"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Wait, What Happened?

Over at Grantland, Jonah Keri recaps the 21 top moments of a crazy Game Five.

[Photo Credit: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images]

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Tags:  jonah keri  world series 2011

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1 OldYanksFan   ~  Oct 25, 2011 1:42 pm

"PHILADELPHIA -- The Phillies have declined the 2012 options for pitchers Roy Oswalt and Brad Lidge. Oswalt gets a $2 million buyout instead of $16 million next season. Lidge receives a $1.5 million buyout instead of $12.5 million next year."

Cashman interested in Oswalt?
Anyone here interested in Oswalt?

2 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 25, 2011 1:50 pm


3 Jon DeRosa   ~  Oct 25, 2011 2:54 pm

[2] well hold on alex. considering the rotation right now is nova, hughes and burnett, i don't think we're going to be able to dismiss anybody that easily.

not a top choice for the $ he's sure to want, but the yanks have two open spots and 2 guys who quite possibly suck eggs out of five the second cc opts out.

4 Jon DeRosa   ~  Oct 25, 2011 3:15 pm

i wish the yanks were some involved in that game last night so we would have discussed it more (and then i would have seen it).


in this article, we've got a HOF manager saying he called a hit and run with a full count inthe ninth. is that attempt to cover for albert for striking out? for the runner for trying to steal and being caught? or did he really put a hit and run on with a full count? because that's demonstrably insane.

i've read about this all over, and only a few commenters have called out the insanity of that play at face value. with a full count, the batter should not swing at balls, since another ball is a walk. in a hit and run, the batter's got to swing no matter what. has anyone ever, at any level, heard of a hit and run on a full count? and with perhaps the greatest right handed hitter in history at the plate?

the other thing here is that pujols called for a hit and run in the seventh by himself, then didn't like the pitch, didn't swing, and hung his runner out to dry screwing up a possible game winning rally.

oh man it's awesome both those guys got so exposed in those last few innings, they're such great villains.

5 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 25, 2011 3:42 pm

Yeah, Pujols is a dickhead.

2) Good pernt. I was thinking more along the lines of him wanting too much, and I just don't see a dude like that coming over to the AL East at this stage of his career.

6 Jon DeRosa   ~  Oct 25, 2011 4:43 pm

you know, i read that mlb.com account a few times and it's the author who is really saying definitively that the ninth inning play was a hit and run. larussa, pujols and the runner could all just be talking about the common play of putting the runner in motion with a full count. seems like larussa wanted it to have the effect of a hit and run, but hopefully also with the leeway that albert could take a ball and walk if it was there.

dunno. i'd like someone to ask them straight out.

7 Matt Blankman   ~  Oct 25, 2011 4:46 pm

There is no reason for a man on first to be running with Pujols at the plate when you're down by 2 runs. NONE WHATSOEVER.

8 Jon DeRosa   ~  Oct 25, 2011 5:02 pm

[7] what if it's a full count? pujols doesn't strike out a lot, i've got no trouble w/ being aggressive there and sending the runner with the full count.

9 Bruce Markusen   ~  Oct 25, 2011 8:44 pm

Wait a minute, teams put the runner in motion on a 3-and-2 count all the time. The objective is to stay out of the ground ball double play.

I don't understand why LaRussa is taking heat for THAT decision. It was Pujols' fault. He swung at a pitch that was a FOOT outside. If he lets that pitch go, as he should have, it's easily ball four and it's first and second with no one out.

10 Mr. OK Jazz TOKYO   ~  Oct 25, 2011 8:46 pm

Oswalt is a whiny bitch who said A-Rod should return his MVP awards because of steroids. Eff em, stay in the NL please.

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