"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

On the Good Foot


Andy Pettitte pitched well but last night it was too much Garza and not enough gluten as the Rangers beat the Yanks, 3-1.

Chad Jennings has the notes. 

Moving on.

[Photo Credit: Jim Cowsert/AP; Brad Loper/Dallas Morning News]

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1 Simone   ~  Jul 25, 2013 8:36 am

Ugh, I miss winning.

2 Sliced Bread   ~  Jul 25, 2013 9:58 am

I watched the last few innings with the TV sound off, and music on.
Jeter, watching from the dugout, looked chipper in the early innings, and disgusted toward the end of the game.
Mo, who figured he wouldn't get into the game, also appeared tired of watching the flailing offense.
The oldtimers, Jeets, Andy, and Mo, all looked old and unhappy at the end of the game.
There's a sadness that comes with watching these losses.

3 RIYank   ~  Jul 25, 2013 10:44 am

It's weird, because this is a .500 team, and if they were really good they'd be a .600 team. So the difference is one extra win every ten games! And yet, I feel exactly like Simone.

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--Earl Weaver