"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Steam Heat

Man, is it ever hot out there. Hope you are doing whatever you need to do in order to stay cool.

Blogging will be light today. Course, tonight gives the start of a four-game series in Boston. Dustin Pedroia will miss it.

Hiroki goes against Beckett in Game One. Good piece on Kuroda by David Waldstein today in the New York Times.

[Photo Credit: Bernice Abbott]

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1 RIYank   ~  Jul 6, 2012 8:36 am

I know we all like and admire Kuroda, but damn, I had no idea he was such a tough mf.

2 rbj   ~  Jul 6, 2012 9:12 am

A steamy 101 is promised for me. But I've got a new computer, which means I get to stay in and load up all my programs.

3 Chris in Sydney   ~  Jul 6, 2012 10:33 am

That piece on Kuroda was downright shocking. Its not easy overcoming that kind of abuse, much less thriving. I kinda liked him before, but now I will be rooting hard for him in every start. If anyone ever deserved to live the major league lifestyle, it's him.

We are going to hit 82 today in Bend, OR. That's the hottest day of the year so far. Haven't been back to Sydney for a while, but not sure how to change the handle...

4 BobbyB   ~  Jul 6, 2012 10:56 am

[3] Shocking is almost an understatement. I liked him before, now I'm gonna be watching and rooting every start.

5 OldYanksFan   ~  Jul 6, 2012 12:42 pm

Anyone see this?

What an asshole... and uneducated at that.
I saw TWO different analyses, one by Hard Ball Times, of 'How many HRs a non-PED ARod should have hit.One said they believe ARod would have hit 2 or 3 less HRs (than he has now) and one called it even.

And as far a Andy is concerned;
Even the Mitchell Report admitted this.

6 Alex Belth   ~  Jul 6, 2012 1:40 pm

Reggie was my hero as a kid. And part of growing up is realizing that your heroes can be shitheads. I learned that pretty early on. And Reggie never disappoints. He's a First Class Dick. Don't ever see that changing. Then again, if anyone takes what he says to heart, well then, that's one them.

7 Chris   ~  Jul 6, 2012 1:46 pm

[5] Yep.

I got the feeling Reggie was talking not just just about his own opinion but about a consensus opinion among both HOFers and fans. I wonder if you (all) agree that that is the consensus?

Also, I'd be interested in seeing those analyses. My view is that it's probably more than just a few HRs added, if only because the faster healing keeps you on the field more. I'd reach a similar conclusion on Andy -- I found that same effect from taking HGH.

Anyway, don't mean to be an "asshole" (it comes naturally), just trying to understand your view (especially since your comments always make you seem well-informed).

8 rbj   ~  Jul 6, 2012 2:50 pm

I wonder, did Reggie ever take any greenies, so that there might have been some games where he hit one out that a non amped-up Reggie would have been a tad late and only hit a pop up.

And if you want to be pedantic about it, the pre-Jackie Robinson era has its own problems because it was no all of the best players playing MLB.

9 m1kew   ~  Jul 6, 2012 3:01 pm

When George Seinbrenner was at his most active it was not beneath him to push one of his players who he thought was underperforming. My question is is someone like Randy Levine using Reggie Jackson as his beard and sending a not so subtle message to Alex Rodriguez?

A lot of what Reggie was quoted as saying absolutely sounds like the old Reggie so maybe his Arod comments were his and his alone. But I believe he values his connection with the Yankees now and I would think he would at a minimum know who he could make negative comments about and how far he could go.

I am not a Yankee insider. I have no specific information. I just have my own recollection as how used to be. It's just that I can see someone in the Yankee hierarchy pissed that Arod is underperforming his contract and is on the downswing of his career. In my (alleged) mind it is easy for a GS disciple to use one of his techniques to stimulate an underperformer.

I am disappointed and saddened by Arod's lack of power and hope it reverses soon. I do think he has been a valuable contributor to the team but not at the levels we all (Arod included) would like to see.

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