"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


When I waited tables in my early twenties I used to fly into a rage near the service bar of the restaurant anytime I got under-tipped. But there was a veteran waiter who would look at me and say, “How many times have you made triple tax?” And that was the end of it. I shaddap.

Let’s keep this mind mind when the Yanks start losing, when things stop going their way. Because right now, they are catching all the breaks. Top of the 8th inning, runners on first and second with one out, and a ball is smoked up the middle. But instead of going into center field and the game being tied, Jayson Nix caught it and stepped on second for the double play. Or say the third strike call that Mariano got against Michael Morse in the 9th. The ball was a foot inside–it wasn’t even close to being a strike–but Mo got the call and his 16th save of the season.

C.C. pitched a decent game, he kept them in it once again, and Robinson Cano got the big game-tying hit in the 7th. Lyle Overbay drove in the go-ahead run a few batters later with an sac fly and the Yanks won again.

Yes, this has been a fun week. Something to remember when things inevitably go south.

Final Score: Yanks 4, M’s 3.

[Image Via: Adara]

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Recap  Yankees

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1 Mattpat11   ~  May 14, 2013 9:54 pm

I just saw the pitch. A foot inside may be generous. The umpiring this year is worse than ever.

2 Chris   ~  May 14, 2013 10:45 pm

+ Grandy
- Pronk

So maybe not everything is going our way.

On the other hand, that injury basically solves the one too many outfielders problem...

3 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  May 14, 2013 11:11 pm

[1] I just caught up on the Houston-Angels mess..WTF??! How is it even possible that one manager and FOUR umpires did not know that basic rule?

4 Chyll Will   ~  May 14, 2013 11:34 pm
5 Chyll Will   ~  May 14, 2013 11:44 pm

[3] ...but could you imagine if this happened after that call? Wowzers...

6 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  May 15, 2013 12:06 am

[5] Hah! Classic. Amazingly, they used to kick and push around the umps over here..I'm a peaceful jazz fan but wouldn't mind seeing Country Joe West fall on his fat tuchus.

7 Boatzilla   ~  May 15, 2013 2:20 am

[7] In the old, old days they used to beat-up the umps in America, too.
But I was shocked when I saw them doing it in Japan back in the early '90s when I arrived.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver