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Bottom’s Up


Tough loss for the Tigers. They had the Sox where they wanted them. They were poised to take a 2-0 lead. But they failed.

A split on the road is good. Verlander in Game 3 is good. Losing last night: rough.

[Photo Credit: Charlie Riedel/AP]

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Tags:  2013 alcs  2013 playoffs

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1 BobbyB   ~  Oct 14, 2013 9:36 am

That was worse than tough, Alex. That was brutal.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 14, 2013 9:38 am

No, brutal is Kim blowing back-to-back World Series games at Yankee Stadium. And still the Diamondbacks came back. Brutal is Mo blowing Game 7. This is tough. Game 2 of the ALCS.

But this is brutal:


3 Boatzilla   ~  Oct 14, 2013 11:45 am

[2] The world is full of imbeciles and, from London to Istanbul to Caracas to Boston, many of them seem to end up spewing their toxic waste at sporting events.

4 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Oct 14, 2013 12:20 pm

[2] You are right. The Tigers leave Boston with a split, and in my estimation the advantage. Tough loss, but not the end like 2001. And the reality is, why should I care, oh it's ABB.

At a game in OYS, a huge man decked out in Gucci sunglasses, long satin shorts, sean john graphic tee, signature white Nikes speaking English with a Spanish accent was shouting out insults (that to him were jokes) about Chien Ming Wang who was pitching. Making fun of his name with ching chang shouts, his eyes, you name it. That was brutal to hear and see, especially in the company of my son who was probably about 10 at the time. He was so big and ugly sounding, that nobody wanted to confront him (although I and others quietly spoke to ushers stationed behind this guy). Eventually a team of ushers with a cop escorted him out to cheers. We were happy, but I felt like a coward not saying something to him.

5 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 14, 2013 12:22 pm

4) You were with your son. This was a big dude, potentially dangerous, certainly hostile. You weren't less of a man because you didn't confront him mano a mano. You helped get rid of him. That is the best possible lesson you could have given your son. Least that's how I see it.

6 kenboyer made me cry   ~  Oct 14, 2013 12:49 pm

[5] Yeah, he certainly could have killed me with one blow, and the huge show of force demonstrated his potential hostility, but a quiet request to stop would have at least felt better. There will not always be ushers, or cops, or whomever to keep the peace when uncivil behavior is displayed. The downward spiral will never be halted unless good people speak out.

7 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 14, 2013 2:18 pm

6) I understand. I have questioned myself in similar situations. But I think you are being prideful and I absolutely think you are being too hard on yourself. You weren't cowardly. Again, collectively, you guys rid yourself of the lout. I don't think it would have been effective had you gone at it alone not would it necessarily have made you more of a man. Or, put another way, I don't think you are any less of a man because of how you handled it, though I definitely understand the temptation to doubt yourself here...

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