"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Know The Ledge


Weekend of Humble Pie for the Yanks.


Picture via Lover of Beauty. 

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Recap  Yankees

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1 Alex Belth   ~  Aug 24, 2015 8:50 am

I missed the Posada and Andy ceremonies. Were they any good? I did catch Andy in the broadcast booth. He was appealing. Funny, he mentioned that the Sox and the O's offered him generous deals when he walked away from the Yankees the first time--or they didn't extend an offer. He said he just couldn't play for a division rival but laughed when he said he went to the Astros who had the lowest offer.

2 coleman42   ~  Aug 24, 2015 9:30 am

Both men offered praise by name for many people in their lives (including the Cucuzza's). Andy's speech was more eloquent and very heartfelt, Jorge was emotional. I enjoyed Andy's more.

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--Earl Weaver