"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Taster’s Cherce

Watch and be happy.

Deli Man Trailer from Erik Anjou on Vimeo.

Categories:  Arts and Culture  NY Food  Restaurants  Taster's Cherce

Tags:  deli  The Deli Man

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1 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 29, 2012 10:10 am

I think Cohen's right about the fate of delis; much of anything that bills itself as a deli is actually a bodega or convenience store. The 7-11 model of business has more than taken over in that area, and the remaining delis like Katz, Stage and Carnegie are considered by most to be more like restaurants or cafes than the modern definition of a deli.

Actually, I've never tried to go to any of the Jewish delis and order a pound of this or that; I probably could, but I imagine they'd look at me really weird (although I could probably get a pint or quart of whatever salad). The other thing is they are expensive for sandwiches, so a working stiff like me could not be a regular (unless production was giving me a fat per diem), but man is it worth it when you get it.

2 YankeeAbby   ~  Nov 29, 2012 1:32 pm

...yeeeeeah, I need to make a trip to the lower east side, and pronto!
I need a Katz's fix.

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--Earl Weaver