The title of this piece, is by Bronx based baseball and human interest writer Todd Drew and was the name a column he wrote. Todd was a gem of a person and was taken from us far too early. This is my tribute to him and it begins with a big hands/feet fill I call “The Stampede”, to show my anger for his life being way too short. Todd appreciated “heady” music and loved jazz, latin & funk. I did my best to combine a lot of this in his honor.
The A section is an advanced linear version of the “Purdie Shuffle” and each phrase ends in a drum fill. The first half of the melody reminds me of Eric Dolphy (another one taken too early), while the second half strangely reminds me of Fleetwood Mac. Todd would love the dichotomy!
The B section is a latin-jazz groove in the Elvin Jones vein, circa his 1960’s work with the brilliant Wayne Shorter. This leads into a straight latin section, based around an Afro-Cuban 6/8.I’m proud of the big solo section, which begins with a Tony Williams (who also died too soon…) influenced swing and leads into a long marimba solo, enhanced by vibraphone and supported wholly by the drums.
Dig it:
Really beautiful job, Eric. Todd would be so moved, man.
Proud to be a part of a community like this!
Awesome! Great tribute.
We support labors of love. And as a side helping of Todd, Skyhorse is going to publish "Lasting Yankee Stadium Memories" in paperback next spring.
very nicely done!
Great stuff!
Thanks so much everybody, I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to my music!
Alex - I'm honored and grateful for you posting this!
Most importantly, we're all thinking of Todd.
Todd Drew: Salute!
Funny, I've been thinking about Todd lately. The diagnosis post which I can still tear up thinking about. I can't believe it's been 3 years. Thanks thelarmis for honoring his memory. Lovely stuff.
btw, i consider this to be the true tribute to Todd.
on my forthcoming CD, the liner notes will read:
"Shadow Games" - Title by Todd Drew
the only straight "dedication" on the disc is going to my grandpa, who left the planet around the same time.