"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Movin’ Right Along


S’long JR Muphy, hello Aaron Hicks.

And say, children: what does it all mean?

Murphy was a nice Yankee. Wish the dude good luck.

Picture by Bags

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One comment

1 Chyll Will   ~  Nov 12, 2015 7:15 pm

Kinda think they'd want to get Prado back and not have resigned Headley, but getting Eovaldi proved to be a forward-thinking move, same as Didi (thank goodness that worked out). Cashman may be onto something with this strategy; hopefully when they unburden themselves of the long-term contracts they can refocus on building a team with home assets and not just signing the best available for hostage-amount of years. I like this trade. Gotta think they at least try to sell high on Beltran (not likely) and get what they can for Brett and maaaayybe Headley mid-season if they can uncover another diamond in the rough. Beltran's in his walk year and unless he thinks he's Raul Ibanez just might hang it up soon. Only a fool would ask about Ellsbury, so I surmise that if anything happens, Brett turns into an on-the-cusp starter or long reliever/starter type like Warren, but with even more upside.

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--Earl Weaver