"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

I Be Blowin’


Rest in Peace, Bobby. 

[Photo Via: Rolling Stone]

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1 Sliced Bread   ~  Dec 2, 2014 2:59 pm

Keith Richards outlives another Stones musician. Unbelievable.
Bobby Keys' sax is all over "Exile." A college roommate (saxman) pointed this out to me long ago, and gave me an appreciation for his work.
I was surprised though when I learned today that Keys did not play my favorite sax solo in a Stones tune, the one in "Miss You."
That was recorded during Bobby's exile from the band due to his excessive behavior in the early 70s, if you can believe it.
A guy who partied too hard for the Stones, and lived to tell about it.

2 RagingTartabull   ~  Dec 2, 2014 4:27 pm

don't forget Bitch! My all time favorite


3 rbj   ~  Dec 2, 2014 4:52 pm

Kicked out of the Stones for too much partying? Dang, when Keith Richards tells you you have a problem . . .

4 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  Dec 2, 2014 5:39 pm

[1][3] That's almost impossible to believe.
[2] Classic!

5 Boatzilla   ~  Dec 3, 2014 12:43 am

[3][4] Well, it also happened to the founder, Brian Jones. As hard as it is to believe, they do have limits.

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