"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

What Becomes a Legend Most?


R.I.P. Ornette Coleman.

“I was out at [anthropologist] Margaret Mead’s school and was teaching some little kids how to play instantly. I asked the question, ‘How many kids would like to play music and have fun?’ And all the little kids raised up their hands. And I asked, ‘Well, how do you do that?’ And one little girl said, ‘You just apply your feelings to sound.’ And I said, ‘Come and show me.’ When she went to the piano to do it, she tried to show me, but she had forgotten about what she said. So I tried to show her why all of a sudden all her attention span had to go to another level, and after that she went ahead and did it. But she was right: If you apply your feelings to sound, regardless of what instrument you have, you’ll probably make good music.”–Ornette Coleman.

For more, dig thisthis, this and then Go here for a listen. 

[Photo Credit: Roberto Polillo via Jazz in Photo]

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1 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  Jun 11, 2015 7:48 pm

I'm not a music critic so will just say, he was a giant of all American music. A master of the Blues, free from any restraints or limits. Never once did he deviate from his art for any commercial reasons; he was an inspiration to so many musicians, artists and fans.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Jun 11, 2015 7:54 pm

1) Well said, my man. Thank you.

3 thelarmis   ~  Jun 11, 2015 11:16 pm

[1] here here!!

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