"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Blister In The Sun


Carlos Beltran lost a ball in the sun with two men out in the 3rd inning. The ball dropped in for a double. Couple of hanging sliders later the score was 3-0. That was all the scoring the Blue Jays did but it was enough as they beat the Yanks, 3-1. Another well-pitched game on both sides. Again, with precious little hitting for the Yanks, who nevertheless return home in first place.

[Photo Credit: A. Aubrey Bodine]

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Thread  Yankees

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1 Boatzilla   ~  Aug 16, 2015 11:04 pm

"My girlfriend, she's at the end, she is starting to cry"

I suppose that's how Severino's girlfriend feels.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Aug 17, 2015 7:59 am

He'll be OK! Just keep throwing like he's been throwing and he'll be more than fine.

3 Evil Empire   ~  Aug 17, 2015 8:57 am

I think I suggested a couple of weeks ago that the Yanks DFA Chris Capuano, resign him, and DFA him again for good measure. Lo and Behold!

4 Pete   ~  Aug 17, 2015 9:13 am

Would love to see this kid in the playoffs - hope we can hold on!

5 Dimelo   ~  Aug 17, 2015 2:45 pm

CC and other Yankees (potentially) involved in a brawl in Toronto.

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--Earl Weaver