Wow. Sterling has a great attitude about possessions and his place in the universe.
I think about the concept more and more as I get older. I have to go to CA next month to help my sisters clean out my dad's storage unit (he passed in Dec.). What should we do with all the dozens of family photo albums my mom painstakingly arranged? I suppose we should keep those and the family movies. But all the other stuff, trophies, awards, certificates, fine China, clothes, etc., they mean nothing. Should I try to bring the vinyl discs back to Japan?
Then again, if I were ever to write a family history, I might need some of that stuff…..[groan]
I could have sworn that I passed Sterling in the hallway at Club Fit Briarcliff Manor earlier this morning...
Wow. Sterling has a great attitude about possessions and his place in the universe.
I think about the concept more and more as I get older. I have to go to CA next month to help my sisters clean out my dad's storage unit (he passed in Dec.). What should we do with all the dozens of family photo albums my mom painstakingly arranged? I suppose we should keep those and the family movies. But all the other stuff, trophies, awards, certificates, fine China, clothes, etc., they mean nothing. Should I try to bring the vinyl discs back to Japan?
Then again, if I were ever to write a family history, I might need some of that stuff…..[groan]