"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

The Dirty-Lip Scrubby-Mustache Gang Rides Again

Mark Teixeira, Brett Gardner

Ellsbury and Gardner–who looks like state trooper or a gay stripper, or maybe a gay stripper dressed like a state trooper–Teixeira, Drew, Betances, all of these guys, and probably some I’m missing, are growing mustaches. They are all in the early stages so it looks as if they’ve got dirt under their noses. (If Alex Rodriguez joins them, the Internet will explode, as the saying goes.)

But hey, you can’t mess with a streak and the Yanks won again, this time, 4-1, behind a nice start from Adam Warren and a beautiful job by the relievers. Betances, for those of you who were concerned about his slow start, seems to have regained his 2014 form.

[Photo Credit: AP]

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1 Bronx Boy in NC   ~  Apr 28, 2015 10:14 am

Hat tip to yesterday's (I just saw it) NYT profile on oldest living Yankee Rinaldo Ardizoia. It rose a notch or two above the puff piece if could have been.


2 RagingTartabull   ~  Apr 28, 2015 11:31 am

This season has already been an emotional roller coaster and we ain't even to May yet

3 Greg G   ~  Apr 28, 2015 11:44 am

I am really happy for Tex on this young season. Who knows, maybe his diet is the answer. More importantly is that he is mashing the ball. I hope he can bring up his average, but considering that he is usually a slow starter, he might be comeback player of the year. Drew is also someone that is not hitting for average, but I will take those dingers over the big zero that he was last year.

McCann getting hot and settling in would be another boon to this team.

So far the pitching has me the most unerved, but Nova is not far off, and if Pineda keeps it up, and Tanaka is good to very good, we might have a chance to pull off something special this year.

On the crappy side and somewhat expectedly is that CC and Beltran are pretty much shot. I thought the Beltran signing was curious as the Yanks were already loaded with fading old all stars, so why add another? Chris Young (Or at least younger than Beltran) should eat up more at bats and I hope Girardi keeps playing the guy who is going to best help us win right now. Maybe Beltran gets it going and gets his timing down, but right now he looks really overmatched out there. He certainly won't be taking many at bats from ARod, and perhaps the feeling with that signing was that they had written ARod's obituary prematurely? Maybe Carlos needs a mustache?

4 Alex Belth   ~  Apr 28, 2015 12:10 pm

He swung the bat a little better last night. I'm thinking he's going to eventually lock in.

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