"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Young ‘Uns

Over at Pinstriped Bible, Rebecca Glass examines  ESPN prospect analyst Keith Law’s Top 10 Yankee prospects.  Check it out.

[Photo Credit: J. Meric/Getty Images]

Categories:  1: Featured  Prospects  Yankees

Tags:  keith law  rebecca glass

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1 Sliced Bread   ~  Feb 10, 2012 11:26 am

It's ARod's fault.

Whaddaya know? It still works even after a long offseason.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 10, 2012 11:34 am

1) The beauty of it is that it will always work, forever because even after he retires, I suspect that Mr. Rodriguez is going to have two left feet and make himself look foolish.

3 Sliced Bread   ~  Feb 10, 2012 11:54 am

2) yeah, he'll find a way to piss people off on Alex Rodriguez Day at the Stadium
But that's why we love him.

"It's ARod's fault" will always work in the same way that "That's what she said" always works.

4 Alex Belth   ~  Feb 10, 2012 12:48 pm

4) Absolutely. The Mets have the same thing in a minor key about Carlos Beltran.

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--Earl Weaver