"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Monthly Archives: October 2014

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Picture This


“Park Ave. 1989” by Matt Weber.  Man, this is moody.

Taster’s Cherce


Today’s apple-a-day is: Calville blanc d’hiver.

It’s tart with some sweetness. Not cloyingly sweet though. Almost too tart for my taste, at least as an eating apple (as opposed to a baking one).

And it’s beyond crisp. It’s dense and hard and crunchy.

What Becomes a Legend Most?


Ben Bradlee died yesterday. He was 93.

[Photo Credit: Mike Lien/The New York Times]

The Whirled Serious


Pulling for the Royals though I think the Giants will win it all.

Hope I’m wrong. And hope it goes 7.

Let’s Go Base-ball!

[Photo Credit: Charlie Riedel/AP via It’s a Long Season]

Afternoon Art


“The Mosquito Net” By John Singer Sargent (1911)

Beat of the Day



Picture by Bags.

Taster’s Cherce


The heirloom apple a day is: Reine des Reinettes.

This one has a lovely name, especially when a French-speaking person like my Ma says it.

Million Dollar Movie


Hold that Tiger.

Dig this: Brad Darrach’s 1988 People magazine profile of Preston Thomas Tucker:

Seeing isn’t necessarily believing. Case in point: Tucker, Francis Ford Coppola’s new movie about the man who created a glamorous and controversial wonder car of the postwar ’40s but never quite got it into production. According to Coppola’s film, the Tucker was the Great American Automobile of its era, a dazzling experiment that advanced the automotive art by at least a decade. As for Preston Thomas Tucker, the man who made this miracle happen, Coppola presents him—and Jeff Bridges plays him—as a martyred saint of transportation, an endearing idealist betrayed by a sinister conspiracy hatched by Detroit’s Big Three: General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.

All of which adds up to a nice piece of innocent entertainment—and a considerable rearrangement of the truth. The Tucker car, in fact, was in some respects a streamlined lemon. And Tucker himself was a living jigsaw puzzle: industrial visionary, half-educated opportunist, promotional genius, amusing con artist, tender husband, big-spending boozer, loving father—and in the opinion of his adversaries, an out-and-out crook. Put the pieces together and you get the John De Lorean of a heartier time, an American primitive who grappled boldly for power and was swiftly destroyed in a spectacular financial scandal.

Everything about Tucker was spectacular. He stood 6’2″ and weighed 200 lbs., most of it muscle. Boldly handsome, he had large, dominating eyes and razor-thin lips. His black wavy hair was slicked back in the lounge-lizard style affected by George Raft, and a subtle effluence of Lucky Tiger hair tonic trailed him wherever he went. Invariably duded up in custom-tailored suits, jaunty black homburgs, expensive chesterfields and two-tone shoes, he could have passed for a modish mobster—except for his screechy bow ties and the white cotton socks he wore for his athlete’s foot.

It’s Only Rock n Roll


But I like it.

[Photo Via: Max’s Kansas City]

New York Minute


The Bronx is Up…

Morning Art


“Interior with Violin” By Henri Matisse (1918)

Taster’s Cherce


My mom visited over the weekend and brought with her a fun treat from up north. A selection of apples. Five different varieties.


And so: An Apple a Day. First up, the Esopus Spitzenburg.

It’s a little tart but not too tart. Not mushy or crisp, somewhere in between.

I’m not expert but it’s a good apple.

Where Have You Gone?


Now you see him…

Sundazed Soul


Oh, Hoagy. You still sounds fresh.

[Picture via opdrie photography.]

Things That Go Boom in the Night



[Photo Credit: David J. Phillip/Associated Press]

ABC: Always Be Closing


Giants look to close out the Cards and head to the Whirled Serious.

But maybe the Cards’ll prove to be a tough out and take this series back to St. Louis.

Either way, we’ll be watching.

Let’s Go Base-ball!

[Photo Credit: Francois Cavelier via MPD]

Picture This


Wish I was there…

Photograph by James Hawkesworth.

Beat of the Day


You gots to chill.

Picture by Bags. 

Afternoon Art



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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver