program on nightly at 8pm! Better than any sitcom or drama!
there have been 35 players used in this game.
TLR - 20
Phils - 15
Six relievers used by La Russa..risky! What if Phils tie it...?
in swedish, "mat" is pronoucned like "motte" and means "food."
this is going fast.
1 out to go.
Food vs. Chooch
[453] cult, i'm gonna go ahead and say:
YES. they can do it! ; )
[461] And they do it!
Three series now tied, we got a post-season going on!
[460] 1-1 going back to STL ... nicely done birds. Now, sweep the 2 in STL and send the Philly Phucks home for the winter.
alright guys, see youze manana!