"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

The Goddamn Plane Has Crashed Into the Mountain


Oh, hey, did you hear that yesterday’s game in Toronto was “epic”? Maybe you heard it was “insane” or “stunning” or–“historic.” Literally. Literally epically historic.

Or, if you are Elvis Andrus–such a nice kid–horrible.

The Jays beat the Rangers thanks to a miserable half-inning of fielding by the visitors and a long, loud home run by Jose Bautista. Bad guys wear blue and I don’t recall a team in the last decade that I’ve enjoyed disliking this much (Red Sox don’t count).

The Royals beat the Astros and now the two best teams in the AL–who almost scrapped earlier this year–will face each other in the ALCS.

Picture by Kilian Eng. 

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1 MSM35   ~  Oct 15, 2015 11:37 am

Two best AL clubs going at it. The Blue team will win. The older I get my passion for the Yanks remains, but my interest in watching other teams play fades. I'll keep it on the computer while watching the NFL or The Knick, no the wonderful tv show not the NBA team.

2 thelarmis   ~  Oct 15, 2015 12:29 pm

elvis left the field last night. that was some brutal defensive play on his part.

fuck the blow jays and their field and their fans.

joey bat flip is a fucking douchelord. it wasn't even a "flip." kinda like utley's slide was a *tackle*, this was a *threw*. not a flip, not a toss. he violently threw it after a ludicrous staredown and huff. i expect that bullshit behavior from Fat Liar. this joker is now close to that category of asinine (should be ass-inine!)

Go Royals!

tonight's game should be great, but i'll be teaching the entire time...

3 Ara Just Fair   ~  Oct 15, 2015 1:08 pm

I watched the beginning of the jays game and the end. I napped through the middle and missed all the excitement. I watched the lowlights last night. Oi!
Nice hands, Elvis. Motherfuck him, John Wayne, and the bandwagon jays fans.

4 Alex Belth   ~  Oct 15, 2015 2:30 pm

I like Elvis so I feel badly for him, man. And I love to root against Bautista but considering the moment I can't hold it against him that he showboated. Just as you can't hold it against the Rangers for being pissed.

5 Greg G   ~  Oct 15, 2015 3:00 pm

When you are showboating I think a lot or a little is too much.

When Big Papi does his bat flip and slow jog, or Carlos Gomez it is bad sportsmanship. MLB is not the same as the old days, when someone could seriously get killed by beanball to the head (before helmets).

I think sports should be more civilized. I understand that there is adrenaline. In hockey, it seems wrong to me when 2 guys start pummeling each other in the face and we accept it as part of the game.

When fights happen in other workplaces, the cops get called.

It is classless and hopefully Bautista acts like a big leaguer in the ALCS and the youthful exuberance of the Jays is understandable but celebrate at home plate after your trot and even better in the dugout and clubhouse.

4) I feel bad for Andrus too. It is hard not to feel bad for the goat.

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--Earl Weaver