"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Dag, Son


So C.C. did in fact pick up where he left off. Staked to a tidy 3-0 lead, he promptly screwed the pooch and gave it away.

“I suck,” he said after the game. “I wish I had an excuse or something. … It’s embarrassing. I’ll just try to get through it. Figure something out and try to stop hurting this team and (start) helping.”

Soon, it was 7-3 and that figured to be that. But the Yanks crawled back in it and tied the score, 7-7. Then, the game stretched on, the Yanks left a ton of runners on base, and when it went into extra innings any thoughts of a good night’s sleep went with it. The Yanks got some impressive bullpen pitching, David Robertson got out of a bases loaded jam, and were jobbed by a bad call in the 11th. The longer it went, the more you knew it wasn’t going to end well.

And it didn’t when Mike Napoli hit his second homer of the game, this one a solo shot, to end it in the 11th.

Final Score: Red Sox 8, Yankees 7.

Kind of felt like this:


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1 The Mick536   ~  Jul 22, 2013 7:20 am

Twofer. Ghost and Mrs. Chicken. Knotts is the ultimate man on the street, one who would definitely have a comment or two on CC and Alex, err A-Rod, assuming he followed baseball. But screw the pooch has some merit, too. Alex, did your father teach you the term or did you learn it on the street?

As for the 3B situation, every Yankee article had some digs at him. Query? Do you think Alex turned the TV off after Napoli's first homer? Three answers: (1) Yes; (2) No; (3) He wasn't watching.

He doesn't play and he still garners the headlines. I will wait for his book on poker for dummies.

2 rbj   ~  Jul 22, 2013 8:43 am

I went to bed sometime in the eighth. Did a lot of yardwork yesterday. looks like I didn't miss anything.

3 Alex Belth   ~  Jul 22, 2013 8:55 am

Moving on...

4 monkeypants   ~  Jul 22, 2013 9:51 am
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--Earl Weaver