"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

I Don’t Feel Tardy


The Yanks get no style point credits for Wednesday afternoon’s win against the Sox. The Bombers had a big lead but the mop-up crew got shelled forcing Betances and Miller into the game. Miller got hit in the back of the leg with a line drive and we all gasped but he is okay and the  Yanks finally came away with an untidy  13-8 win.

Hey, some games are more painful than others. They ain’t all going to be efficient or smooth.

Never mind the teeth-gnashing, we’ll take it.

Picture by Bags

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Recap  Yankees

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One comment

1 Greg G   ~  Sep 3, 2015 3:00 pm

I felt bad for Noel about to get his first MLB at bat and gets called back with a 7 run lead.

Yanks were mashing and if Girardi is going to let the kids play, he should let them play.

Bailey came in with a runner on, and I agree with Cone that Girardi should have started him off with a clean slate.

Still, a win is a win and a day off today. I hope they can remember how they swung the bats yesterday. Stephen Drew en fuego. Who has ever said that before?

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--Earl Weaver