"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

New Hope for the Dead


A treat: Lawrence Block on Charles Willeford:

Charles Willeford took writing very seriously, and applied himself to it wholeheartedly for some 40 years. He started out as a poet; his first book, Proletarian Laughter, was a collection of poems. He began publishing paperback fiction while serving his second hitch in the military, and kept at it, and worked hard at it.

With the Hoke Moseley novels, he got a taste of the commercial success that had for so long eluded him. When I learned of his death, I was struck by the irony of it; he was just beginning to get somewhere, and the Fates took him out of the game.

One comment

1 cult of basebaal   ~  Jul 2, 2013 4:40 pm

Frederick J. Frenger Jr.: Thinking he is alone... breaking, entering... the dark and lonely place-places ... finding a ... *big* gun...

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